Synopsis of Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil Author Silva, Otávio Luis Marques Da Author for correspondence. Email: otaviolmarques @ gmail. com Author Cordeiro, Inês Author Caruzo, Maria Beatriz Rossi text Phytotaxa 2014 2014-10-08 181 4 193 215 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.181.4.1 1179-3163 5146135 7. Euphorbia foliolosa Boissier (1862: 24) ( Fig. 2F–I ). Lectotype (designated here):— BRASIL . Minas Gerais : ad Trinidade, J.B.E . Pohl 1670 ( holotype B†, photo F!, lectotype W0031076!, isolectotype W0031077!). Distribution and habitat:— Euphorbia foliolosa is endemic to Brazil ( São Paulo and Minas Gerais ). In the State of São Paulo the species occurs in cerrado vegetation. Representative Specimen:— BRAZIL . São Paulo : Pedregulho , 30 October 2013 , O.L.M. Silva et al. 97 (SP) . Taxonomic notes:— Euphorbia foliolosa is very similar to E. hyssopifolia and E. bahiensis but may be easily identified among them by its longer (> 1.5 mm in E. foliolosa vs. up to 1.5 mm in E. hyssopifolia and E. bahiensis ) and entire ( vs. bifid in E. hyssopifolia and E. bahiensis ) styles, and venation pattern (cladodromous in E. foliolosa vs. actinodromous in E. hyssopifolia and E. bahiensis ). One notable characteristic of E. foliolosa , besides its very long styles, is the blackish apex of the teeth of the leaf margin.