Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) from Córdoba and San Luis provinces, Argentina Author Márquez, Javier A. Author Principe, Romina E. Author Berejnoi, Diego E. Author Rodríguez, José S. Author Bedano, José C. Author Molineri, Carlos text Check List 2019 2019-04-19 15 2 327 337 http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/15.2.327 journal article 10.15560/15.2.327 1809-127X Hetaerina rosea Selys, 1853 Figure 2 Material examined. 1 male Site 6, J.A. Márquez col. 18-I-2018 ( UNRC-ZIIO 0177) and 1 male Site 6, J.A. Márquez col. 21-I-2018 ( UNRC-ZIIO 0179). Figures 2, 3. New records of Odonata species for Argentine provinces. 2. New record from San Luis: Hetaerina rosea , habitus. Male from site 6. 3. New record from Córdoba: Lestes spatula , habitus scan. Male from site 2. Scale bars = 1 cm. Table 1 . Check list for the 55 species of dragonflies recorded from Córdoba and San Luis provinces. Numbers correspond to the bibliographical references that document the presence of the species in the province. The Argentinean checklist was used as the start point (1. von Ellenrieder and Muzón 2008 ) and posterior records for the provinces are also shown: 2. von Ellenrieder 2010 , 3. Lozano and Anjos Santos 2012 , 4. Muzón et al. 2014, 5. Zapata and Pereyra 2016 and 6. Lozano et al. 2017 . NR indicates a new record for the province and the dash (–) means that the species was not recorded for the province.
Taxon Córdoba San Luis
Hetaerina rosea Selys,1853 1 NR
Lestes spatula Fraser,1946 NR
Acanthagrion hildegarda Gloger, 1967 1–3
Acanthagrion floridense Fraser, 1946 1 6
Acanthagrion lancea Selys, 1876 5 NR
Andinagrion peterseni (Ris,1908) NR
Argentagrion ambiguum (Ris,1904) NR
Argia joergenseni Ris,1913 1–2–6 1
Cyanallagma bonariense (Ris,1913) 1
Ischnura fluviatilis Selys, 1876 1–5 NR
Ischnura ultima Ris,1908 1–4
Oxyagrion ablutum Calvert, 1909 1
Oxyagrion bruchi Navás,1924 1
Oxyagrion chapadense Costa,1978 1
Oxyagrion hempeli Calvert, 1909 1
Oxyagrion rubidum (Rambur,1842) 1 NR
Telebasis willinki Fraser,1948 5
Castoraeschna decurvata Dunkle & Cook, 1984 1 NR
Coryphaeschna perrensi (McLachlan, 1887) 1
Rhionaeschna absoluta (Calvert,1952) 1
Rhionaeschna bonariensis (Rambur,1842) 1
Rhionaeschna confusa (Rambur,1842) 1
Rhionaeschna pallipes (Fraser,1947) 1 NR
Rhionaeschna planaltica (Calvert,1952) 1
Phyllocycla argentina (Hagen in Selys,1878) 5 NR
Progomphus aberrans Belle,1973 1
Taxon Córdoba San Luis
Progomphus joergenseni Ris,1908 1–6
Dasythemis mincki clara Ris,1908 1 1
Diastatops intensa Montgomery, 1940 1
Diastatops obscura (Fabricius,1775) 1
Dythemis nigra (Martin, 1897) 1
Erythemis attala (Selys, 1857) NR
Erythemis mithroides (Therese in Brauer, 1900) 1
Erythemis plebeja (Burmeister,1839) NR
Erythemis vesiculosa (Fabricius, 1775) 1–2
Erythrodiplax atroterminata Ris,1911 1–5 1
Erythrodiplax corallina (Brauer, 1865) 1 NR
Erythrodiplax media Borror,1942 NR
Erythrodiplax nigricans (Rambur,1842) 5
Erythrodiplax paraguayensis (Förster, 1905) 1
Erythrodiplax umbrata (Linnaeus,1758) 5
Macrothemis imitans Karsch, 1890 1–5
Miathyria marcella (Selys in Sagra, 1857) 5
Micrathyria hypodidyma Calvert,1906 1
Micrathyria longifasciata Calvert,1909 NR
Micrathyria ungulata Förster, 1907 1 1
Orthemis discolor (Burmeister,1839) 1
Orthemis nodiplaga Karsch,1891 5 1
Pantala flavescens (Fabricius,1798) 5 1
Pantala hymenaea (Say,1839) 5
Perithemis mooma Kirby,1889 1 NR
Planiplax erythropyga (Karsch, 1891) NR
Sympetrum gilvum (Selys,1884) 1 1
Tauriphila risi Martin, 1896 1–2
Tramea cophysa Hagen, 1867 NR
Total new records 9 10
Total number of species 52 20
Identification. This species is characterized by the pos- terior end of median lobe of the cercus meeting the supe- rior ridge at a right angle, and by the length of median lobe which is approximately equal to the distal 0.33 of cercus. The distal process of the paraproct bears a slight, medially directed blunt tooth which occupyies the distal 0.10 of the appendage ( Garrison 1990 : fig. 30). This last character allows for the separation of H. rosea from H. mendezi , which is similar and also found in Argentina ; H. mendezi has the posterior 0.20 of the distal process of the paraproct forming a strong 90 degree recurved tooth ( Garrison 1990 ).