An annotated catalog of Evanioidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera) from China Author Li, Yicheng College of Agricultural and Biotechnology, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi 417000, China. Author He, Yanbiao College of Agricultural and Biotechnology, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi 417000, China. & Loudi Institute of Agricultural Science, Loudi 417000, China. Author Chen, Huayan Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China. text Zootaxa 2024 2024-06-11 5468 1 75 111 journal article 298600 10.11646/zootaxa.5468.1.3 4c8198d6-b82c-4ff2-96f9-912012d39e7b 1175-5326 11614335 07BEBC41-572F-42E7-9B98-83A88467CF9C 4.3 Genus Evania Fabricius, 1775 Evania : Fabricius, 1775: 345 [descr.]; Fabricius, 1804: 178 [redescr.]; Jurine, 1807: 84 [diag.], plate 2 [bottom/left fore wing]; Blanchard, 1840: 298–299 [diag.], 299 [checklist of spp.]; Westwood, 1841: 536 [includes Brachygaster and Hyptia ]; Westwood, 1843: 239–241 [diag., biology]; Schletterer, 1886: 1–2 [family history], 2–5 [morphology], 5 [hosts=“Blattiden”, adults on “Umbelliferen” plants], 6–8 [spp. key], 39–45 [sp. catalog.], plate I [wings, habitus, mesosoma, antenna]; Cameron, 1887: 425 [note on taxonomy and biology], 425–434 [key to Central America Evania spp. ]; Schletterer, 1889: 118 [taxonomic history for Evania s.l. ], 119–123 [morphology], 123–124 [biology], 124–125 [biogeography], 125–136 [spp. key], plate I [figs. 1a-b palps]; Szépligeti, 1903: 375 [in key], 378–379 [spp. key]; Bradley, 1908: 130 [mouthpart morphology], 133 [wing morphology], 137 [in key], 137–138 [diag.], 138 [spp. key], 162 [in key], 164–167 [spp. key], plate XIII [fig. 75 fore wing]; Kieffer, 1911: 151 [in key], 157 [listed], 157–159 [spp. key], 164–167 [spp. key]; Kieffer, 1912: 10 [in key], 65 [redescr.], 65–79 [spp. keys by region]; Perkins, 1913: cviii [ Evania spp. as host for Tetrastichus sp. ]; Kieffer, 1924: 74 [diag.]; De Saeger, 1943: 331 [hosts=“ Periplaneta americana ”, “ Blatta orientalis ”, “ Rhyparobia madeirae {sic}”], 332–333 [spp. key]; Townes, 1949: 526 [in key], 526–527 [note on interpretation and generic limits]; Baltazar, 1966: 156 [in catalog of Philippine spp.]; Pagliano, 1986: 16 [in key], 17 [diag., key to Italian spp.]; Huben, 1995: 195 [occurs in New World], 196 [fig. 8.10 habitus], 197 [table 8.1 hosts for Evania spp. = “ Periplaneta spp. ”, “ Blatta sp. ”, “ Melanozosteria sp. ”, “ Neostylopyga ”, in key], 198 [fig. 8.11 fore wing], 199 [note on distribution and that 5 spp. potentially occur in Central America ]; Deans & Huben, 2003: 860 [note on taxonomic history], 861 [in table 1], 863 [in key, diag.]. Evania subg. Evania : Hedicke 1939: 4 [in catalog]; De Saeger, 1943: 333 [in classification]. Type species: Sphex appendigaster Linnaeus. Number of valid species from China : 5. (1) Evania appendigaster ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) Ichneumon appendigaster : Linnaeus, 1758: 566 [descr., “habitat in America ”, holotype unknown, LSUK ]; Dalla Torre, 1902: 1076 [in catalog]. Sphex appendigaster : Linnaeus, 1767: 930 [in catalog], 943 [redescr.]