Five new species of Cymatodera Gray, 1832 (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Tillinae) from Mexico and Central America Author Burke, Alan F. Author Sole, Catherine L. Author Toledo-Hernández, Víctor H. Author Scholtz, Clarke H. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-11-16 4350 1 journal volume 31469 10.11646/zootaxa.4350.1.6 b0dafbad-9733-48e4-826f-b8e601823c79 1175-5326 1050943 B3ECEF66-1535-40DD-A350-B898B013FF7A Cymatodera lorenae Burke , sp. n. ( Figs 2 , 7, 8, 15, 16 , 23 , 28 ) Type material. Holotype : Red labeled, male: Mexico , Morelos , Tepoztlan , San Andres de la Cal , Cerro de la Cruz , 18.964874 N , 99.124214 W , 1605 m , Selva baja caducifolia [subtropical dry broadleaf forest], trampa de luz [ light trap ], 11-XI-2015 , J. G. Martinez , R. Reyes , O. Martinez and A. L. Velazco ( CIUM ). Paratypes (14) Yellow labeled: 2 males : same data as holotype ( CIUM ), except one male collected on 13- VIII-2015 ( UPCA ) ; 2 males : Mexico , Guerrero , 2 km S Ahuacat [tit]lan 5500’, 20-IX-1989 , E. Giesbert ( FSCA ) ; 1 male, 6 females : Mexico , Oaxaca , Dominguillo , 760 m , 17.38907 N 96.54703 W , 21-I-1998 , S. Zaragoza , except 1 male and 1 female collected on 28-XI-1997 , 1 female collected on 21-I-1998 , 2 females collected on 26-XI-1997 , and 1 female collected on 23-I-1998 (CNIN); 1 female : Mexico , Guerrero , Xilotepec , 1182m , 17°58’18” N 98°28’44” W , 15-X-2006 , L. Cervantes and C. Mayorga ( CNIN ) ; 1 female : Mexico , Puebla , 1 km NW Cacaloapan , 19-VIII-1 988, J. T. Doyen ( EMEC ) ; 1 female : Mexico , Guerrero , 11.1 km W Xochipala , 17-XI-1989 , R. Turnbow ( RHTC ) . Differential diagnosis: The new species is separated from congeners by its body form, size, color, elytral fascia pattern, and male pygidium. Cymatodera lorenae superficially resembles Cymatodera cicatricula Rifkind , but it can be separated from the latter as follows: Males of C. lorenae have the last ventrite subtriangular, narrower anteriorly, excavated, and broadly, shallowly, U-shaped emarginate, with the posterolateral margins slightly turned downwardly and notched distally ( Fig. 7 ); males of C. cicatricula have the same ventrite flattened ventrally, rather campanulate, with a dark, sclerotized posterior margin, deeply U–shaped and arcuately emarginate posteriorly. In addition, C. lorenae has the pronotum and elytra conspicuously more slender, and the elytral punctations more finely and shallowly depressed than in C. cicatricula . Description: Holotype male. Form elongate; cylindrical, slender; metathoracic wings present. Total length: 10.2 mm . Color: integument testaceous to brown; mouthparts, antennae and tarsi paler; anterior 1/3 of elytral ground decorated with a testaceous, transverse, bi-sinuate fascia pattern of various sizes; posterior 1/3 uniformly brown ( Fig. 2 ). Head: HL = 1.87 mm , HW = 1.64 mm . Measured across eyes wider than pronotum; surface smooth, shiny, moderately coarsely punctate, punctuation rather shallow; frons feebly bi-impressed; clothed with short, fine, recumbent setae and few scattered long, thick, erect setae; eyes large, ovoid, separated by approximately 1.75 eyewidths, bulging laterally. Antennae slender, extending beyond anterior margin of elytra, third antennomere about 1.5 the size of second antennomere, antennomeres 3-10 gradually reducing in size toward distal end, eleventh antennomere ovoid, approximately the same size of tenth antennomere; antennomeres 4-10 serrate, serration gradually increasing distally. Thorax: PL = 2.5 mm , PW = 1.48 mm . Pronotum elongate, widest at middle; sides constricted laterally, slightly more strongly constricted behind middle; disc flat, feebly impressed in front of middle; subbasal tumescence pronounced; surface shiny, very feebly rugose, moderately punctate, punctuation narrow and shallow; vested with short, pale, semi-recumbent setae intermingled with long, erect and semi-erect, pale setae, the latter more abundant laterally. Prosternum wider than long; surface shiny, rugose, very