Two New Genera of Agathidiini from the Nearctic and Neotropical Regions (Coleoptera: Leiodidae) Author Miller, Kelly B. Author Wheeler, Quentin D. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2004 2004-12-31 58 4 466 487 journal article 10.1649/633 1938-4394 10104530 Gelae rol Wheeler and Miller , new species ( Figs. 17–18 , 30 ) Material Examined. Holotype , # in CNCI labeled, ‘‘AZ: GILA CO. Sierra Ancha Mts Workman Ck viii-5-77 60009 Scott McCleve / HOLOTYPE Gelae rol Wheeler and and Miller, 2002 [red label with black line border].’’ Seven additional female paratypes were examined from the following localities: United States : Arizona : Flagstaff , Oak Ck. Can , Sterling Can., 17 Jul 1979 , 5,900 ft , S. and J. Peck , (3, PECK ); Coconino Co. , Clovers Spring , Hwy 87 N Strawberry , 6 Aug 1983 , M.W. Sanderson , (1, FMNH ); Gila Co. , Sierra Ancha Mts. Workman C , 5 Aug 1977 , 6,000 ft , S. McCleve , (2, PECK ); Graham Co. , Pinaleno Mts. Shannon Camp , 7 Aug 1979 , A.J. Gilbert , (1, AMNH ) . Type Locality. United States , Arizona , Gila County , Sierra Ancha , Workman Creek , 6,000 ft. Diagnosis. This species is similar to several other species of Gelae (see Diagnosis under G. baen ). It differs from these species in being dorsally relatively impunctate except for an irregular longitudinal subsutural series of relatively coarse punctures on the elytra. Also, the male median lobe is apically distinctly curved dorsad in lateral aspect ( Fig. 18 ) and gradually attenuate to a narrowly rounded apex in ventral aspect ( Fig. 17 ). Description. Body moderately large (TBL ¼ 2.75–2.76 mm ), broad (PNW/TBL ¼ 0.46–0.48), laterally broadly rounded, weakly contractile. Head brown; pronotum yellow with large, brown medial macula; elytra yellow, brown along anterior and lateral margins, apex and sutural margins brown; venter yellow to light brown; antennae and palpi yellow; legs yellow-brown to yellow. Head moderately broad (MDL/PHW ¼ 0.67–0.71), dorsally flattened; constricted immediately posterad of eye; very finely and sparsely punctate, surfaces shiny and smooth between punctures; eyes large, rounded, protruding; fronto-clypeal suture continuous, but fine, medially; clypeal margin moderately protruding, extending beyond level of anterolateral margins of frons ( Fig. 30 ); labrum large, quadrate; antennae (ratios: length I:II:III ¼ 1.3:1.0:1.0, width VII:VIII:IX ¼ 1.0:1.0:2.6). Pronotum broad (PNL/PNW ¼ 0.58–0.59), laterally not strongly produced, lateral margins nearly straight, anterolateral angle subquadrate, posterolateral corner distinctive, more angulate than anterolateral corner; punctation similar to that of head. Elytra robust (SEL/ELW ¼ 0.88–1.02); lateral margins broadly rounded; punctation very fine and sparse, similar to pronotum, with irregular sub-sutural linear series of somewhat coarser punctuation; sutural stria prominent, extending about 1/2 length of elytron. Mesosternum strongly concave posteriorly, with prominent lobe extending ventrally between mesocoxae, anterior portion very narrow. Metasternum broad medially (MTL/MTW ¼ 0.40–0.41). Male tarsi 5–5–4; pro- and mesobasotarsomeres only slightly expanded and with small ventral field of adhesive setae; metafemur slender, unmodified; metasternal fovea small, inconspicuous, located anterad of middle, with small pencil of fine, long setae. Median lobe in lateral aspect robust, broadly expanded medially on dorsal margin, ventral margin nearly straight, apical portion narrowed, apex narrowly rounded, distinctly bent dorsad ( Fig. 18 ); in ventral aspect broad, lateral margins evenly curved, apically moderately abruptly narrowed, apex moderately narrowly rounded, orifice large ( Fig. 17 ); operculum broad, apically bifid, medial emargination narrow ( Fig.17 ); lateral lobes short, directed slightly dorsad, apex broadly rounded with 1 long, stout seta ( Figs. 17–18 ). Female tarsi 5–4–4. Etymology. This species is named rol , a whimsical arrangement of letters that is pronounced like the English word ‘‘roll.’’ Distribution. This species is known from the mountains of southern Arizona (Coconino, Gila and Graham Counties). Discussion. This species occurs in forests in the mountains of southern Arizona . It has been collected from riparian woods and from 5,900 –6,000 ft elevation. One specimen was collected at a black light trap.