Revision of the genus Odocnemis Allard, 1876 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini) from Turkey, the Caucasus and Iran with observations on feeding habits Author Nabozhenko, Maxim Author Keskin, Bekir text Zootaxa 2016 4202 1 1 97 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4202.1.1 726c8af4-e8a8-46cb-ab0b-0ef22e432dae 1175-5326 192220 E89680AA-E413-4110-965E-F4084D45D4C3 Odocnemis aegaeica species-group Description. Body not large (length up to 13 mm ), shining. Temples with groove in anterior part. Hypomera with distinct wrinkles and without punctation. Elytra with small, weakly visible tubercles. Epipleura not reaching the sutural angles of elytra, but narrow epipleural carinae reaching elytral apex; 8th elytral intervals not convex and connected with inner intervals on apex. Wings . Small, reduced. Abdominal ventrites . Male abdominal ventrites 1 and 2 without hair brush. Anal ventrite without round or oval depression in both sexes. Legs . Male pro- and mesotibiae or only protibia with granules or small sparse teeth. Metatibia without teeth or granules. Femora smooth and shining on inner side, without punctation and pubescence. Each trochanter with one long seta. Male genitalia . Apical piece not strongly thickened in basal half, weakly bent or straight (lateral view). Basal piece short, 1.34– 1.67 × as long as apical piece. Median lobe baculi short, not connected and widely placed, acute on apex. Gastral spicula with strongly bent narrow branches. Male inner sternite VIII weakly sclerotized, with obtuse apices, dense fine punctation and dense pubescence. Female genital tubes . Spermatheca with very thickened basal duct, without short processes. Accessory gland about 2 × as long as spermatheca from basal duct to apex. Distribution. South-western Turkey . Composition. O. aegaeica sp. n. , O. euritopica sp. n. , O. seducta sp. n. Odocnemis aegaeica sp. n. Figs. 28 , 47A ,B, 49 Type material. Holotype , ( ZDEU ) and paratypes ( 2♂♂ , 3♀♀ (dry material) in ZDEU ): Turkey , Manisa Province , Dağmarmara , Turgutlu , 21.ii.2013 , leg. B. Keskin. Other paratypes : the same locality, x.2004 ii.2005 , on Juglans , leg. S. Anlaş, 2♂♂, 4♀♀ (ZIN); the same locality, 10.iii.2010 , leg. B. Keskin , 7♂♂ , 3♀♀ (dry material) and 2♂♂ , 1♀ (in ethanol) ( ZDEU ) ; Turkey , Aydın Province , Nazilli District , Çobanlar , 37°59′881″ N 28°13′ 908″E, 949 m , on Quercus cerris , 5.v.2009 , leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko , B. Keskin , 1♂ ( ZIN ), 1♀ ( ZDEU ) ; Turkey , İzmir Province , Bozdağ , 38°18′10.4″N 28°02′18.7″E , 25.04.2015 , leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko , B. Keskin , I. Chigray , 4♂♂ , 3♀♀ ( ZIN , CN), 5♂♂ , 3♀♀ (dry material) and 3♂♂ , 1♀ (in ethanol)( ZDEU ) . Description, male. Body length 8.3–10 mm , body width 3–3.5 mm . Body brown, shining, not slender, weakly convex. Head widest at level of eyes. Eyes large, convex. Ratio of head width at eyes to distance between eyes: 1.75. Genae regularly strongly rounded. Lateral margin of head between gena and clypeus not sinuate, rarely with very small weak emargination. Punctation of head moderately coarse, dense (diameter of punctures 1.5–2 × as wide as distance between punctures), denser on frons than on clypeus. Antennae long (reaching 1/3 of elytral length), with 4 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum. Pronotum weakly cordiform, weakly transverse (1.2 × as wide as long), widest before middle, 1.4 × as wide as head. Lateral margins weakly or moderately rounded, sinuate (rarely not sinuate) in base. Anterior margin widely emarginated; base weakly rounded, sometimes trisinuate, with deeper emargination at middle. Anterior angles obtuse, widely rounded on apex, weakly projected; posterior angles right, distinct on apex. All