A new species, two new combinations and notes on Fomitopsidaceae (Agaricomycetes, Polyporales) Author Soares, Adriene Mayra Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Micologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Av. da Engenharia, s / n, 50740 - 600, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil Author Nogueira-Melo, Georgea Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Micologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Av. da Engenharia, s / n, 50740 - 600, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil Author Jr, Helio Longoni Plautz Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Laboratório de Microbiologia, Av. Augusto Corrêa, 66075 - 110, Belém, Pará, Brazil Author Gibertoni, Tatiana Baptista Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Micologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Av. da Engenharia, s / n, 50740 - 600, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil text Phytotaxa 2017 2017-12-08 331 1 75 83 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.331.1.5 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.331.1.5 1179-3163 13723012 Rhodofomitopsis roseomagna Nogueira-Melo, A. M. Soares & Gibertoni sp . nov ( Fig. 2a–d ) Mycobank: MB 817409. Type:— BRAZIL . Pernambuco : Jaqueira, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Frei Caneca, Mata Caranha, on dead hardwood, September 2012 , G . Nogueira-Melo NM 379 ( URM 86162!, Isotype O ). Etymology:— roseomagna (Latin) = The name refers to the color of basidiomata when fresh and its large size. Description:— Basidiomata biannual, pileate, broadly attached, imbricate. Pileus 3.5–15.5 cm wide, 3–6 cm long, 6–8 mm thick at base, upper surface azonate, pinkish to brownish (30 clay pink to 76 vinaceous) when fresh and slightly darker when dried (22 purplish date to 25 brown vinaceous), forming a thin, brownish to pale (31 vinaceous buff) cuticle with age, glabrous. Context concolorous with the upper surface, sometimes with a whitish zone in the middle, sometimes with a darker zone under the upper surface, 0.5 mm thick. Margin thin, entire. Pore surface pinkish brown (76 vinaceous to 77 livid vinaceous), pores round (5–6/mm), dissepiment thick and entire. Basidiospores cylindrical to sub-cylindrical, 4–5 × 2–2.5 μm, smooth, thin-walled, IKI-, few seen. Basidia clavate with four sterigmata, 8–10(–12) × 4–5 μm. Hyphal system trimitic, generative hyphae clamped, thin-walled, 3 μm in diam.; skeletal hyphae dominant, thick-walled, hyaline, 3–5 μm in diam.; binding hyphae thick-walled, hyaline, 2–2.5 μm in diam. Cystidia absent. Material examined:— BRAZIL . Pernambuco : Jaqueira , Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Frei Caneca , on dead hardwood, 8° 42′ S and 35° 50′ W , June 2012 , G . Nogueira-Melo NM 161 ( URM 86158 !) ; June 2012 , G . Nogueira-Melo NM 168 ( URM 86159 !) ; July 2012 , G . Nogueira-Melo NM 176 ( URM 86160 !) ; G . Nogueira-Melo NM 231 ( URM 86161 !) ; March 2013 , G . Nogueira-Melo NM 476 ( URM 86164 !) ; G . Nogueira-Melo NM 477 ( URM 86165 !) ; April 2013 , G . Nogueira-Melo NM 602 ( URM 86166 !) ; May 2013 , G . Nogueira-Melo NM 653 ( URM 86167 !) ; September 2013 , G . Nogueira-Melo NM 753 ( URM 86168 !) . Distribution:—Known only from the type locality. Additional material examined:— Trametes feei : BRAZIL . 1826 (?) ( PC 0705341! type). Polyporus cupreoroseus : BRAZIL . Spruce 184 ( K ( M )204064! K ( M )204065! syntype ); COUNTRY UNKNOWN. San Carlos, August 1853 (?) ( K ( M )204066!; K ( M )204066!, syntype ].