Systematics, revisionary taxonomy, and biodiversity of Afrotropical Lithocolletinae (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) Author Prins, Jurate De Author Kawahara, Akito Y. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-12-20 3594 1 1 283 journal article 20704 10.11646/zootaxa.3594.1.1 79af20a5-77f9-4240-ac45-e27fab775ca1 1175­5334 6052126 B00799F3-F397-438C-B1E1-A8440E636921 14. Phyllonorycter adderis De Prins , new species ( Figs 39 , 173–175 , 368 , 435 , 444 ) Diagnosis. Phyllonorycter adderis superficially resembles P. acutulus and P. hibiscola . However, the three species can be diagnosed by at least six external morphological characters ( Table 2 ). Male genitalia of P. adderis possess deeply bifurcate valva with morphologically asymmetrical cucullus and sacculus, unique among Afrotropical Phyllonorycter . TABLE 2. Diagnostic differences between P. adderis , P. acutulus , and P. hibiscola .
Species FW length (mm) Vertex Apical spot on FW FW ground color FW fasciae Spot on termen of FW
P. adderis 2.8–2.9 bright ochreus present, small and round bright intensive ochreus narrow, aligned, distinctly margined present
P. acutulus 3.5 pale beige ochreous large, elongate, extending beyond midline of FW pale beige ochreus broad without distinct margins absent
P. hibiscola 2.1–2.4 black absent bright intensive ochreus medium broad, distinctly margined absent
Holotype : , [1] ‘ Rwanda / Nyungwe N[ational] P[ark] 1800 m / 11 km N Uwinka / 02°25’S 29°09’E / mine 03.viii.2008 / leg. J. & W. De Prins’ ; [2] ‘e. l. Urena lobata L. / [ Malvaceae ] / 17.viii.2008 ’; [3] ‘Gen. Prep. 3750♂ / De Prins’; [4] ‘MRAC/KMMA / 00462’; specimen ID: [5] ‘ RMCA ENT 000005052 ’; [6] ‘DNA voucher / DP08032 ’, in UM-SI ; [7] ‘Holotype ♂ / Phyllonorycter / adderis / De Prins, 2012 ’, in RMCA . Paratypes : 3♂ (including 1♂ genitalia preparation). Rwanda: 3♂, Nyungwe N[ational] P[ark], 1800 m, 11 km N Uwinka, 02°25’S 29°09’E, mine 03.viii.2008, leg. J. & W. De Prins, e. l. Urena lobata L. [ Malvaceae ] 18.viii.2008, 19.viii.2008, 21.viii.2008, specimen IDs: RMCA ENT 000005051, 000005053–000005054, gen. prep. De Prins 3749♂ (MRAC/KMMA 00461), in RMCA , DNA vouchers DP08033 and DP08034, in UM-SI . Description. Adult ( Fig. 39 ). Forewing length: 2.85–2.96 mm (n = 4). Head: Vertex tufted, consisting of two sublateral bunches of piliform scales of different length, shorter ochreous with slight intermixtion of shiny golden piliform scales situated centrad, longer darker ochreous with brownish fuscous apical tips piliform scales situated at outer margins of vertex, occiput covered with short stiff piliform scales, projecting posteriorly; frons smooth, bearing broad, spade like appressed scales, white, with metallic shine. Labial palpus slightly longer than eye, white with slight metallic gloss, drooping, terminal palpomere with pointed apex, directed downwards. Maxillary palpus small, dirty white with rounded apex; proboscis quite short but longer than labial palpus, bent, pale beige. Antenna almost as long as forewing, consisting of 36–37 flagellomeres, each flagellomere (except scape and pedicel) fuscous dorsally, and grey ventrally; pedicel slightly thicker but shorter than following flagellomere, fuscous ochreous; scape dark ochreous dorsally and golden ochreous ventrally with thick 7–8 pale beige pecten of different length, longest slightly longer than scape. Thorax: Anteriormost 2 rows of scales ochreous, 2–3 subanterior rows greyish white, mid-sector and posterior sector ochreous; tegula light ochreous anteriorly with smooth transition to dirty white in posterior part. Forewing ground colour ochreous with white markings: two transverse fasciae, one costal and one dorsal strigulae and 2 strigulae at termen; basal streak very short, narrow, running parallel costa, not edged, first fascia at 1/4 of forewing, moderately broad, of equal width at costal and dorsal margins, with one slight curve directed towards apex subcostally, edged with two rows of black scales apically, second fascia at 1/2 almost a straight line crossing forewing with slight constricted central part, edged with 1–2 rows of black scales basally, first costal strigula at 3/4 of forewing, more or less rectangular shaped, bright white, almost reaching middle of forewing, edged with irregular row of black scales from both sides, first dorsal strigula at 3/4 of forewing, situated opposite first costal strigula, triangular-shaped with broad base, bright white, ending just before midline of forewing, distinctively edged with a row of black scales basally, and bordering area of black tip scales apically; Y-shaped area of black tipped scales irrorate termen, of first costal strigula from