Revision of the Pseudepipona herrichii-group of the eumenine wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) with the description of two new species from China and Russia Author Fateryga, Alexander V. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-06-14 5154 2 101 126 journal article 73098 10.11646/zootaxa.5154.2.1 ddc2375f-c9b1-434d-b5d4-ae2369f1ab24 1175-5326 6641245 C7CDB6C4-A483-4DF3-BA00-AECBC14B0A34 Genus Pseudepipona de Saussure, 1856 Pseudepipona de Saussure, 1856: 309 ; type species: Odynerus herrichii de Saussure, 1856 , by monotypy. Leptepipona Blüthgen, 1951: 194 ; type species: Vespa tripunctata Fabricius, 1787 , by original designation; synonymized by van der Vecht & Fischer, 1972: 82–83 . Metepipona Blüthgen, 1951: 193 ; type species: Odynerus peculiaris Morawitz, 1895 , by original designation; synonymized by van der Vecht & Fischer, 1972: 82–83 . Trichepipona Blüthgen, 1951: 193 ; type species: Odynerus lativentris de Saussure, 1855 , by original designation; synonymized by van der Vecht & Fischer, 1972: 82–83 . Diagnosis. Female clypeus with a narrow apical margin; labial palpus with four segments; male antenna hooked apically; female vertex with a single fovea; anterior face of the pronotum without distinct foveae; pretegular carina present; tegula broad, without deep large punctures, protruding posteriorly adjoining the parategula but not surpassing it; second submarginal cell of the forewing with acute basal angle; axillary fossa relatively broad, not slit-like; propodeum with a transverse carina between the dorsal and posterior surfaces; propodeal valvula mono-lamellate; propodeal orifice broadly rounded dorsally; T1 not petiolate, somewhat narrower than T2, without a transverse carina; both T1 and T2 without an apical lamella. Subgenera and species included. Seven species are currently recognized in the subgenus Deuterepipona Blüthgen, 1951 and 32 species in the subgenus Pseudepipona s. str.