The genus Stilbocoris in the Malagasy area (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae) Author Kondorosy, Előd 0000-0001-7162-0862 Department of Conservation Biology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Georgikon Campus, str. Deák F. 16, Keszthely, H- 8360 Hungary. kondorosy. ee @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7162 - 0862 Author Zámbó, András 0000-0002-6979-1125 Festetics Doctoral School, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Georgikon Campus, str. Deák F. 16, Keszthely, H- 8360 Hungary. zamboandras 88 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6979 - 1125 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-10-01 5047 4 416 430 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5047.4.2 1175-5326 5543013 5B8B0754-0C8E-4977-A841-081F2B6D60A9 Stilbocoris scudderi Kondorosy & Zámbó , sp. nov. C5B71247-8B7C-4DC6-8080-ED8BC2D2C222 ( Figs 7–9 ) Type locality. Central Madagascar , Ranomafana National Park , Vohiparara env., S 21°14′26.0″ E 047°23′40.2″ . Type material. HOLOTYPE : Madagascar-CE/ Ranomafana N. P. ; 14. xi. 2010 / Vohiparara env. 1130m / S21°14′26.0″ E047°23′40.2″ /pasture, at light; P. Baňař lgt. ( 1 ♂ , MMBC ). PARATYPES : Madagascar, 2007/Andasibe-Mantadia N. P./ Analamazaotra forest / M. Trýzna leg., 2-14. ii. ( 2 ♂♂ , 3 ♀♀ , CEHI in TLMF ); Madagascar-CE 2011/border of Andasibe N. P.; 916m /“Parc d’ Orchidées”; 27. xi./ S18°55′59.9″ E048°24′46.5″ /at light; M. Trýzna & loc. coll. lgt. ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , CEHI in TLMF ); CE Madagascar 2014/ Toamasina pr.: Andasibe-Mantadia N. P. 961m /Analamazaotra forest/18°56.324′ S 48°25.396′ E/ 961m ; 9.-12. ii., M. Trýzna lgt. ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , MMBC ); Madagascar-CE/Ranomafana N. P.; 11.-18. xi./ S21°15′22.6″ E47°25′17.8″ / 958m ; at light; P. Baňař lgt. ( 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ , MMBC ); Madagascar-CE/Ranomafana N. P.; 11.-18. xi./ S21°15′22.6″ E47°25′17.8″ / 958m ; M. Trýzna lgt. ( 1 ♀ , CEHI in TLMF ); Madagascar-CE/Ranomafana N. P.; 11.-/ 18. xi. 2010 ; 958m / S21°15′22.6″ E47°25′17.8″ /at light; P. Baňař lgt. ( 1 ♀ , MMBC ); 28. December 1998 /Fenerive-forest/ J. Moravec lgt./ Ex. Collectio / Z. Jindra , Prague ( 1 ♀ , ZJPC ); Sandrangato//Institut/Scientifique/Madagascar [blue label] ( 1 ♂ , 3 ♀♀ , MNHN , 1 ♂ EKCH ); Madagascar Est/dct. Sambava/Marojejy/Ambinamitelo 500m /XII-58 Raharizonina//Institut/Scientifique/Madagascar [blue label] ( 1 ♀ , MNHN ); Madagascar Est/Perinet/IV. 58 J. Lep- ointe//Institut/Scientifique/Madagascar [blue label] ( 1 ♀ , MNHN ); MADAGASCAR : Toliara /Province, Fôret Clas- sée/d’Analavelona, 29.4 km 343°/NNW Mahaboboka/elev 1050m , 21 Feb 2003 /22° 40′ 30″ S 044° 11′ 12″ E/coll. Fisher , Griswold et al. / California Acad. of Sciences /sifted litter, in montane/rainforest code: BLF7893 (many specimens in 90% ethanol) ( 5 ♂♂ , 5 ♀♀ CAS , 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ HNHM, 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ EKCH ) . Description. Colour. Colouration similar to Stilbocoris slateri sp. nov. except paler brown pronotum and scutellum, yellowish humeral pronotal angles and yellowish brown peritreme being much paler than evaporatorium. Integument. Body shiny except abdomen, and because of dense pubescence head also appearing hardly shining. Head everywhere with some minute inserted punctures dorsally (hardly visible because of pubescence and a fine rugosity) and very finely and relatively densely punctate with hardly visible extremely minute punctures ventrally. Pronotum with coarse punctures especially along anterior margin and posteriad of transverse impression (anterior lobe around callar area very densely and somewhat more finely punctate), callar elevation and posterior margin sparsely punctate with fine punctures. Punctures of other parts similar to S. slateri sp. nov. Vestiture. Head covered with scattered erect or semierect setae dorsally (not longer than diameter of pedicel at base) and much shorter fine decumbent pubescence both dorsally and ventrally. Pubescence of antennomeres is similar to S. slateri sp. nov. Labium with several fine semierect setae (shorter than erect setae of antennomeres). Pronotum with numerous erect setae similar to erect setae of head. Other parts of thorax glabrous except fine setae on anterior margin of prosternum (sometimes extremely tiny setae visible on hemelytra as well). Pubescence and setae of legs similar to S. slateri