Provisional revision of the genus Odontocera Audinet-Serville, 1834 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). I: exclusions, new rank, synonymies and the description of two new genera Author Clarke, Robin O. S. text Insecta Mundi 2018 2018-06-29 637 1 27 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3708132 19f10ac5-196a-43b0-9bb1-bee8765f1bec 1942-1354 3708132 4E9DBB33-A234-485C-A9A4-CFBAB3D9FD03 Odontocroton melzeri ( Fisher, 1952 ) , n. comb. ( Fig. 9–10 ) Odontocera melzeri Fisher 1952: 8 ; Monné 2017: 444 (cat.). Species concept . Based on Fisher (1952) original description and a photograph of the male holotype ( Fig. 9 ) available on Bezark (2017) , which compares well with that of a male topotype ( Fig. 10 ) kindly loaned to the author by MZSP. Measurements (mm). 1 male : total length, 12.25; length of prothorax, 1.65; width of prothorax, 1.45; length of elytra, 6.65; width at humeri, 1.60. Specimen analyzed. BRAZIL , Santa Catarina , Nova Teutônia , male, X.1940 , B. Pohl col. ( MZSP ). Distribution. This species has only been recorded for the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina .