5 Hfrugv Ri Iuxjlyrurxv Iuxlw Àlhv (' Lswhud: 7 Hskulwlgdh: ' Dflql) Iurp Wkh & Rprur Dufklshodjr Author ' H,. Author H \ Hu Author . Author Xlolfl Author . Author Udqfn Author . Author . Author Kdgkrxoldwl Author . Author . Author Vvlpdlod Author . Author . Author Rxvvrxid Author . - Author . Author Egrxo-. Dulph Author . Author Duehw Author Attié, M. Author . Author wKLWH,. text African Invertebrates 2012 2012-06-30 53 1 69 78 journal article 2305-2562 Dacus vertebratus Bezzi, 1908 7KH ³-RLQWHG SXPSNLQ À\´LV D ZLGHVSUHDG FXFXUELWIHHGHU , RFFXUULQJ LQ PRVW $IUR‒ tropical countries, the Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar . It was recorded from Ma- \ RWWH E\ % RUGDW DQG $UYDQLWDNLV (ƻθθ4). $ OO FRQ ¿ UPHG UHDULQJ UHFRUGV DUH IURP &X‒ FXUELWDFHDH. 0 DOHV DUH DWWUDFWHG WR YHUW OXUH (: KLWH ƻθθϭ) ( WKH UHFRUG RI RQH IHPDOH LQ a cue-lure trap (see material examined) is probably coincidental). Material examined: COMOROS : Grande Comore : ÎƂ,WVDQGUD, ƽ.L[.ƻθθ4, LQ D FXHOXUH WUDS . Anjouan : ÎƂ ']LDODRXWVRXQJD, ƻƽ. YLLL .ƻθθ4, UHDUHG IURP D FXFXUELW IUXLW ; ƃ % DPEDR ,15$3(VWDWLRQ, Î.L[.ƻθθ4, LQ D McPhail trap with Torula. Subtribe Ceratitidina Genus Ceratitis Macleay, 1829 Ceratitis capitata (:LHGHPDQQ, Î8ƻ4) 7KH ³0HGLWHUUDQHDQ IUXLW À\´RU ³0HGÀ\´LV WKH PRVW ZLGHVSUHDG IUXLW À\ SHVW ZRUOG‒ wide. Of African origin, probably eastern or southern Africa (De Meyer et al . 2002), it has spread to the Mediterranean Basin, Latin America and Australia . It is extremely polyphagous, reported in Africa from no less than 100 different host plants in 30 families (De Meyer et al . ƻθθƻ).,Q.HQ\D DORQH, LW KDV EHHQ UHFRUGHG IURP ƽƽ KRVWV in 27 families ( Copeland et al . 2002 ). It appears to be widespread in the western Indian Ocean region, where it was probably introduced and is reported from all the main island groups ( De Meyer 2000 ; De Meyer et al . ƻθθ8;:KLWH et al . 2000). Males are attracted to trimedlure. Material examined: COMOROS : Anjouan : %DPEDR,15$3(VWDWLRQ, ƻ7.YLLL.ƻθθ4, Îƃ ƽƂ LQ 0F3KDLO WUDS ZLWK 7RUXOD; ƻƃ LQ D WULPHGOXUH WUDS; Î.L[.ƻθθ4, ÎƂ LQ D 0F3KDLO WUDS ZLWK 7RUXOD; ƻÎƃ LQ D WULPHGOXUH WUDS; ÎÎƃ 0XWVDPXGX (+{WHO $O‒DPDO), Î.L[.ƻθθ4, LQ D WULPHGOXUH WUDS.