margins narrowly beaded. Disc weakly convex. Punctation of disc moderately coarse, not dense: diameter of punctures less or subequal to distance between punctures; punctation on sides more dense. Population from Aydɪn Province has coarser and denser punctation. Hypomera not flattened on lateral margins, with longitudinal wrinkles. Elytra elongated, oval (1.8 × as long as wide), widest at middle, 1.3–1.34 × as wide and 3 × as long as pronotum, 1.85 × as wide as head. Strial punctures merged in entire furrows. Elytral intervals convex, with fine and distinct punctation, without tubercles. Epipleural carinae completely visible dorsally; epipleuron not reaching sutural angles (sharply ended before apex). Lateral margins of elytra sinuate before apex. Ventral side of body (meso- and metaventrite) bare; all abdominal ventrites covered with very short fine recumbent setae. Abdominal ventrites with fine, moderately dense punctation. Ventrite 1 without hair brush; ventrite 5 with weak longitudinal depression at middle and 2 oblique impressions on lateral sides, completely beaded. Legs moderately slender. Inner side of femora bare, shining, without punctation. Protibiae with 2, rarely 4 very small and weakly visible granules; meso- and metatibiae without granules or tubercles. Each trochanter with one long seta. FIGURE 28. O. aegaeica sp. n. A) Aedeagus, ventral view. B) Aedeagus, lateral view. C) Inner sternite VIII. D) Gastral spicula. E–G) Pronotum. H) Protibia. I) Mesotibia. A–F), H), I) Male. G) Female. Scale bars—1 mm. Description, female. Body length 9.5–11 mm , body width 3.2–4 mm . Body more robust. Pronotum more transverse. Antennae shorter. Elytral intervals flat, rarely weakly convex. Abdominal ventrite 5 with deep round depression and two oblique impressions on lateral sides. Abdominal ventrites without setaetion. Etymology. The name of the species is derived from the Aegean Region . Bionomics. This species inhabits many biotopes and feeds on lichens on different trees: Quercus cerris , Juglans , Pinus nigra , fruit trees at night and by day in litter near trees. The species was collected in Bozdağ from 20:00 on trunks with foliose epiphytic lichens. Diagnosis. This species is similar to O. euritopica sp. n. ; differences are in the key. From O. seducta sp. n. both O. aegaeica sp. n. and O. euritopica sp. n. differ in the following characters: body brown ( O. seducta sp. n. has black body), less dense punctation of head and pronotum (diameter of punctures less or subequal to distance between punctures; O. seducta sp. n. has coarse and dense punctation with diameter of punctures equal (in middle) or more than distance between punctures); anal ventrite with weak round depression in middle and two elongated depressions on sides (anal ventrite of O. seducta sp. n. without depressions). Comments. Odocnemis crenatostriata ( Allard, 1877 ) recorded by Tezcan et al . (2012 : 585, 586) from Bozdağ is a misidentification of O. aegaeica sp. n. We studied a syntype of O. crenatostriata (MNHP) with the labels: “Cephalonia”, “ crenatostriatus ”, “Ex Musaeo E. Allard, 1899”, “ Syntype ”. This species is included in the O. tuberculiger species-group. Odocnemis euritopica sp. n. Figs. 29 , 30 , 40 K,L, 47C,D, 49 Type material. Holotype , ( ZDEU ): Turkey , Denizli Province , Kefe Yaylası , 37°37′582″ N 29°22′ 988″E, 1360 m , 7.v.2009 , leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko , B. Keskin. Paratypes : the same locality, 18♂♂ , 11♀♀ ( ZIN ), 1♂ , 1♀ ( BMNH ), 7♂♂ , 6♀♀ (dry material) and 19♂♂ , 22♀♀ (in ethanol) ( ZDEU ) ; Turkey , Denizli Province , Babadağ District , Akdağ Ridge , 37°47′740″ N 28°48′ 493″E, 1425–1500 m , 6.v.2009 , leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko , B. Keskin , 2♀♀ ( ZIN ), 1♂ , 3♀♀ (dry material) and 1♂ , 2♀♀ (in