Tubercles on aboral surface of the disc
Numbers and arrangement of oral interradial plates
Number and arrangement of tubercles on aboral disc
Number of tubercles on top of each lateral bar
Length of tubercles on periphery of radial shields
A. sabineae
sp. nov.
Two to four, in a line on the radial shield |
One or two |
. 1–1.2 mm
One in each interradius |
A. maini
McKnight, 2003
. 10, only on periphery of radial shield
Three to five |
. 250–300 µm
Three to five arranged in one row |
A. tuberculatus
Mortensen, 1933
Scattered over entire radial shield and peripheral part of aboral disc |
Two or three |
. 350 µm
Five to eight arranged in two rows |