True bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from the taiga zone of the mountainous Altai of Russia: the first records and new data on rare species Author Golub, Viktor B. Voronezh State University, 394001 Voronezh, Universitetskaya sq. 1, Russia. E-mails: v. golub @ inbox. ru; strekoza _ vrn @ bk. ru; entoma @ mail. ru Author Vinokurov, Nikolay N. Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone, Siberian Branch RAS, 677980 Yakutsk, 41 Lenin Av., Russia. E-mail: vinok @ ibpc. ysn. ru Author Golub, Natalia V. Zoological Institute RAS, 199034 St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb. 1, Russia. E-mail: nvgolub @ mail. ru Author Soboleva, Viktoria A. Voronezh State University, 394001 Voronezh, Universitetskaya sq. 1, Russia. E-mails: v. golub @ inbox. ru; strekoza _ vrn @ bk. ru; entoma @ mail. ru Author Aksenenko, Evgeniy V. Voronezh State University, 394001 Voronezh, Universitetskaya sq. 1, Russia. E-mails: v. golub @ inbox. ru; strekoza _ vrn @ bk. ru; entoma @ mail. ru text Ecologica Montenegrina 2021 2021-03-26 40 164 175 journal article 10.37828/em.2021.40.14 2336-9744 13233172 Lamproplax membranea Distant, 1883 Material . Altai Republic : field station “ Teletskaya ”, 51º47'42.1" N , 87º18'11.8" E , 495 m a. s. l. , herbaceous vegetation, 31.07.2019 ( E. Aksenenko , V . Golub ), 1 male , 2 females , 1 larva ; meadow near Teletskoye Lake with mixed grass vegetation, 51º47'18.1" N , 87º17'58" E , 482 m a. s. l. , 01.08.2019 , ( Aksenenko ), 1 female ; ruderal area near vill. Artybash , 51º47'43.4" N , 87º18'31.6" E , 545 m a. s. l. , 04.08.2019 , ( E. Aksenenko ), 1 female . Distribution . East Palaearctic species with known western range border in Altai Republic ( Vinokurov & Golub 2016 ). The nearest localities in Eastern Siberia are the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and the Irkutsk Province . Ecology. All undisturbed natural habitats in which the species was collected were open mesophytic areas with meadow vegetation. One of the collection points is the margin of the forest at the base of the mountain slope. The rocky soil of this place was destroyed by machinery and overgrown mainly with ruderal vegetation. Thus, the extensive materials collected in 2019, compared to the materials of 2009 ( Vinokurov & Golub 2016 ) has clarified the environmental features of the species.