ethanol) ( ZDEU ) ; Turkey , Denizli Province , Çameli District , Kınıkyeri , 37°10′718″ N 29°25′ 591″E, 1695 m , 8.v.2009 , leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko , B. Keskin , 3♀♀ ( ZIN ), 1♂ (dry material) and 1♂ , 2♀♀ (in ethanol) ( ZDEU ) ; Turkey , Burdur Province , Doğanbaba Baraji , 37°35′30.6″N / 29°37′15.3″E , 1247 m , 15.04.2015 , leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko , B. Keskin , I. Chigray , 3♂♂ , 3♀♀ (CN), 2♂♂ (in ethanol), 3♂♂ , 4♀♀ (dry material) ( ZDEU ) . Description, male. Body length 9–11 mm , body width 3–4 mm . Body moderately slender, weakly convex, shining, brown, legs and antennae light brown. Head widest at level of eyes. Eyes large, convex. Ratio of head width at eyes to distance between eyes: 1.8. Genae regularly strongly rounded. Lateral margin of head between gena and clypeus not sinuate, rarely with very small weak emargination. Punctation of head moderately coarse, dense (diameter of punctures 1.5–2 × as wide as distance between punctures), punctures round, sometimes connected. Antennae long (reaching 1/3 of elytral length), with 4 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum. Pronotum weakly transverse (1.24–1.3 × as wide as long), widest before middle, 1.25 × as wide as head. Lateral margins weakly or moderately rounded, sinuate in base. Anterior margin widely emarginated; base weakly rounded, sometimes trisinuate, sinuate at middle. Anterior angles obtuse, widely rounded on apex, rarely right; posterior angles right or weakly obtuse with distinct apex. All margins narrowly beaded. Disc weakly convex, often flattened near posterior angles. Punctation of disc moderately coarse, not dense: diameter of punctures subequal to distance between punctures. Hypomera not flattened on lateral margins, with longitudinal wrinkles. Elytra elongated, oval (1.7 × as long as wide), widest at middle, 1.43–1.45 × as wide and 3.2–3.8 × as long as pronotum, 1.8 × as wide as head. Strial punctures merged in entire furrows. Elytral intervals convex, with fine and distinct punctation; intervals 7 and 9 with weak tubercles apically. Epipleural carinae completely visible dorsally; epipleuron not reaching sutural angles (sharply ended before apex). Lateral margins of elytra sinuate before apex. Ventral side of body (meso- and metaventrite) bare. Abdominal ventrites with fine, moderately dense punctation. Ventrite 1 without hair brush; ventrite 5 with weak longitudinal depression at middle and 2 oblique impressions on lateral sides, completely beaded. Legs moderately slender. Inner side of femora bare, shining, without punctation. Protibiae straight, with 3–4 distinct teeth; mesotibiae weakly curved, with 2–5 small teeth; metatibiae straight, without teeth. Protrochanters with 1–2 long setae, meso- and metatrochanters with 1 long seta. FIGURE 29. O. euritopica sp. n. , male. A) Right elytron. B) Elytral interval with Coeloconic sensillum and trichoid sensilla. C) Coeloconic sensillum. D) Apical part of elytron. E) Protibia. F) Mesotibia. G) Abdomen. FIGURE 30. O. euritopica sp. n. A) Aedeagus, ventral view. B) Aedeagus, lateral view. C) Inner sternite VIII. D) Gastral spicula. E) Genital tubes (v—vagina, g—gland, s—spermatheca, bd—basal duct of spermatheca). F) Abdominal ventrite 5. G– J) Pronotum. K) Protibia. L) Mesotibia. A–D), G), H), K), L) Male. E), F), I), J) Female. Scale bars— 1mm. Description, female. Body length 9–13 mm , body width 3.5–4.5 mm . Body more robust. Pronotum more transverse. Antennae shorter. Elytral intervals flat, rarely weakly convex. Abdominal ventrite 5 with deep round depression and two oblique impressions on lateral sides. Abdominal ventrites without setaetion. Etymology. The name comes from two Greece words: euri (“wide” or “broad”) and topos (“place”). The species name refers