A new species of Hydara (Hemiptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Hydarini) from Madagascar Author Brailovsky, Harry text Zootaxa 2006 1351 15 22 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.174529 46636887-500b-4feb-b9e9-6849784298d2 1175-5326 174529 Hydara kmenti n. sp. ( Figs. 2, 4, 6–7 ) Description. Holotype male. Head length 1.20; width across eyes 1.36; interocular space 0.82; interocellar space 0.54; antennal segments lengths: I, 4.48; II, 2.68; III, 3.96; IV, 2.00. Pronotal length 2.28; maximal width of posterior lobe including humeral spine 3.04. Scutellar length 1.48; width 1.04. Body length 11.65. Head.— Subquadrate, wider than long across eyes, unarmed, anteriorly slightly produced, declivent; tylus protruding, apically rounded; juga swollen; antenniferous tubercles with short external plate; antennal segment I long, slender, cylindrical, densely granulate, apically clavate; antennal segments II and III slender, cylindrical, IV short, fusiform; postocular tubercle indistinct; buccula short, rounded, not extending beyond antenniferous tubercles; rostrum reaching posterior margin of metasternum; rostral segment I reaching anterior margin of prosternum. Thorax.— Pronotum.— Moderately declivent; collar broad; anterolateral margins obliquely straight, crenulate; posterolateral margins sinuate, outer third crenulate, inner third smooth; posterior margin slightly concave, smooth; humeral angles with mediumsized spine directed obliquely backwards ( Fig. 2 ). Legs. Slender, unarmed; femora apically clavate. Scutellum.— Triangular, longer than wide, apically subacute. Hemelytra. Macropterous, reaching apex of last abdominal segment; corium along basal two-thirds of costal margin serrate, with short acute spines; apical border at outer third with well defined concavity. Abdomen.— Connexivum with upper border crenate. Genital capsule. Posteroventral border with middle lobe broad, globose, and enclosed by two short subquadrate arms ( Fig. 4 ). Dorsal color .— Dark orange; antennal segment I dark yellow with granules and apex almost entirely dark brown; antennal segments II and III dark yellow with dark brown granules; antennal segment IV dark castaneus orange, apex pale yellowish orange; posterior angle of claval comissure black; hemelytral membrane pale ambarine; dorsal abdominal segments bright orange with yellowish marks. Ve nt r al color .— Pale yellow with small black discoidal spot at mesopleura, and abdominal sterna III to VII; coxae pale yellow; trochanters pale yellow scattered with dark brown spots; femora pale yellow with granules, and apices almost entirely dark brown; tibiae pale yellow with granules, apices and two or three incomplete dark brown rings; tarsi with basal and middle segments yellow, apices castaneus orange, and apical segment castaneus orange; genital capsule pale yellow with dark brown irregular marks. Integument .— Body surface rather dull, glabrous. Head, antennal segments I to III, anterior and anterolateral margins of pronotum, femora, tibiae, pleural margins of abdominal sterna III to VII densely granulate; pronotum behind calli strongly punctate, each puncture small; scutellum moderately punctate, each puncture small; propleura, mesopleura, metapleura, clavus, corium strongly punctate, each puncture large; prosternum, mesosternum, metasternum, conexivum, abdominal sterna impunctate. Female. Head length 1.18; width across eyes 1.38; interocular space 0.88; interocellar space 0.54; antennal segments length: I, 4.60; II, 2.72; III, 3.96; IV, 1.93. Pronotal length 2.14; maximal width of posterior lobe including humeral spine 3.16. Scutellar length 1.60; width 1.20. Body length 12.20. Structure .— Abdomen.— Posterior angles of segments VII and VIII short, subacute; segment IX almost as long as wide, apically truncated; abdominal sternite VII with plica and fissure. Genital plates. Gonocoxae I enlarged anteroposteriorly, opened in caudal view, apically rounded, with outer margin weakly convex; paratergite VIII triangular, spiracle visible; paratergite IX projected as a broad large squarish lobe, conspicuously longer than paratergite VIII ( Fig. 6 ). Color . Like male holotype . Connexival segments VIII and IX, and dorsal abdominal segments VIII and IX yellowish orange; genital plates pale yellow. Variation . 1. Connexivum yellow. 2. Upper margin of connexival segments IV and V with black diffuse marks. 3. Granules of head, anterior, and anterolateral margins of pronotum, and pleural margin of abdominal sterna III to VII, yellowish white. 4. Anterior third of anterolateral margins of pronotum pale dark brown. Types . Holotype male, Madagascar : Ampanefena (without date) (MNHP). Paratypes . Madagascar : 3 males , 2 females , Ampanefena (without date) (MNHP, UNAM); 3 females , Ambodivoniho, Env. de Vohémar (without date) (MNHP); 1 female , Vohémar (without date) (MNHP); 2 males , Rogez (without date) (MNHP); 1 male , 1 female , Ambanja (without date) (UNAM); 1 female , Diego Suarez, 1893, Ch. Alluaud (MNHN); 1 male , Ambilobe, IV-1951 (MNHN); 1 male , Ampijoroa, Tsaramandroso (without date) (MNHN); 1 male , Ambanja, III-1934 (ZMAS). Comments. Hydara Dallas (1852) , previously included two species, H. nigrofasciata Garcia Varela (1913) (recorded from Cameroon and Spanish Guinea ), and H. tenuicornis ( Westwood) (1842) widely distributed throughout subSaharan Africa. The third species H. kmenti n. sp. ( Fig. 7 ), is easily distinguished: antennal segments I to III, and the femora and tibiae, are pale yellowish with black marks; the propleura and metapleura lack a black discoidal spot; and the humeral spine of pronotum is shorter, and directed obliquely backwards ( Fig. 2 ). Hydara tenuicornis ( Fig. 8 ), has a large humeral spine directed laterally and slightly backwards ( Fig. 1 ); antennal segments I to III, and the femora and tibiae entirely pale yellowish to pale yellowish orange, and the propleura and metapleura each has a small black discoidal spot. The male genital capsule ( Figs. 3–4 ) and female genital plates ( Figs. 5–6 ) are quite distinct. In H. nigrofasciata the posterior margin of the pronotal disk has a wide transversely black stripe absent in the previous mentioned species; the antennal segment I is almost black and apex pale yellow; the antennal segment IV is pale yellow with its basal third black; and the anterolateral margins and humeral spine of pronotum are entirely black. Etymology. I am pleased to name this new species after Petr Kment distinguished Czech hemipterist.