Dupliciporia lanterna n. sp. (Digenea: Zoogonidae) from Priacanthus hamrur (Perciformes: Priacanthidae) and additional zoogonids parasitizing fishes from the waters off New Caledonia Author Bray, Rodney A. Author Justine, Jean-Lou text Zootaxa 2008 1707 60 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.180937 06bb3086-761c-41ff-a623-1eb0a087a666 1175-5326 180937 Dupliciporia lanterna n. sp. ( Figures 1–5 ) Type-host: Priacanthus hamrur (Forsskål, 1775) , Perciformes : Priacanthidae , moontail bullseye or goggleeye. Site: Digestive tract. Type-locality: Récif Tué, off Nouméa, New Caledonia ( 22°19’S , 166°29’E , 27/03/2007 ). Other locality: Ilôt Signal, New Caledonia ( 22°17’S , 166°17’E , 16/05/2006 ). Prevalence: 2 of 3 (67%). Intensity : 1–11. Host data: The infected hosts were 340 and 350 mm in fork length, 500 and 750g in weight. Specimens deposited: Holotype MNHN JNC2156–1, paratypes MNHN JNC 2156–2–3 , 1830–1. BMNH 2007.11.14.47–50. Etymology: The species designation reflects the local name of the fish, ‘lanterne’ referring to its large eyes. Description: Based on 8 specimens , 6 ventral measured, 2 lateral. Body elongate, narrow, 4,878–5,508 × 350–466 (5,095 × 398), width 6.91–9.14 (7.82) % of body length. Tegument spinous, virtually to posterior extremity. Oral sucker infundibuliform, with 7 pointed lobes; 228–323 × 266–318 (257 × 298), length 4.51– 6.32 (5.05) % of body-length. Ventral sucker equatorial or just pre-equatorial; on slight protuberance, transversely oval, with distinct longitudinal median ridge; 233–299 × 264–338 (269 × 285), 4.74–5.86 (5.29) % of body-length. Sucker-length ratio 1:0.92–1.20 (1.06), width ratio 0.86–1.07 (0.96). Forebody 2,216–2,788 (2,448) long, 43.9–51.6 (48.0) % of body-length. Prepharynx relatively short, but distinct; 238–297 (258) long, 4.59–5.81 (5.07) % of body-length. Pharynx small, broadly oval; 64–103 × 80–99 (78 × 92), length 1.29–2.04 (1.54) % of body-length. Oral sucker to pharynx width ratio 1:0.25–0.35 (0.31). Oesophagus long, coiled anteriorly, undulating in mid-region and more or less rectilinear posteriorly; 1,372–1,886 (1,627) long, length 28.1–36.6 (31.9) of body-length. Intestinal bifurcation in posterior forebody, 460–624 (542) from ventral sucker, at 20.8–24.0 (22.1) % of forebody length. Caeca narrow, undulating around ventral sucker, reaching to various levels of anterior testis, 1,269–1,393 (1,375) from posterior extremity, post-caecal region 12.4– 27.4 (20.2) % of body-length, 137–170 (148)% of post-testicular region. Testes 2, oval, entire, virtually tandem, close or contiguous, in mid-hindbody; anterior 250–358 × 223– 280 (301 × 251), length 4.89–7.34 (5.92) % of body-length; posterior 273–344 × 218–321 (305 × 265), length 4.96–6.83 (5.99) % of body-length. Distance between testes 0–52 (9), 0.00–1.03 (0.17) % of body-length. Post-testicular region 825–1,014 (932) long, 16.2–19.7 (18.3) % of body-length. Cirrus-sac large, elongateoval, flexed, thick-walled, overlapping ventral sucker and reaching to bifurcal level 519–634 × 163–202 (586 × 180), length 10.3–12.4 (11.5) % of body-length. Internal seminal vesicle coiled, narrow, thick walled, occuping about one third of cirrus-sac length. Pars prostatica thick-walled, lined with anuclear cell-like bodies, more than half length of cirrus sac. Ejaculatory duct short, relatively thin-walled. All of internal male duct surrounded by distinct layer of gland-cells and interspersed radial fibres. Genital atrium relatively small. Genital pore sinistro-lateral at bifurcal level. Ovary oval, 183–255 × 168–212 (222 × 188), length 3.58–5.05 (4.36)% of body-length; in anterior hindbody, separated from ventral sucker by 26–81 (42), 0.51–1.59 (0.82) % of body-length; pretesticular, separated from anterior testis by coils of uterus and distance of 441–613 (530), 9.05–11.2 (10.4) % of body-length. Seminal receptacle oval, contiguous with posterior margin of ovary. Laurer’s canal opens dorsally at level of seminal receptacle. Mehlis’ gland ventro-postero-sinistral to ovary. Uterus mainly post-testicular reaching close to posterior extremity, passes ventrally to gonads, mainly intercaecal anterior to testes, narrows dorsally to ventral sucker and reaches dorsally to cirrus-sac. Post-uterine distance 40–85 (66), 0.78–1.65 (1.29) % of body-length. Eggs small, tanned, operculate, with 2 distinct raised bands around circumference, very numerous, 32–38 × 15–19 (34 × 16). Metraterm thick-walled, about 25% of cirrus-sac length. Vitellarium of two lateral bands of 8–10 (9.4) follicles (poral side), 7–9 (8.4) (aporal side), between level of ovary and almost to anterior testis; longer field 420–575 (502) long, 8.22–11.3 (9.85) % of body-length, shorter field 391–553 (475) long, 7.66-10.8 (9.32)% of body-length; pre-vitelline distance 2,711-3,290 (2,975), 53.7-62.8 (58.4) % of body-length, post-vitelline distance 1,413-1,729 (1,577), 27.7-34.3 (31.0) % of body-length. FIGURE 6. Dupliciporia sp. (= Parasteganoderma sp. of El-Labadi et al. [2006]) ex. Pristigenys niphonia , Gulf of Aqaba. Ventral view. BMNH 2005.4.13.40. Abbreviations: see legend to figures 1-4. Scale-bar: 1mm. Excretory pore dorsally subterminal, surrounded by distinct globular glandular patch. Excretory vesicle shape and extent obscured by eggs.