apical margin and extends to apical patch situated costa and broadly edged by 3–4 rows of black scales; apical patch brightly white, elongate, followed by an area of dark fuscous scales on apex of forewing; a second small terminal round brightly white patch present dorsad midline of forewing; termen area covered with ochreous-golden black tipped scales, tornus black transiting to black based fringe, fringe line long, running from apex, all around termen margin to tornus, fringe short pale beige at apex, short with ochreous shading along termen and long fuscous at tornus and along dorsum. Hindwing dark grey with long fringe of same shading as hindwing, increasing in length towards base of hindwing. Fore femur and fore tibia fuscous mottled with whitish, tarsomere I fuscous with greyish midden part and apex, tarsomere II pale grey at basal half and light fuscous at apical half, tarsomeres III–IV light fuscous, terminal tarsomere pale grey; mid-femur fuscous slightly mottled with white, mid-tibia fuscous with two elongate white patches of similar size, one at base and other at middle of tibia, apical spurs appressed, short, fuscous, with mottled white, apices shiny white, tarsomere I fuscous with two white patches basally and medially, and with smooth transition between colours, tarsomere II white, with dark grey apex, tarsomeres III–IV grey, terminal tarsomere dirty white; hind femur fuscous dorsally and whitish with silver shine ventrally, hind tibia fuscous with light ochreous shading at lateral sides with loosely appressed hairs; medial spurs of medium length, slightly less than 1/2 of tibial length, pale grey, apical spurs slightly longer than median spurs, grey mottled with white, tarsus dirty white with three dark fuscous irregular patches, tarsomere I fuscous with white median part, tarsomere II dark grey with whitish base, tarsomeres III–IV dark grey, tarsomere IV with white apex, terminal tarsomere white. Abdomen : Dark fuscous dorsally, first two terga with metallic shine, genital terga with slight ochreous shading, ventrally sterna whitish with strong metallic shine; descaled sternum VIII well developed, spade shaped, ca. 220 µm in length, with broadly rounded caudal part. Male genitalia ( Figs 173–175 ). Tegumen long 340 µm (holotype), subconical, with truncate apex, sclerotized, apical part densely covered with numerous tiny, short, stiff cilia on dorsal and lateral surfaces, tegumenal arms narrow, long, bent as bow, confluent, forming a broad ark at middle of tegumen, tuba analis well perceptible, naked, not covered with cilia. Valvae symmetrical, long, bifurcate, with slender weakly sclerotized cucullus part and thick, heavily sclerotized sacculus part, sacculus 475 µm long, cucullus 365 µm long, non bifurcate median part 187 µm long, cucullus covered with tubercules bearing short bristly setae, apex of cucullus gently tapering, obtuse; sacculus area originating from a deep median longitudinal fold, extending from base of valva to beyond middle of valva to bifurcation; sacculus gently bent, apex of sacculus trapezoidal, tip of apex gently rounded at outer angle, and nearly perpendicular inner angle, basal ventral surface and apical ventral surface of sacculus covered with well spaced tiny tubercules bearing short bristly setae. Vinculum thick, crescent shaped, both caudolateral parts of vinculum form thick sclerotized folds articulating into a short saccus, saccus 75 µm long, truncate caudally. Transtilla complete, well developed, bent, arc-shaped, without lateral distal lobes. Aedoeagus ca. 380 µm long, about as long as cucullus of valva, S-shaped, with broad coecum, and with slightly enlarged caudal part of vesica, apex truncate, 2 small linear cornuti present on subcaudal part of vesica. Anellus well developed, hour-glass shaped, lightly sclerotized, covering slightly more than 1/3 of aedoeagus; juxta developed, shaped as two narrow sclerotized triangular plates facing each other. Female genitalia . Unknown. DNA sequences. Three COI barcodes are available for P. adderis (Molecular sample code: Cadd1 [ JX888175 ], Cadd2 [ JX888176 ], Cadd3 [JX88177]; Table S1 ). Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin word ‘addere’, meaning ‘to append’. It refers to the long appendical cucullus on the valva. Habitat. Montaine wet, closed canopy forest at an altitude of approximately 1800 m. Host plant(s). Malvaceae : Urena lobata L. ( Fig. 435 ). Mine. Semi-transparent, tentiform underside mine, between veins of the leaf, usually on basal part of the leaf. Several mines can be present on one leaf. Flight period. Adults have been recorded in August. Distribution ( Fig. 368 ). Known only from the type locality in southwestern Rwanda.