feebly, shallowly punctate, glabrous. Mesoventrite subquadrate; surface shiny, strongly, coarsely punctate, glabrous. Metaventrite strongly convex; surface rugulose, very feebly, shallowly punctate, scarcely clothed with fine, pale, semirecumbent setae. Legs: Femora rugulose; finely, shallowly punctate; clothed with short, pale, semirecumbent setae interspersed with erect setae. Tibiae longitudinally rugulose; vested with short, semirecumbent setae intermixed with some scattered, erect setae. Elytra: EL = 7.45 mm , EW = 2.54 mm . Anterior margin arcuately emarginate; wider than widest portion of pronotum; sides very feebly arcuate; inconspicuously widest on posterior 1/3; disc feebly convex; apex subtriangular, very feebly dehiscent; elytral sculpturing arranged in regular, shallow striae; punctuation abundant on first half of elytral disc, then gradually diminishing in size and number, disappearing on posterior 1/4; punctations less abundant near elytral suture; punctations at elytral base moderately coarse and deep; surface shiny, rugulose, clothed with short, pale, fine, recumbent setae intermixed with less numerous, long, pale, erect setae. Abdomen: Ventrites 1–5 shiny, finely punctate; sparsely clothed with short, pale, fine, recumbent setae. Ventrites 1-4 convex, subquadrate; each ventrite with a feebly elevated, longitudinal, dark carina that does not reach posterolateral angles and a pair of shallow, glabrous, shiny impressions near sides ( Fig. 28 ). Fifth ventrite subtriangular in shape; surface moderately rugose, shallowly, finely punctate; median region with a deep, glabrous depression; lateral margins oblique, somewhat arcuate; posterior margin broadly, deeply emarginate ( Fig. 7 ). Sixth ventrite as broad as long; campanulate; surface shiny; very finely vested; conspicuously depressed; lateral margins oblique, arcuate; posterior margin deeply, U-shaped emarginate; posterolateral margins subquadrate, notched posteriorly, curved downwardly ( Fig. 7 ). Fifth tergite conspicuously vested with fine, recumbent pale setae; posterior margin bisinuate laterally, broadly, V–shaped emarginate posteriorly ( Fig. 8 ). Sixth tergite narrower than sixth ventrite; longer than broad; subrectangular in shape; surface very finely rugulose; finely vested with semirecumbent, pale setae; sides slightly, arcuately tapering posteriorly; hind margin subtruncate ( Fig. 8 ). Posterolateral angles of sixth ventrite slightly extend beyond lateral and posterior margin of sixth tergite ( Fig. 7 ). Aedeagus: AL = 2.35 mm . Sclerotized; ratio of length of paramere to whole tegmen 0.16: 1; tegmen covering phallus; parameres developed, pointed at apex; phallobase wide; phallus with copulatory piece tapered at apex; phallic plate with a row of moderately developed denticles; phallobasic apodeme rather long, slender distally; endophallic struts slender throughout their length ( Fig. 23 ). Variation: The type series has some variation in the integument color, ranging from light testaceous to dark brown. Members of the type series range in length from 7.4 to 10.2 mm . Remaining characters are constant. Females: The antennae of females are somewhat shorter and more coarsely serrate than in males; also, females in the type series are generally slightly more robust than males. Ventrites 1-4 of females are not medially, longitudinally impressed, as observed in males ( Fig. 28 ). The sixth visible ventrite of females is subquadrate in shape, with the posterior margin truncate ( Fig. 15 ). The sixth visible tergite is rounded ( Fig. 16 ). Distribution: The type material was collected from the states of Puebla , Oaxaca and Guerrero in a mountainous region known as Sierra Mixteca ( Fig. 33 ). The habitat of this mountain range is represented by tropical deciduous forests at low elevations, and oak-pine and pure-pine woodlands at mid and high elevations. Etymology: I am pleased to name this new species after my wife, Lorena. She has been an important part of my life and has always been next to me, unconditionally.