sp. nov. except unarmed mesofemora.Abdominal venter densely covered with fine, short decumbent pubescence, on sterna V and VI with (mostly hardly visible) large pruinose sublateral spot reaching anterior and posterior margins. Structure. Labium mostly reaching mesocoxae, sometimes labium of male specimens just slightly surpassing middle of mesosternum, labiomere I almost reaching base of head. Callar area of pronotum slightly elevated. Lateral margin of pronotum hardly laminate, widest part about half of diameter of base of pedicel and clearly concave at level of transverse impression; posterior pronotal margin slightly concave. Transverse impression of pronotum moderately strong. Scutellum with strongly elevated Y-shaped elevation, lateral keels of it relatively sharp. Metafemora about 1.25–1.30 times thicker than mesofemora. Male genitalia. Pygophore ( Figs. 7–8 ) subglobose, posterior aperture situated halfway on dorsal, halfway on caudal side, relatively small, mushroom-shaped and about two times longer than broad, dorsal sinus rounded anteriad and evenly narrowing posteriad, ventral sinus subelliptical with a narrow partially translucent membrane present on posterior end; from anterior rounded part of dorsal sinus a divergent wrinkle leading in direction of posterior angles of pygophore; parallel of it with a triangular well-sclerotized elevation at border of both sinuses curving ventrally, also limited with a strong wrinkle. Cuplike sclerite with strong keel on caudal surface (triangular in cross-section) elongated in strong long spine emergent well above surface of pygophore (parameres also emergent approaching it on both sides). Entire surface of pygophore covered with short fine decumbent and semierect setae as well. Paramere ( Fig. 9 ) long, blade elongate triangular, curved at base almost rectangularly, shank shorter, with elongate finger-like projection orientated more or less toward apex of blade in about 30–45° related to outer margin of blade and clearly emergent from main plane of paramere. Measurements ( 9 males , 15 females , holotype in parentheses): Total body length: 3.60–4.92 (3.76); head: length 0.48–0.56 (0.52), width 0.72–0.80 (0.72), interocular space 0.40–0.48 (0.40); length of antennomeres: I 0.40–0.52 (0.40), II 0.76–0.96 (0.88), III 0.60–0.88 (0.60), IV 0.76–0.88 (0.76); length of labiomeres: I 0.42–0.60 (0.45), II 0.48–0.63 (0.60), III 0.36–0.51 (0.36), IV 0.17–0.27 (0.21); pronotum: length 0.80–1.00 (0.92), width 1.28–1.64 (1.28); scutellum: length 0.88–1.28 (0.92), width 0.76–1.04 (0.76). Differential diagnosis: Stilbocoris scudderi sp. nov. is externally most similar to S. slateri sp. nov. , although the two species do not appear to be closely related phylogenetically (based on the very different structure of pygophore and paramere); the two species can be easily distinguished from each other by the following combination of features: 1) the head of S. scudderi sp. nov. is densely pubescent, while in S. slateri sp. nov. it is almost glabrous; 2) the callar elevation of S. scudderi sp. nov. is distinctly punctate, while it is almost impunctate in S. slateri sp. nov. ; 3) concavity of lateral margin of the pronotum at level of the transverse impression is deeper in S. scudderi sp. nov. than in S. slateri sp. nov. ; 4) the Y-shaped elevation of the scutellum is strong and sharp in S. scudderi sp. nov. , whilst it is relatively fine in S. slateri sp. nov. ; 5) the posterior aperture of the pygophore of S. scudderi sp. nov. is small and mushroom-shaped ( Fig. 7 ), whilst it is large, almost rounded in S. slateri sp. nov. ( Fig. 5 ); 6) the cup-like sclerite of S. scudderi sp. nov. is very elongate and emergent, whilst it is hardly visible in S. slateri sp. nov. ; 7) the paramere of both species are very different (cf. Figs. 6 and 9 ). Stilbocoris scudderi sp. nov. is rather similar to S. solivagus too, however, the two species can readily be distinguished based on the following differences: 1) the entire pronotum of Stilbocoris scudderi sp. nov. is fully dark (except humeral angles), but the posterior lobe of S. solivagus is at least slightly paler than the anterior lobe; 2) the pygophore and the paramere of S. solivagus is similar to that of S. slateri sp. nov. (see above). Etymology. Stilbocoris scudderi is dedicated to Geoffrey G. E. Scudder (born in 1934), one of the most prominent researchers of Lygaeoidea (biography see Cannings 2006 ), author of several Stilbocoris species. Distribution. Endemic to Madagascar ( Fig. 10 ).