Eumolpinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Socotra Island Author Zoia, Stefano text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae Editor Hájek, J. Editor Bezděk, J. 2012 2012-12-17 Insect biodiversity of the Socotra Archipelago 52 449 501 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5339776 0374-1036 5339776 Colasposoma ( Colasposoma ) atrocyaneum sp. nov. ( Figs. 53–58 , 121–122 , 141 ) Type locality. Yemen , Socotra Island , Firmihin plato, Dracaena tree forest, 12°28′27″N , 54°00′53″E . Type material. HOLOTYPE : J, ‘ Republic of Yemen, Socotra Isl., Firmihin plato, Dracena tree forest, N 12°28′465″, E 54°00′ 89830″ [sic!], V. Hula lgt. 22- 25.6.2009 [printed white label]; Holotypus Colasposoma (Colasposoma) atrocyaneum n. sp. S. Zoia det. 2012 [printed red label]’ ( NMPC ). PARATYPES ( 145 spec. ): ‘ Yemen , Socotra Isl., Calanthia, 29.-30.iii.2001 , leg.V. Bejček & K. Šťastný’ (3 JJ 3 ♀♀ CULS ; 2 JJ 2 ♀♀ NMPC , 3 JJ 1 ♀ SZCM ); ‘ Yemen , Socotra Island , wadi Keso, 120 m a.s.l., Adenium obesum flowers; 12°39’32”N ; 53°28’12”E 22.V.2004 lgt. A. Reiter’ (2 JJ 3 ♀♀ NMPC ; 1 J SZCM ); ‘ Yemen , Soqotra Is., Qaariah vill. env., 28.xi.2003 , N 12°38′05″ E 54°12′39″ , 11 m [GPS] leg. P. Kabátek’ (1 J 1 ♀ NMPC ; 1 ♀ SZCM ); ‘ Yemen , Socotra Island , Homhil protected area, open woodland with Boswellia and Dracaena trees, , 12°34.5′N , 54°18.5′E , 360-500 m , Socotra expedition 2012, J. Bezděk, J. Hájek, V. Hula, P. Kment, I. Malenovský, J. Niedobová & L. Purchart leg.’ (1 J NMPC ); ‘ Yemen , Socotra Isl, Zemhon, 260-320 m , N 12°32′17.5″ , E 54°4′12.7″ , , L. Purchart lgt.’ (1 J NMPC ); ‘ Yemen , Socotra Island , Mot Zhadeten Dbaha spring, 12°31′43″N , 54°10′41″E , 269 m , , V. Hula & J. Niedobová leg.’ (10 JJ 15 ♀♀ NMPC ; 2 JJ 2 ♀♀ JBCB ; 3 JJ 3 ♀♀ SZCM ); ‘ Yemen , Socotra Island , Aloove area,Aloove vill. env., Jatropha unicostata shrubland with Boswellia elongata trees, , 12°31.2′N , 54°07.4′E , 221 m , Socotra expedition 2012, J. Bezděk, J. Hájek, V. Hula, P. Kment, I. Malenovský, J. Niedobová & L. Purchart leg.‘ (21 JJ 11 ♀♀ NMPC ; 3 JJ 2 ♀ JBCB ; 3 JJ 3 ♀♀ SZCM ); ‘ Republic of Yemen , Socotra Isl., Firmihin plato, Dracena tree forest, N 12°28′465″, E 54°00′ 89830″, V. Hula lgt. 22- 25.6.2009 ’ (9 JJ 7 ♀♀ NMPC ; 2 JJ 1 ♀ JBCB ; 3 JJ 2 ♀♀ SZCM ); ‘ Yemen , Socotra Island , Dixam plateau, , Firmihin, Dracaena woodland, 12°28.6′N , 54°01.1′E , 490 m , Socotra expedition 2012, J. Bezděk, J. Hájek, V. Hula, P. Kment, I. Malenovský, J. Niedobová & L. Purchart leg.’ (4 JJ 5 ♀♀ NMPC ; 1J 1 ♀ SZCM ); ‘ Yemen , Socotra Isl., Firmihin, 400-500 m , N 12°28′27.9″ , E 54°0′54.2″ , , L. Purchart lgt.’ (1 J 1 ♀ NMPC ; 1 J 1 ♀ JBCB ; 1 ♀ SZCM ); ‘ Yemen , Socotra Isl., Wadi Kilisan, 24.ii.2008 , malaise trap (M 30)’ ( 1 ♀ MCSC ); ‘ Yemen , S – Socotra Isl., 6.-24.ix.1999 , leg. V. Bejček & K. Šťastný’ (1 J NMPC ). Description. Habitus as in Figs. 121–122 ; body length of holotype 4.5 mm , of paratypes 4.3–5.3 mm (JJ), 4.6–5.7 mm ( ♀♀ ). Body dark metallic blue or greenish, sometimes with some cupreous reflections; head, pronotum and elytra dark blue or dark greenish, metallic; labrum reddish, mandibles black, palpi yellowish, last palpomere somewhat darkened; antennomeres I–V reddish, antennomere VI in large part black, antennomeres VII–XI dull black; legs reddish, apex of tibiae and tarsi usually somewhat darkened. Frons convex proximally, flat distally; whole surface with confused, moderately strong punctures, closer near eyes; fine pubescence present at sides and near clypeus; surface between punctures smooth, shiny; clypeus not separated from frons, bare, with punctures gradually finer to distal border, distal border concave. Two apical palpomeres oblong, the penultimate nearly three fourths to four fifths of the ultimate one in length, 1.4 times longer than wide. Antennomere I nearly 1.4 times longer than II and nearly twice as wide, feebly bent on the outer side; antennomere II two times longer than wide; antennomere III nearly as long as I and more than 3 times longer than wide; antennomere IV and V subequal to III; antennomere VI subequal to V, partially