Evolutionary relationships and taxonomy of Microtea (Microteaceae), a basal lineage in the core Caryophyllales Author Sukhorukov, Alexander P. Author Sennikov, Alexander N. Author Nilova, Maya V. Author Mazei, Yuri Author Kushunina, Maria Author Marchioretto, Maria Salete Author Hanacek, Pavel text PhytoKeys 2019 115 1 50 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.115.29041 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.115.29041 1314-2003-115-1 FFC7960EFFAAFFDC04270C4DBF41FFA8 2542375 10. M. tenuifolia Moq. in DC., Prodr. 13(2): 18 (1849). M. maypurensis var. angustifolia Moq. in DC., Prodr. 13(2): 18 (1849). Lectotype (Sennikov & Sukhorukov, designated here): BRAZIL. Jacobina Mountains in Bahia, 1836, Blanchet 2588 (P00798998!). Lectotype. (designated by Nowicke 1968 : 352): BRAZIL. Espirito Santo State, Pico d'Habira [Pico do Itabira], 1843, Claussen 392 (P00743993!). Description. Annual or short-lived perennial herb with several or numerous stems 10-40 cm high; leaves sessile (sometimes rosulate leaves shortly pedunculate), cuneate, 10-30 mm long and 0.3-3.0(5.0) mm wide; inflorescence a spike; pedicels 1.35-1.7(2.5) mm; flowers with a bract and two bracteoles, perianth segments 5, white, oblong; stamens 6-8, stigmas 3-5, thin; fruit 0.9-1.1 x 1.0-1.1 mm (Fig. 8E ), equal to perianth or slightly protruding; pericarp smooth or with small and scattered tubercles (Fig. 8F ), more or less reticulate, readily scraped off the seed; seed 0.9-1.1 mm, with rough surface (Fig. 8H ). We report for the first time that the perianth/fruit ratio is a useful distinguishing character for this species. Also, the number of stigmas can be useful in delimiting M. tenuifolia and similar forms of M. celosioides with narrower leaves. The character set of M. tenuifolia supports its close relationship to M. maypurensis , especially the forms with reduced pericarp outgrowths. Remarkably, Moquin-Tandon (1849) described a new variety of M. maypurensis (var. angustifolia Moq.) represented by two specimens of M. tenuifolia (P00743955! and P00798998!) and one specimen containing two individuals, M. tenuifolia and a narrow-leaved M. maypurensis (leg. Blanchet 2588 , P00743954!). The figure of M. tenuifolia in Calio and Pirani (2006) showing the tuberculate perianth is rather an exception, and the individuals with pericarp lacking the outgrowths have so far been collected more frequently. Habitat. Forest margins, rocky places; 0-1000 m. Distribution . Endemic to Eastern Brazil, found only in Bahia, Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro States (Fig. 25 ). Figure 25. Distribution map of Microtea tenuifolia . Specimens examined. BRAZIL : Bahia : 4 km SW of Belmonte, 23 Mar 1974, R.M. Harley 17305 (K, P04598081, U17305, U1473428); see lectotype of M. maypurensis var. angustifolia ; Jacobina, [without date], Blanchet 153 (BM000019209); Morro do Chapeu, 1000 m, 1 Jun 1980, R.M. Harley 22924 (U1473452); Espirito Santo : see lectotype of M. tenuifolia ; Minas Gerais : [without exact location] Feb 1839, Riedel 48 (P007990000); [without exact location] 1841, Claussen 4 (P00743934); [without exact location] 1845, Widgren s.n. (M); Caldas, 5 May 1870, A. Glaziou 11 (P04598116); Caldas, 15 May 1870, A.T. Regnell s.n. (B); Serrra das Vertentes, Jun 1893, A. Glaziou 20437 (B, K, P04598119); Turvo, 24 Apr 1926, W. Hohne & A. Gehrt s.n. (PACA 76840); Buenopolis Mun., Curimatai, [without date] A. Glaziou 13127 (P04598093); Buenopolis Mun., Curimatai, [without date] A. Glaziou 19399 (P04598074); Serra do Espinhaco, 15 Feb 1969, H.S. Irwin et al. 23315 (G); Bacia do Corrego Escurona, Grao Mogol, 2 Nov 1987, M.C. Assis & al. s.n. (PACA 76297); Vale do Rio Itacambirucu , Grao Mogol, 10 Dec 1989, A. Freire-Fierres et al. s.n. (PACA 76298 ); Vale do Corrgo Escurona, Grao Mogol, 13 Jun 1990, A.A. Oliveira et al. s.n. (PACA 76299); Serra dos Inconfidentes, Pico do Itabirito, Itabirito, 4 Jan 1994, W.A. Teixeira s.n. (PACA); Estacao Ecologica da Mata do Cedro, Carmopolis , 13 Jul 2004, L. Echternacht & T. Dornas 573 (PACA); Estacao Ecologica da Mata do Cedro, Carmopolis , 23 Jan 2005, L. Echternacht & T. Dornas 830 (PACA); Grao Mogol Mun., Parque Estadual de Grao Mogol, 13 Apr 2006, C.V. Vidal 177 (PACA); Santana do Riacho Mun., Entre a Rodovia BR 251 e Grao Mogol, Cachoeira Veu de Noiva, 15 Mar 2007, M.S. Marchioretto 352 & 355 (PACA); Rio de Janeiro : nr Rio de Janeiro, Feb 1882, A. Glaziou 13127 (G, K); Rio de Janeiro, 1887, A. Glaziou 17748 (LE).