to diversity of habitats (see bionomics). Bionomics. This species was found on Quercus cerris in Akdağ Ridge , on Juniperus excelsa and cherry-plum in Kefe Yaylası and Kınıkyeri. Some specimens were collected on fruit trees in Kınıkyeri. The species is active at night (20:00–23:00). Diagnosis. See O. aegaeica sp. n. Odocnemis seducta sp. n. Figs. 31 , 47 E,F, 49 Type material. Holotype , ( ZIN ): Turkey , Mugla Province , Babadağ Mts. , Fethiye District , above Ovacik , 1300 m , on Cedrus libani , 13–15.iv.2008 , leg. M.V. Nabozhenko , B. Keskin . Paratypes: 4♂♂, 2♀♀ with the same labels (ZIN), 1♂ (BMNH); Turkey , Mugla Province , Babadağ Mts. , SE Fethiye, above Ovacik , 1450 m , 36°31′59″N 29°11′26″E , 30.iii.2002 , leg. P. Wunderle , 1♂ ( SNMS ) ; the same locality, 12.iv.2013 , leg. B. Keskin , A. Pektaş , 10♂♂ , 6♀♀ (dry material), 8♂♂ , 5♀♀ (in ethanol) ( ZDEU ) . Description, male. Body length: large specimens 10.8–11 mm , small specimens 7.5–8.7 mm ; body width: large specimens 3.8–4 mm , small specimens 3 mm . Body slender, shining, black, legs and antennae black, tarsi brown. Head widest at level of eyes. Eyes large, convex. Ratio of head width at eyes to distance between eyes: 1.65. Genae regularly strongly rounded. Lateral margin of head between gena and clypeus with very weak emargination. Punctation of head coarse and dense; punctures round, often merged. Antennae long (reaching 1/3 of elytral length), with 4 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum. Pronotum cordiform, weakly transverse (1.15–1.2 × as wide as long), widest before middle, 1.4 × as wide as head. Lateral margins strongly rounded in aterior 1/3, straight from widest part of pronotum to basal part and visibly sinuate near posterior angles. Anterior margin straight or weakly widely emarginated; base weakly rounded, weakly sinuate at middle. Anterior angles obtuse, widely rounded on apex; posterior angles weakly obtuse, distinct on apex. All margins narrowly beaded. Disc weakly convex. Punctation of disc coarse and dense (diameter of punctures on sides and in middle subequal to or more than distance between punctures), punctures round, not merged. Hypomera not flattened on lateral margins, with longitudinal wrinkles in base and irregular wrinkles on other surface. Elytra elongated (1.65 × as long as wide), widest at middle, 1.4 × as wide and 2.7 × as long as pronotum, 2 × as wide as head. Strial punctures merged in entire deep furrows. Elytral intervals convex, with sparse, moderately coarse punctation, without tubercles. Epipleural carinae completely visible dorsally; epipleuron not reaching elytral sutural angles (sharply ended before apex). Lateral margins of elytra sinuate before apex. Ventral side of body (meso- and metaventrite) bare; with fine setaetion. Abdominal ventrites with fine, moderately coarse punctation. Ventrite 1 without hair brush; ventrite 5 without depression, completely (sometimes not distinctly) beaded apically, with very short recumbent setae. Legs long and slender. Protibiae straight, with 4, rarely 6 distinct teeth; mesotibiae weakly curved, without teeth or granules; metatibiae straight, without teeth or granules. Description, female. Body length 10.5–13 mm , width 4.3–5 mm . Body less slender. Pronotum more transverse (1.3–1.34 × as wide as long). Antennae shorter (reaching 1/4 of elytral length), with 3 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum. Elytral intervals flat or weakly convex. Etymology. The name “ seducta ” is translated from Latin as “distant” and refers to the isolated small range among the O. aegaeica species-group. Bionomics. Odocnemis seducta sp. n. inhabits Cedrus libani , only one specimen was found under Juniperus excelsa near Cedrus . Beetles are active from 20:00 to 22:00. Diagnosis. See O. aegaeica sp. n.