dull; antennomeres VII–X dull, feebly widened, subequal in length; antennomere XI 1.3 times longer than X. Pronotum 2.1–2.2 times wider than long (2.6 × 1.2 mm in holotype ); sides arched and margined throughout, more regularly bent in males, widest in basal third; angles with very small tooth bearing bristle, distal angles hardly visible from above; surface with relatively strong, spaced punctation, punctures stronger and partially confluent on pronotal sides in females; surface bare, short pubescence usually present on pronotal sides. Scutellum 1.6–1.7 times wider than long, rounded, punctured, bare. Hypomeron shiny, with only few punctures at margins, bare; distal border of prosternum strongly concave on sides (at level of suture at base of hypomerae), regularly concave in middle, margined; prosternum divided from hypomeron by deep suture; prosternum between procoxae little wider than long in midline, almost flat, punctate, with long whitish pubescence. Mesoventrite narrower than prosternum between coxae, its distal edge incised in middle, surface finely punctured, pubescent; mesepimera impunctate, shiny, bare. Metaventrite finely punctured, with long, spaced pubescence, distal border feebly concave between coxae, incised in middle; metacoxae as spaced as mesocoxae; metanepisterna nearly three times longer than wide, punctured, finely rugose, with fine and close pubescence. Elytra nearly as long as wide at humeral level in males (2.9 × 2.9 mm in holotype ), 1.2 times longer than wide in females; surface regularly convex in males, with evident subhumeral impression on sides and feeble impression on basal third on sides of disc; elytral punctation moderately strong in males, spaced, partially arranged in longitudinal rows, leaving three narrow, not well defined impunctate stripes; surface between punctures smooth, flat, narrower than diameter of puncture, with some micropunctures; in females, elytral surface with a more evident impression in basal third and rounded carina on sides of apical slope ( Fig. 58 ), elytral punctation on disc as in males, stronger on sides, confluent, moderately rugose; apices at right angle; humeri not prominent, smooth, with very fine punctation in males, prominent and with scarcely visible punctation in females; elytral surface bare in both sexes. Epipleura wide at base, gradually tapering from base to elytral apices, strongly angled with elytral surface, not punctured, bare, smooth, shiny. Legs moderately long; profemora with small, or very small, acute median tooth, meso– and metafemora unarmed, feebly swollen; tibiae straight, protibial surface rough in distal half; pro– and mesotarsomeres I–III, and metatarsomere I feebly widened in males. Claws of all legs bifid in about one third of their length, with inner tooth short. Dorsal side of abdomen moderately sclerotized, pygidium sclerotized with apex rounded and pubescent; abdominal sternites roughly punctured and pubescent. Aedeagus as in Figs. 53–54 ; internal sac without any evident sclerotization. Spermatheca as in Fig. 57 ; coxites short, conical, sclerotized; spiculum ventrale relatively long and thin; vagina without any sclerotization. Differential diagnosis. Colasposoma ( Colasposoma ) atrocyaneum sp. nov. , related to C . ( C .) blandum , C . ( C .) subcostatum and C . ( C .) purcharti sp. nov. , is characterized by dark blue (or green) metallic coloration of the dorsum and by hypomera smooth, punctured only on their sides. From C . ( C .) blandum , the new species differs mainly in its legs without metallic hue and in shorter elytral carina in female. It differs from C . ( C .) subcostatum mainly in its wider pronotum and shorter elytra, non-metallic legs, and longer and denser pubescence of the metaventrite. From C . ( C .) purcharti sp. nov. it differs in bare metanepisterna, punctured only on sides, and in larger body size. Etymology. The name refers to the uniform dark blue coloration of nearly all the specimens examined. Collection circumstances. Many specimens were observed and collected feeding on flowers and leaves of Adenium socotranum Vierh. (Apocynaceae) (J. Bezděk, pers. comm. 2012).