Phytoseiid mites of the subtribes Typhlodromalina and Euseiina (Acari: Phytoseiidae: Euseiini) from sub­Saharan Africa Author De Moraes, G. J. Author Zannou, I. D. Author Oliveira, A. R. Author Yaninek, J. S. Author Hanna, R. text Zootaxa 2006 1114 1 52 journal article 50806 10.5281/zenodo.171564 467e7665-5271-4158-ad87-6711075640b2 1175­5326 171564 Amblydromalus manihoti (Moraes) ( Fig. 2 ) Amblyseius manihoti Moraes , in Moraes et al. (1994) : 211 Typhlodromalus manihoti , Moraes et al., 2004 : 200 Amblydromalus manihoti , Chant & McMurtry, 2005a : 207 FEMALE — (Specimens measured — Benin : 2; Ghana : 5). Dorsum — Dorsal shield mostly smooth, with few striae along anterolateral margins, 341(325–358) long and 218(203–230) wide. Setae j1 30(25–39), j3 37(25–41), j4 10(9– 11), j5 10(10–11), j6 12(11–12), J2 16(14–17), J5 9(8–10), z2 12(11–15), z4 13(11–15), z5 10(10–11), Z1 16(14–17), Z4 15(13–17), Z5 52(50–55), s4 39 (35–43), S2 19 (16–22), S4 16 (14–18), S5 15 (13–18), r3 16(14–19), R1 14(12–16). All setae smooth. Peritreme — Extending forward to level of j1. Venter — Distances between St1–St3 65(62–68), St2–St2 69(66–73), St5–St5 75(72– 81). Ventrianal shield 107(95–114) long, 62(60–65) wide at level of Zv2 and 71(66–75) wide at level of anus, with a pair of relatively large pores posterior to and slightly mesad of Jv2. One pair of metapodal shields; caudoventral setae smooth and sharp­tipped. Chelicera — Movable digit 34 long, with 3 to 4 teeth; fixed digit 29(29–30) long, with 10 teeth and a discernibe pilus dentilis . Spermatheca — Calyx tubular 20(19–21) long, frequently with distal 2/3 sclerotized; atrium distinct. Legs — Macrosetae setaceous; Sge II 16 (13–19), Sge III (24–32), Sti III 32 (26–38), Sge IV 35 (27–40), Sti IV 51 (42–58), St IV 53 (48–61). Chaetotaxy of genu III: 1­2/1,2/0­1. MALE — (Specimen measured — Benin : 3; Ghana : 2) Dorsum — Dorsal shield pattern as in female, 258(250–268) long and 169(160–175) wide. Setae j1 24(20–29), j3 37(32–38), j4 8, j5 9(8–10), j6 9, J2 11(10–11), J5 7(5–8), z2 11(10–11), z4 12(10–13), z5 8(7–8), Z1 11(10–12), Z4 10(9–12), Z5 49(45–52), s4 37 (33– 40), S2 13 (12–14), S4 11 (10–12), S5 10 (9–11); r3 14(13–14), R1 11(10–11). All setae smooth. FIGURE 2. Amblydromalus manihoti (Moraes) : A. Female dorsal shield; B. Female ventral surface; C. Spermatheca; D. Female leg IV; E. Spermatodactyl; F. Male ventrianal shield. Peritreme — Extending to level between j3 and z2. Venter — Ventrianal shield subtriangular, with anterior striated; 107(103–115) long, 147(145–150) wide at the anterior corners; with 3 pairs of preanal setae, 4 pairs of lyrifissures (1 anterior to Jv1 and 3 anterolateral) and a pair of large pores posterior to Jv2. Spermatodactyl — Shaft 21(20–23) long. Legs — Macrosetae setaceous; Sge I 32 (30–33), Sge II 30 (29–31), Sge III 31 (30–31), Sti III 29 (26–30), Sge IV 50 (48–53), Sti IV 39 (37–41) and St IV 73 (71–77). Chaetotaxy of genu III same as in female. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Benin : Se, Mono Province, on Manihot esculenta , 16­XI­ 1999 , S. Dossou; Se, Mono Province, on M. esculenta , 16­XI­1999 , B. Eklou; Se, Mono Province, on M. esculenta , 16­XI­1999 , D. Hounhagni; Se, Mono Province, on M. esculenta , 21­XII­1999 , D. Hounhagni. Ghana : 8 km N Offinso, on M. esculenta , 25­V­ 1996 , E. Narh; 11 km S Mampong, on M. esculenta , 26­V­1996 , J. Gyamenah; 17.4 km N Mankessim release field, on M. esculenta , 05­XI­1996 , E. Narh; 27.3 km NE Mankessim (Swedru­Winneba road), on M. esculenta , 21­XI­1997 , I.D. Zannou; 27.5 km NE Mankessim (Dawurampong), on M. esculenta , 21­XI­1997 , I.D. Zannou; Ajumako, on M. esculenta , 12­I­2002 , I.D. Zannou. REMARKS — This species was imported from Brazil (South America ) and introduced into Africa in 1989 ( Yaninek et al. 1998 ) in classical biological control program of M. tanajoa in that continent. WORLD DISTRIBUTION (based on Moraes et al., 2004 and Yaninek & Hanna, 2003 ) ­ Benin , Bolivia , Brazil , Colombia , Cuba , Ecuador , Ghana , Guatemala , Nicaragua , Nigeria , Paraguay , Peru , Surinam , Trinidad , Venezuela .