A review of the scopelocheirid amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Lysianassoidea), with the description of new taxa from Australian waters Author Kilgallen, Niamh M. Australian Museum Research Institute, 6 College Street, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia niamh.kilgallen@austmus.gov.au Author Lowry, James K. Australian Museum Research Institute, 6 College Street, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia text Zoosystematics and Evolution 2015 2015-03-05 91 1 1 43 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zse.91.8440 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zse.91.8440 1860-0743-1-1 CAFFC884904F40C2AACF12BE3A2F3ECC FF8CFFC4FFA2166F883BFF8BFFE31C49 575740 Aroui setosus Chevreux, 1911 Figures 4 , 5 Aroui setosus Chevreux, 1911: 170, fig. 3, pl. 7, figs 14-27. - J.L. Barnard 1958 : 90 (list). - Belloc 1960 : 6. - Thurston and Allen 1969 : 356. - Stroobants 1976 : 239, figs 1-4, 5B, D, F, H. - Vader 1978 : 127. - Diviacco and Ruffo 1989 : 476, figs 321, 322. - Lowry and Stoddart 1989 : 112, fig. 1. - Barnard and Karaman 1991 : 467. - Springthorpe and Lowry 1994 : 31. - Stefanidou and Voultsiadou-Koukoura 1995 : 602 (table 1), 607. - Bellan-Santini 1998 : 874 (table 3). - Bellan-Santini and Ruffo 1998 : 900 (table 7). - Berge et al. 2004 : 1719 (table 1). - Christodoulou et al. 2013 : table 2. Type material. Lectotype, female, 8 mm, MNHN-Am3985. Paralectotypes: female, 7.6 mm, male, 5.8 mm, AM P.35541; 3 specimens, NHM 1912:4:4:5-7; 93 specimens, MNHN-Am900 and Am901; 3 specimens, MOM. Type locality. Mediterranean Sea, Algeria, north-east of Cap de Garde (approximately 36°55'N , 7°47'E ), 65 m depth, 12 June 1904, Melita stn 726. Depth range. 34-80 m ( Stroobants 1976 , Stefanidou and Voultsiadou-Koukoura 1995 ). Distribution. Algeria : off Annaba ( Chevreux 1911 ). Greece : near Thasos ( Stefanidou and Voultsiadou-Koukoura 1995 ). Italy : Cagliari; and between Capo Ferato and Torre Corallo, Sardinia ( Stroobants 1976 ). Figure 4. Distribution of Aroui setosus Chevreux, 1911. Star indicates type locality. Figure 5. Aroui setosus Chevreux, 1911. Lectotype female, 8.0 mm, MNHN-Am3985, off Bone , Mediterranean Sea. Scales represent 0.1 mm. Ecology. Found living on the test of sea urchins ( Spatangus spp.) ( Chevreux 1911 , Stroobants 1976 ). Also collected from the sponge Suberites covering a gastropod shell that housed a hermit crab, Paguristes sp. ( Stroobants 1976 ). Discussion. Stroobants (1976) designated a neotype for Aroui setosus from material collected from Sardinia. Lowry and Stoddart (1989) subsequently deemed this to be an invalid act, as original syntype material was available, from which these authors selected a lectotype. See Lowry and Stoddart (1989) for a comprehensive synopsis and further discussion.