Bryophytes of Serra da Capivara National Park, Piauí, Brazil Author Gomes do Nascimento, Géssica Maria Author Mendes da Conceição, Gonçalo Author Fernandes Peralta, Denilson Author Oliveira, Hermeson Cassiano de text Check List 2019 2019-09-27 15 5 833 845 journal article 10.15560/15.5.833 1809-127X Fissidens bryoides Hedw. , Sp. Musc. Frond. 153. 1801. Materials examined. Table 1 . Fig 14 . Identification. Characterized by the absence of hyaline axillary nodules in the stem; unistratose limbidium not confluent with the costa apex in all leaves. Fissidens bryoides resembles F. crispus Mont. by the limbidium of leaves, however, hyaline axillary nodules differenti- ate it from this species, which has larger cells with thick and sinuous walls and generally longer leaves. Habitat: rupicolous and terricolous. Brazilian range. PE , PR , SP . New record for Caatinga. Fissidens crispus Mont. , Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. 2 9: 57. 1838. Materials examined. Table 1 . Identification. Recognized by the presence of hyaline axillary nodules on the stem; oblong-ovate entirely limbate leaves, sometimes crispate when dry; smooth cells with thick walls. Fissidens crispus resembles F. bryoides Hedw. , which has smaller cells without thick walls. Habitat: terricolous. Brazilian range. AM , BA , CE , DF , ES , GO , MG , PE , PR , RJ , RO , RR , RS , SC , SP , TO . Fissidens dissitifolius Sull. , Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. 2 9: 57. 1838. Materials examined. Table 1 . Fig. 15 . Identification. Characterized by small flabellate game- tophytes; generally crispate leaves when dry, with lim- bidium throughout the lamina usually ending before the apex. Habitat: rupicolous and terricolous. Brazilian range. BA , PR , SP . New record for Caatinga. Fissidens flaccidus Mitt. , Trans. Linn. Soc. London 23: 56. 6 f. 18. 1860. Materials examined. Table 1 . Identification. Identified by flabellate gametophytes; long lanceolate leaves with limidium entirely conflu- ent with the apex; smooth pentagonal or hexagonal cells with sinuous walls. It is similar to Fissidens palmatus Hedw. , which is smaller (generally 2–4 mm alt.), and has cells with straight walls and limbidium not confluent with the apex. Habitat: rupicolous. Brazilian range. AC , AM , BA , CE , DF , ES , GO , MA , MG , MS , MT , PA , PB , PE , PR , RJ , RO , RS , SE , SP , TO .