On linyphiid spiders (Araneae) from Israel Author Tanasevitch, Andrei V. text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2013 2013-03-31 120 1 101 124 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.6118531 0035-418X 6118531 46883BC6-DC1D-4EA4-A24B-C833BBDC5150 Typhochrestus meron sp. n. Figs 36-39, 49-57 HOLOTYPE : Ƌ; ISRAEL , Upper Galilee , Mt Meron ; 2.IV.2011 ; T. Levanony. PARATYPES : 4 ♀ ; 3 ♀ ( MHNG ) ; 2 ♀ ( ZMMU ); from same locality, collected together with the holotype . – 2 Ƌ; 2 Ƌ ( MHNG ); Mt Meron , Meron Field Station ( 32º59’53.86”N 35º25’37.23”E ); 18.-25.II.2007 ; leg. T. Levanony. 1 Ƌ, env. of En Ya’aqov ( 33º0’27.5”N 35º14’20.0”E ); 14.-19.I.2007 ; leg. I. Shtirberg. 5 ♀ ; same; 18.-23.III.2006 ; leg. I. Shtirberg. ETYMOLOGY: The specific name, a noun in apposition, refers to the type locality. DIAGNOSIS: The new species is characterized by the peculiar shape of the palpal tibia, notably, by the presence of two outgrowths, one of which (the retrolateral one) covers a sharp tooth in dorsal view. DESCRIPTION: Male ( holotype ). Total length 1.33. Carapace pale brown, modified as in Figs 36-37, 0.65 long, 0.45 wide, narrow, elongated, sulci slit-like. Chelicerae FIGS 34-39 Troxochrus triangularis sp. n. , male paratype from En Ya’aqov (34-35) and Typhochrestus meron sp. n. , male holotype (36-37) and malformed male paratype (38-39). (34, 36, 38) Carapace (with or without chelicera), lateral view. (35, 37, 39) Carapace, dorsal view. Not to scale. FIGS 40-46 Troxochrus triangularis sp. n. , Ƌ paratype from En Ya’aqov. (40-41) Left palp, retrolateral and prolateral view, respectively. (42-43) Palpal tibia, prolateral and dorsal view, respectively. (44) Distal suprategular apophysis. (45) Distal suprategular apophysis and distal part of embolic division. (46) Distal suprategular apophysis and embolic division. FIGS 47-48 Troxochrus triangularis sp. n. , paratype from En Ya’aqov. (47, 48) Epigyne, ventral and dorsal view, respectively. 0.20 long, unmodified. Legsyellow. LegI 1.53 long (0.45+0.15+0.40+0.28+0.25), IV 1.61 long (0.48+0.15+0.43+0.30+0.25). Chaetotaxy: unclear, spinesstronglyreduced virtually indiscernible. TmI 0.40. Metatarsus IV without trichobothrium. Palp as in Figs 49-54: palpal tibia with two outgrowths and a small sharp tooth at base of retrolateral outgrowth. Paracymbium small, simple, hook-shaped. Distal suprategular apophysis tongue-shaped. Radical part of embolic division relatively long, curved; embolus forming a loop, anterior radical process wide at base, tapering regularly towards pointed tip. Abdomen 0.68 long, 0.43 wide, pale grey. Female (fromMtMeron). Totallength 1.45. Carapace 0.60 long, 0.45 wide. Chelicerae 0.25 long, unmodified. LegI 1.51 long (0.45+0.18+0.35+0.28+0.25), IV 1.68 long (0.50+0.18+0.45+0.30+0.25). Chaetotaxy:, spinesweak, theirlength about 1-1.5 diameterofsegment. TmI 0.38. Abdomen 0.88 long, 0.55 wide. Epigyne as in Figs 55-56, vulva as in Fig. 57. Body and leg coloration, as well as chaetotaxy, as in male. TAXONOMIC REMARKS: The new species clearly differs from the other known congeners by the peculiar shape of the palpal tibia (see Diagnosis). The epigyne resembles of that of T. digitatus (O. P.- Cambridge, 1872 ), but clearly differs by the subparallel copulatory ducts. DISTRIBUTION: The species is only known from Upper Galilee, Israel . FIGS 49-54 Typhochrestus meron sp. n. , Ƌ paratype from Mt Meron. (49-50) Right palp, retrolateral and prolateral view, respectively. (51) Palpal tibia, dorsal view. (52) Distal suprategular apophysis. (53-54) Embolicdivision.