Prodromus of a fern flora of Bolivia. XLII. Update I. Author Kessler, Michael Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich, Zollikerstrasse 107, CH- 8008 Zurich, Switzerland. Author Smith, Alan R. University Herbarium, 1001 Valley Life Sciences Bldg. # 2465, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 - 2465. Author Øllgaard, Benjamin Department of Biology - Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity, Ny Munkegade 116, building 1137, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. Author Matos, Fernando B. Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental (CRIA), Rua João Carlos do Amaral 500, 13070 - 111, Campinas, SP, Brasil. Author Moran, Robbin C. New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx, New York, 10458 - 5126, USA. text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-12-20 630 3 183 210 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.630.3.2 1179-3163 10409920 Argyrochosma flavens (Sw.) A.R.Sm. & M.Kessler , comb. nov. = Acrostichum flavens Sw., Syn. Fil. (Swartz) : 16, 204. 1806. = Notholaena flavens (Sw.) T. Moore, Index Fil. (T. Moore) 2: LXX. 1857 [ April 1857 ] [as “ Nothoclaena ”]. = Notholaena flavens (Sw.) Raimondi, Elem. Bot. (Raimondi) 2: 59. 1857 [as “ Nothoclaena flava ”], probable isonym, as discussed by Molinari-Novoa (2021) . Protologue: p.16 “Cavan. - America Meridionali”, p. 204 “habitat in America Meridionali. Nee”. Type:—“ Nova Granata, Herb. Swartz, Cavanilles misit” [Cavanilles, the Director of the Botanical Garden in Madrid, sent it] ( holotype S , herb. number S06-1742 !),]. = Notholaena nivea Desv. var. flava Hook., Sp. Fil. [ W . J . Hooker] 5: 112. 1864. = Argyrochosma nivea (Poir.) Desv. var. flava (Hook.) Ponce, Hickenia 2(38): 177. 1996 . = Argyrochosma flava (Hook.) M.Kessler & A.R.Sm., Phytotaxa 332(2): 206. 2017 . Syntypes : PERU : Poeppig & Mathews 755 , Mclean s.n. , and Lechler 1830 ; ECUADOR : Spruce 5632 , Seemann s.n . ( K , only Seemann s.n . seen: K000633284 ) . According to the Nomenclature Code ( Turland et al. 2018 , Art. 11.4), the epithet flavens Sw. , at species rank, has priority over flava , at varietal rank. Full synonymy, including the later names Acrostichum tereticaulon Desv. and Notholaena chrysophylla Klotzsch , was given by Tryon & Weatherby (1956) . Molinari-Novoa (2021) discussed this species and surmised that the type , a collection by Née, was likely from Panama or Colombia . This species is accorded a range from Colombia , Ecuador , Peru , Bolivia , northwestern Argentina , and southern Brazil ( Tryon & Weatherby 1956 , Mickel & Smith 2004 ), but nearly all recent collections are from Peru southward. Tryon did cite Colombia in the range ( Mutis 2102 , 2104, US ) and Ecuador ( Sodiro s.n ., P; Seemann s.n ., K). The determinations of the Mutis specimens, judging from images, are dubious, in part because the specimens are poor; however, they do appear to be Argyrochosma , possibly A. nivea s.s , known from Ecuador , or perhaps some other species of Argyrochosma , although we know of no other argyrochosmas from Colombia or Panama ( Moran 1995 ). Née is known to have collected in Panama-Colombia but we doubt this locality, because this fairly distinctive species has never been collected there since. Based on more recent collections, a more tenable hypothesis is that the specimen came from southern Ecuador or Peru , where Née is also known to have collected. Née was good friends with Cavanilles and sent most of his specimens to Cavanilles in Madrid, who in turn sent a frond from the Née collection to Swartz. We surmise that the specimen in S somehow was mislabeled as to locality, a common occurrence with early collectors, including Née.