Distinctive Collembola Communities in the Mesovoid Shallow Substratum: Entomobryomorpha of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park (Central Spain) Author Baquero, Enrique University of Navarra, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Environmental Biology, University Campus, 31080, Pamplona (Spain) ebaquero@unav.es Author Jordana, Rafael University of Navarra, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Environmental Biology, University Campus, 31080, Pamplona (Spain) rjordana@unav.es Author Ortuño, Vicente M. Grupo de Investigación de Biología del Suelo y de los Ecosistemas Subterráneos, Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Alcalá, E- 28871, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid (Spain) vicente. ortuno @ uah. es vicente.ortuno@uah.es text Zoosystema 2021 2021-01-26 43 3 37 78 journal article 8557 10.5252/zoosystema2021v43a3 cd89b152-32bd-42cc-be33-a74a856fb5e4 1638-9387 4487162 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:EA621D7C-F9AE-460B-8EBF-9E932862D4FE Lepidocyrtus purgatori Baquero & Jordana n. sp. ( Figs 8E ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 9AA44464-BA0C-46DF-88A5-D830B66DEE75 TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype . Spain ; Madrid , Sierra de Guadarrama , Cuerda Larga and associated mountainous complex, El Purgatorio ; 30 T4274 45224; 1406 m a.s.l. ; 5.X.2015 ; Ortuño et al. leg.; pitfall SSD (since 18.VI.2015 ); MZNA SSD-14 (slide 04). Paratypes . Spain 5 specimens on slide and 11 in ethyl alcohol; same data as for holotype, slide 08; Ortuño et al. leg.; MZNA 5 specimens in ethyl alcohol; SSD-29 ; same data as for holotype; MNHN . TYPE LOCALITY. — Spain , Madrid , Sierra de Guadarrama , Cuerda Larga and associated mountainous complex, El Purgatorio ; 30 T 4274 45224; 1406 m a.s.l. ETYMOLOGY. — The specific epithet “purgatorium” (purgatory), refers to the presence of this species in a beautiful place from the Sierra de Guadarrama, known as ‘Cascada de El Purgatorio’. DIAGNOSIS. — Body pale violet-blue, ocular spot black, antennae partially bluish from distal part of Ant I to tip, dorsal head slightly pigmented, Th II-Abd III with bluish bands (darker on Abd II-III), and an oval spot with a pale interior area on lateral AbdIV. Head: A 0 , A 2 , A 3 , M 1 , S 3 and Pa 5 as Mc; A 2a as mes; basomedian labial fields chaetae smooth; posterior labial row with M 2 , R*, E, L 1 and L 2 ciliated Mc (*R half to two thirds of M); one ciliated and two smooth postlabial Mc. ThII a little projected over head, i.e., not pointed completely downward, and with one Mc; ThIII without Mc; AbdII without chaeta a 2p , a 2 and m 3 as ciliated Mc; Abd IV with four median Mc (C 1 , B), three non-fan-shaped ciliated mic behind anterior bothriotrichum and bothriothrichal complex mic D 1p present; claw with four internal teeth: two basal and two unpaired; empodium acuminate; manubrial plate with 2 internal and 0-3 external chaetae. 4-6 DESCRIPTION Body Body length up to 1.25 mm ( holotype ), head included (mean 1.05 mm , n = 6 adults ), excluding antennae. Body pale violet blue, ocular spot black, antennae partially bluish from distal part of Ant I to tip, dorsal head slightly pigmented, Th II- Abd III with bluish bands (darker on Abd II-III), and an oval spot with a pale interior area on lateral AbdV ( Fig. 8E ). Scales absent on antennae, present on coxa, ventral and lateral manubrium, ventral dens, thorax, and abdomen; manubrium and dens similar in length ( 0.27 mm , n =5); not annulated part of dens 4-5 times the length of mucro. Microchaetae on body with a particular aspect ( Fig. 17J ). Head Antennal head ratio 2.40 (n =5). Ant IV with simple apical bulb, apical organite not capitate and accessory sensilla as in Figure 17A ; AntIII sense organ with two curved and expanded sensilla ( Fig. 17B ) three spiny guard sensilla, one of them blunt. Four prelabral chaetae, lateral ciliated and central bifurcated and ciliated; labrum with three rows, ‘a’ row with four apically bifurcated chaetae, ‘m’ and ‘p’ with five smooth chaetae ( Fig. 17C ). Four labral papillae not visible or absent. Maxillary palp bifurcate with three smooth appendages.Labial papilla (l.p.) E as in Figure 17D with finger-shaped process reaching toward base of apical appendage. Labial row with M 2 , R*, E, L 1 and L 2 ciliated Mc (R half to two thirds of M). Postlabial chaetotaxy with one ciliated and two smooth central Mc along the groove ( Fig. 17F ). Head dorsal chaetotaxy with four antennal (An) ciliated Mc. A 0 , A 2 , A 3 , M 2 , S 3 and Pa 5 as Mc; R 1s (A 2a ) as mes; 4-5 Mc on series An ( Fig. 17E ); interocular chaetotaxy not seen. Thorax chaetotaxy ( Fig. 18 ) Th II with one Mc (p 3 ), with ‘s’ and ‘ms’ in posterolateral position at level of m row; a 5 , a 6 , m 1 , m 4 -m 5 , p 1 -p 3 (Mc), p 4 -p 6 (p 6 more spiniform); Th III without Mc, with two mic before psp (a 2 and p 1 ), and a 3 -a 4 , m 2 (near psp), m 4 -m 6 , p 2 -p 6 , an ‘al’ sensilla near a mes up to m 6 ( Fig. 18 ). Abdomen chaetotaxy ( Figs 18 , 19 ) Abd I with a 1 before psp; a 2 -a 3 , a 5 -a 6 (‘ms’ near and external to a 6 ); m 2 (next to psp), m 3 -m 6 ; p 5 -p 6 . Abd II, mi and ml chaetae present over bothriotrichum (m 2 ); a 2p (p) absent; a 2 (a) and m 3 (B) present as ciliated Mc; ‘as’ over m 3 and a 3 upside over a 2 (1.5 times the length of as); m 3e and p 4 (q 1 and q 2 ) present as smooth mic; lm and ll present as pointed ciliated mic over bothriotrichum (a 5 ); a 6 , m 4 , m 6 and p 5 as smooth mic; m 5 as a very big ciliated Mc. Abd III, mi, ml and a 2 as pointed ciliated mic over bothriotrichum (m 2 ); ‘as’ between a 2 and m 3 , next to m 3 ; m 3 as ciliated mic; a 3 , m 3 and p 3 equidistant; p 3 below m 3, and m 4 as mes; lm, ll and a 6 apparently as ciliated mic surrounding bothriotrichum (a 5 ); im, em and am 6 as small ciliated mic over m 5 bothriotrichum; pm 6 and p 6 as very long and pointed ciliated Mc; d 3 absent; ‘ms’ near p 5 as smooth mic; m 8 as ciliated mes; m 7 and p 7 as smooth mic. Abd IV with four median mac (C 1 , B 4-6 ; ratio between C 1 -B 4 /B 4 -B 6 0.46, n= 5), and 7 lateral mac (D 3 , E 1-4 , F 2-3 ; E 2 missing in a ); T 5 as mic, T 6 and T 7 as mes; before T 2 bothriotrichum, usually, there are three pointed ciliated mic (a, m and D 1 ) ( Fig. 19 ). FIG. 18. — Lepidocyrtus purgatori Baquero & Jordana n. sp. , Th II to Abd III dorsal chaetotaxy.Abbreviations:see Material and methods. Symbols: ●, Mc; ○, mes; ⦰, pseudopores; ▣, bothriotricha. Scale bar: 0.05 mm. FIG. 19. — Lepidocyrtus purgatori Baquero & Jordana n. sp. , A , Abd IV dorsal chaetotaxy; B -E , detail of some chaetae of Abd III and IV: B , bothriotrichum lateral of Abd III; C , T6 chaeta of Abd IV; D , M3 chaeta, lateral, of Abd III; E , B4 chaeta of Abd IV. Abbreviations: see Material and methods. Symbols: ●, Mc; ○, mes; ⦰, pseudopores; ▣, bothriotricha; ▲, special chaetae. Scale bars: 0.05 mm for tergite, 0.02 mm for chaetae. TABLE 6. — Group of species of Pseudosinella Schäffer, 1897 that share the Gisin’s reduced formula (1965, 1967a, b): P. styriaca Neuherz & Nosek, 1975 (Austria, cave), P. subcentralis da Gama, 1985 (Majorca, cave), P. valverdei Baquero & Jordana n. sp. and P. gonzaloi Baquero & Jordana n. sp. Legend for the headers of the columns: Head: EN , eyes number; S , dorsal cephalic macrochaetae M1 or M2:1, absent; 2, present; T , dorsal cephalic macrochaetae S 2 , S 3 or S 4 : 1, absent; 2, present; P , dorsal cephalic macrochaetae Pa 5 : 1, absent; 2, present; M1 , ventral labial chaeta: 0, absent; 1, smooth microchaeta; 2, smooth macrochaeta; 3, ciliated microchaeta or mesochaeta; 4, ciliated macrochaeta; 5, smooth macrochaeta with supplementary seta; 6, ciliated macrochaeta with supplementary chaeta; M2 , ventral labial chaeta: same as for M1; R , ventral labial chaeta: 0, absent; 1, smooth microchaeta; 2, smooth macrochaeta; 3, ciliated microchaeta or mesochaeta; 4, ciliated macrochaeta; E , ventral labial chaeta: same as for R; L1 , ventral labial chaeta: same as for R; L2 , ventral labial chaeta: same as for R. Thorax : T2 , posterior Th II macrochaeta number; T3 , posterior Th III macrochaeta number. Abdomen : p , a 2p chaeta (Abd II): 1, absent; 2, present; a , a 2 chaeta shape (Abd II): 0, absent; 1, smooth microchaeta; 2, ciliated microchaeta; 3, smooth macrochaeta; 4, ciliated macrochaeta; b , m 3 chaeta shape (Abd II): same as for the anterior character; q1 , m 3e chaeta shape (Abd II): same as for the anterior character; q2 , p 4 chaeta shape (Abd II): same as for the anterior character; C1 , C 1 chaeta (Abd IV): 1, absent; 2, present; B , medial (M or B) Abd IV dorsal macrochaetae number; SC , supplementary seta ‘s’ on Abd IV: 1, absent; 2, present; TH , tenent hair shape: 1, acuminate; 2, clavate; 3, truncate; CL , claw teeth number and shape: 1,0/ 2,only paired/ 3,2 paired + 1 unpaired/ 4,2 paired + 2 unpaired/ 5, 2 pairs (2 + 2) + 1 unpaired; CP , color pattern. Abbreviations and symbols: * , difference for the character with P. valverdei Baquero & Jordana n. sp. ; ° , difference for the character with P. gonzaloi Baquero & Jordana n. sp. ; D1 , total number of differences between the species and P. valverdei Baquero & Jordana n. sp. ; D2 , total number of differences between the species and P. gonzaloi Baquero & Jordana n. sp. ; U , unknown.
species EN S T P M1 M2 R E L1 L2 T2 T3 p a b q1 q2 C1 B s TH CL CP D1 D2
P. styriaca 0*° 1 1 U U U U U U U 3*° 2*° U U U U U 2 2 U 1*° 3*° white*° 6 6
P. subcentralis 0*° 1 1 U 2/4 2° 1*° 4* 3*° 1*° 2 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 1*° 2 white*° 7 9
P. valverdei Baquero & Jordana n. sp. 1 1 1 4 2° 3 0 0 2 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 uniform blue 5
P. gonzaloi Baquero & Jordana n. sp. 6* 1 1 1 4 4* 3 4* 4* 4* 0 0 2 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 uniform blue 5
Legs Scales only on coxae, not on rest of appendage. Trochanteral organ V-shaped with about 7 spine-like chaetae (n=5) ( Fig. 17G ). Claw with four teeth on inner edge: basal pair at 50%, a unpaired median at 65% (highly developed), and one minute unpaired subapical; two big lateral teeth intermedial to base and paired, and dorsal at level of lateral. Empodium acuminate, 0.66 times the length of claw, with pe lamella serrated and other lamellae smooth (ae, ai, pi). Tibiotarsus III distally with one inner smooth chaeta reaching the tip of empodium and same size than claw; tenent hair spatulated, smooth, similar in size than claw ( Fig. 17H ). Furcula Manubrium with scales dorsally and laterally; dens with scales only dorsally; manubrium and dens similar in length; manubrial plate (dorsally) with between 1-2 (n =3) internal chaetae, 0-3 external ciliate Mc, and 2 psp. Non-ringed area of dens 4-5 times the length of mucro ( 0.015 mm ) ( Fig. 17I ). Macrochaetotaxy Reduced formula (from Gisin 1965 , 1967a , b): R 0 R 1 R 2111 /10/0201+3/0, ABq 1 q 2 , M 2 R*EL 1 L 2 (* ½ to 2/3 of M).
ECOLOGY Species only found in the MSS of the site of El Purgatorio ( Fig. 1A, C ). The sampling point (SSD-14) is at the lower limit of the supra-Mediterranean bioclimatic zone and is located in the ‘Garganta del Arroyo Aguilón’ near large rocky walls ( Fig. 4C, D ). In these escarpments, the pine forest ( Pinus sylvestris ) loses distribution and gives way to Quercus pyrenaica , Acer monspessulanus , Sorbus aucuparia and Rhamnus frangula . Lepidocyrtus purgatori Baquero & Jordana n. sp. is syntopic with five other species ( Figs 1F ; 4D ), three of which outnumber its activity ( E. guadarramensis Jordana & Baquero n. sp. , 180 specimens ; H. major , 93 specimens ; and L. tellecheae , 183 specimens ). REMARKS This species does not share the reduced formula of Gisin (1965 , 1967a , b) with any other species (R111/10/0201+3/0, ABq 1 q 2 ). The closest species belong to the L. lusitanicus group with a characteristic three Mc on Abd II, but are different in many other characters: prelabral chaetae, absence of labral papillae, length of the antennae and, in the case of L lusitanicus , the color pattern. Lepidocyrtus purgatori Baquero & Jordana n. sp. is, of all the newly described species of Entomobryomorpha , the one with the lowest abundance, with only 22 specimens collected ( Figs 1D ; 2F ).