On some species of Oxypoda MANNERHEIM from Turkey and adjacent regions (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae Aleocharinae) Author Assing, V. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2006 2006-07-21 38 1 277 331 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5432984 0253-116X 5432984 Oxypoda ( Thliboptera ) gladiatoria sp.n. ( Figs 91-103 , Map 6 ) Holotype 3: TR - Muğla, No. 10, 20 km NNE Fethiye, N-exp. oakwood, 970 m , 36°47'28N , 29°11'29E , 27.III.2002 , V . Assing / Holotypus 3 Oxypoda gladiatoria sp. n. det. V . Assing 2006 (cAss). Paratypes : 533, 9♀♀ : same data as holotype (cAss, cFel, OÖLL ) ; 22 exs. : same data, but leg. Wunderle (cWun, cAss) ; 233: TR - Muğla , No. 21, SE Fethiye , Baba Dağ , above Ovacik , 680 m , 36°33'23N , 29°09'49E , 30.III.2002 , V . Assing (cAss) ; 1 ex. : same data, but leg. Wunderle (cWun) ; 233, 1♀ : TR - Antalya , No. 26, E Kumluca , 385 m , Laurus , Platanus , 36°21'50N , 30°22'27E , 3.IV.2002 , V . Assing (cAss) ; 1 ex. : same data, but leg. Wunderle (cWun) ; 1♀ : TR - Antalya , No. 27, E Kumluca , 385 m , stream bank, 36°21'50N , 30°22'27E , 3.IV.2002 , V . Assing & P. Wunderle (cAss) ; 1♀ : TR - Antalya , No. 5, E Kumluca , 385 m , Laurus , Platanus , 36°21'50N , 30°22'27E , 25.III.2002 , V . Assing (cAss) ; 3 exs. : same data, but leg. Wunderle (cWun) ; 2 exs. : TR - Antalya, No. 4, E Kumluca, 335 m , grassland, under stones, 36°21'12N , 30°22'41E , 25.III.2002 , P. Wunderle (cWun); 13: 1.1.-7.1.91, SW-TÜ, Umg. Gündogmus, 850-900 m , leg. P. Wunderle (cAss); 13: Cyprus - NW-Troodos, Kalopanayotis , 600 m , N-Hang, Streugesiebe , 1.IV.1995 , Assing (cAss) ; 13, 3♀♀ : Cyprus Troodos-Geb. , Marathassa-Pedhoulas , Ayios Joannis , 600 m , 01.04.96, P. Wunderle (cWun, cAss) . D e s c r i p t i o n: 4.5-5.5 mm . External characters as in O. micantoides ( Figs 91-93 , 100 ). 3: sternite VIII weakly transverse, its posterior margin broadly convex ( Fig. 101 ); median lobe of aedeagus very large, with angled ventral process (lateral view) and with two pairs of long flattened sclerotised structures in internal sac ( Figs 94-96 ); apical lobe of paramere as in Fig. 103 . : sternite VIII transverse, its posterior margin truncate, sometimes indistinctly concave in the middle ( Fig. 102 ); spermatheca of somewhat variable shape, with relatively large capsule and rather short duct ( Figs 97-99 ). E t y m o l o g y: The name (Lat., adj.) refers to the sword-like flatted structures in the internal sac of the aedeagus. C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: Fromthehighlysimilar O. micantoides , O. gladiatoria is distinguished only by the morphology of the aedeagus: the somewhat larger and flattened long sclerotised structures and the shape of the flagellum-like ventral structure in the internal sac, the larger crista apicalis, and the more slender and less strongly angled ventral process. D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d b i o n o m i c s: The currently known distribution includes southwestern Anatolia ( Muğla, Antalya ) and Cyprus ( Map 6 ). The vast majority of type specimens were sifted from the leaf litter of deciduous trees (oak, sycamore, laurel) at relatively low altitudes ( 335-970 m ) ; some were found by turning stones in a pasture. One of the specimens collected in March is somewhat teneral.