An annotated catalogue of the Membracidae types in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadomorpha) Author Evangelista, Olivia Author Santos, Guilherme Ide Marques Dos Author Lamas, Carlos Einicker text Zootaxa 2014 3895 1 1 30 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3895.1.1 f26b913c-acf5-45c6-bbdc-35f03029adce 1175-5326 287608 3F8BAB89-93AF-43BB-9D65-975651FA99A6 Tylopelta appendiculata Fonseca Tylopelta appendiculata Fonseca 1936a: 158 , Figs. 3–6 [line drawings: dorsal and lateral view]; Metcalf and Wade, 1965a : 1334 ; Strümpel, 1974: 539. Talipes appendiculata [ sic ]; Deitz, 1975a : 41 [new combination]. Trinarea appendiculata ; McKamey and Deitz, 1991b: 195 [new combination]; McKamey, 1998a : 215 . Talipes appendiculatus; Sakakibara, 2012a: 573 [combination reinstated]. Original repository: CJPF. 3 female syntypes from BRAZIL : Pernambuco: "♀ [glued onto mounting block]", "[J. P. Fonseca’s handwriting] Tapera \ Pernambuco ", "[J. P. Fonseca’s handwriting] Tylopelta \ appendiculata \ Fons [eca].", "902", "[red label] Cotype", "Coleção \ PINTO DA \ FONSECA" [2 syntypes missing the label “902”]. Specimens double-mounted on minuten, with surface contaminants. First female [with label “902”]: left prothoracic leg lacking tarsomeres. Second female: left prothoracic and right metathoracic leg broken distal to femur, left mesothoracic leg lacking tarsomeres. Third female: right prothoracic and left mesothoracic legs lacking tarsomeres. Syntype male , same locality as previous, "♂ [glued onto mounting block]", remaining labels identical as female syntypes , except for missing label “902”. Double-mounted on minuten, in excellent state of preservation. Remarks. Fonseca (1936a) included one female and one male in the type series. Four conspecific specimens labeled as types were examined and all bear identical collection and determination labels, written by Fonseca.