New taxa of terrestrial molluscs from Turkey (Gastropoda, Pristilomatidae, Enidae, Hygromiidae, Helicidae) Author Guemues, Burcin Askim Burcin Askim Guemues, Gazi University, Science Faculty, Department of Biology (Zoology), Teknik Okullar, Besevler, 06500, Ankara, Tuerkiye Author Neubert, Eike Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern, Bernastr. 15, CH- 3005 Bern, Switzerland text ZooKeys 2012 2012-02-24 171 17 37 journal article 1313-2970-171-17 91A0AA5641074E29B847BA6924FB7BC8 62463D177D1EFFB0FFEB073EFFA9FFF5 576912 Buliminus alepensis alepensis (L. Pfeiffer, 1841) Fig. 12 Helix (Cochlogena) alepi Ferussac , 1821, Tabl. syst. limacons (= "Prodome" ), livr. 10: 55 (Quarto edition) [Folio edition: 59. ["Alep, cote de Syrie, au lieu dit la Coupe, a une demi-lieue de la ville". Nomen nudum]. Bulimus alepensis L. Pfeiffer, 1841, Symbolae ad historiam heliceorum, 1: 45. Type locality: see above. Specimens examined. Vil. Erzincan, Kemaliye, Cit Koeyue , 39.1119°N , 38.6043°E , 976 m alt. 05.05.2007, leg. B. A. Guemues , NMBE 32709/2, NMBE 32710/2 preserved; Vil. Erzincan, Kemaliye, Dilli Deresi, 39.315°N , 38.44°E , 870 m alt.,10.7.2005, leg. B. A. Guemues , NMBE 32711/1. Remark. This species is known to inhabit the Levant area, northern Iraq to Central eastern Turkey (see also Gittenberger and Menkhorst 1991 ). Kemaliye is now the northernmost record for this species. The subspecific division of this species needs further attention. We here attribute the specimens from Kemaliye to the nominotypical subspecies in accordance to Gittenberger and Menkhorst (1991) .