Review of West-Palaearctic Hebridae with description of a new species and redescription of Hebrus fulvinervis (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) Author Kment, Petr Author Jindra, Zdeněk Author Berchi, Gavril Marius text Zootaxa 2016 4147 3 201 239 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4147.3.1 9640ef3e-e587-4bd9-8e59-9f19075f4ac4 1175-5326 261264 B54FCD54-7514-408D-9B6F-62BF3DE4DA66 Hebrus jeanneli djaneti Poisson, 1953 ( Figs. 23–24 , 66 ) Hebrus jeanneli (f.) djaneti Poisson, 1953 : 69 . Syntypes : 1 ♂ 5 ♀ , Algeria : Djanet ( USNM ). Material examined. ALGERIA : Hoggar Mts. , near Tamanrasset , 7.–8. v.1975, 2 ♀, R. Linnavuori lgt. & det. ( NMPC ) . MOROCCO : Haut Atlas Mts., Qued Reraïa , 33 km south of Marakech , 31. vii.1959, 1 ♀, Eckerlein lgt., L. Hoberlandt 1965 det. as H. dupuisi , P. Kment revid. ( NMPC ); Tamegroute env., 540 m a.s.l. , 14 . iv.2012, 1 Ƌ, P. Krásenský lgt. (ZJPC). Distribution ( Fig. 66 ). North Africa: Algeria (south-east): Tassili Mts. ( Poisson 1953 ), Hoggar Mts. (this paper); Morocco (new record). New species for Morocco . Comments. In the original description, the taxon was treated twice as a form ( Hebrus jeanneli f. djaneti —pp. 69, 70) and three times as a trinomen which is fitting subspecific status ( Hebrus jeanneli djaneti —pp. 71, 81). According to the Article 45.6.4 ( ICZN 1999 ), the name djaneti must be regarded as available in subspecific rank. This subspecies has not been recorded since its description. According to the original description, the species is very similar to H. montanus , but the hind tibia of the male, as depicted by Poisson (1953: Fig. 3 D) and also in the only examined male, bears no long hairs. The three examined females ( Figs. 23–24 ) fits the original description well. The male from Morocco : Asni ( Fig. 25 ), identified as H. montanus by Kment & Kanyukova (2010) , has similar colouration but it bears a row of erect setae in the middle of the upper surface of the hind tibia. No depository of the types was mentioned in the original description ( Poisson 1953 ) nor in the Palaearctic catalogue by Andersen (1995) . The collection at the USNM in Washington includes four card-mounted and two slide-mounted specimens: ‘I found two slides of H. jeanneli djaneti , one with the genitalia only and labelled “ Hebrus jeanneli djaneti nov., [?]Tassili, F. Bernard.”, the second one has the genitalia, hemelytra, and legs and is labelled “ Hebrus jeanneli djaneti nov., [?],Tassili, F. Bernard.” There are four carded H. jeanneli djaneti , two on separate cards (a male and female) and pins and two on separate cards (apparently both females) but one pin, all are from Djanet. The separate male and female have a label saying “scutellum different”.’ (T. J. Henry, pers. comm).