. Evania appendigaster : De Geer, 1773: 594–596 [redescr., note on range expansion into Jamaica , Suriname , Dominican Republic ], plate 30 [fig. 14 lateral habitus, fig. 15 mesosoma + metasoma]; Fabricius, 1775: 345 [redescr.]; Blanchard, 1840: 299 [in checklist, diag.]; Westwood, 1840: 134 [fig. 74.1 lateral habitus, figs. 74.2–3 palps, figs. 74.4–5 mesosoma, fig. 74.6 metasternum]; Westwood, 1843: 241 [in classification, note on type specimen, diag., recorded from “ England , Germany , the Island of Mauritius , Mozambique , and Brazil ”]; Westwood, 1851: 213 [note on characters that separate appendigaster from laevigata , as interpreted by Guérin-Méneville 1843]; Schletterer, 1886: 5 [adults on “ Petroselinum ” and “ Foeniculum ” plants], 6 [in key], 10–12 [descr. , host = “ Periplaneta orientalis ”], 39–41 [in catalog], plate I [fig. 1 wings, fig. 6 dorsal mesosoma]; Schletterer, 1889: 128 [in key], 136–138 [redescr.], 138 [hosts = “ Periplaneta americana , Periplaneta orientalis , Panchlora Madeira ”], plate I [fig. 4b metasternum, fig. 5a wings, figs. 6a-b antennae, fig. 6c scutellum]; Dalla Torre, 1902: 1076–1078 [in catalog]; Kieffer, 1902 : plate [fig. 3 fore wing]; Szépligeti, 1903: 379 [in key], 379 [diag.], 383 [compared to chinensis ], 388 [compared to pulcherrima ]; Bradley, 1908: 138–140 [redescr. ], 164 [in key], plate VI [figs. 13,17 head, fig. 18 habitus], plate VIII [figs. 27–29 mouthparts], plate IX [fig. 44 tarsal claw], plate X [fig. 56 ♀ antenna], [fig. 60 hind leg], [fig. 62 metanotum], plate XIII [fig. 76 wings]; Kieffer, 1910: 25 [recorded in central Africa]; Kieffer, 1912: 2 [figs. 2a-b palps], 7 [fig. 9 metasternum, fig. 10 fore and hind wings], 9 [fig. 20 tarsal claw], 65 [fig. 10 fore and hind wings], 66 [in key], 67 [in key], 70 [in key], 71 [in key], 76 [in key], 83–84 [redescr.], 84 [fig. 36 metasternum, fig. 37 tarsal claw]; Strand, 1912: 24 [compared to postfurcalis ], 25 [compared to oculatula ]; Enderlein, 1913: 19 [in checklist of Taiwanese spp.]; Kieffer, 1924: 77 [diag., recorded in China ]; Swezey, 1929: 282 [potential hosts in Hawaii = “ Periplaneta americana L.”, “ P. australasiae Fabr. ”, “ Neostylopyga rhombifolia Stoll ”, “ Cutilia soror Brunn. ”]; De Saeger, 1943: 333 [in key], 338–339 [hosts = “ Periplaneta americana ”, “ Blatta orientalis ”, “ Rhyparobia madeirae ”, “ Periplaneta australasiae ”, “? Stylopyga orientalis ”]; Townes, 1949: 527– 528 [diag., host = “egg capsules of Blatta orientalis and Periplaneta spp. ”]; Cameron, 1955: 138 [hosts = “ P. americana ”, “ P. australasiae ”, “ B. orientalis ”, “ Bl. germanica ”, “ Cutilia soror Brunn. ”, “ Neostylopyga rhombifolia Stoll ”]; Cameron, 1957: 199–202 [adult biology, oviposition behavior, larval instar information], 200 [fig. 1a egg, fig. 1b first instar mandible], 201 [figs, 2a-e larval mandibles], 202–205 [development from egg to adult], 203 [fig. 3a larva, fig. 3b larval tracheal system, fig. 3c prepupa, fig. 3d spiracle], 204 [fig. 4 larval head, fig. 5 larval cephalic skeleton], 205 [fig. 6 adult metasoma], 205–206 [use in biocontrol], 207 [hosts = “ Periplaneta sp. ”, “ P. americana ”, “ P. australasiae ”, “ B. orientalis ”, “ Cutilia soror ”, “ N. rhombifolia ”]; Lit, 1988: 365–370 [potential for biocontrol of cockroaches, hosts = “ Periplaneta americana ”, “ Periplaneta australasiae ”], 368–369 [egg number in , oviposition behavior, larval development]; Madl, 1989a: 248 [in key to Austrian spp.], 248–249 [diag.], 251 [biology, host = “ Periplaneta americana ”]; Yeh et al ., 2000: 13–21 [sequence of oviposition behaviors]; He et al ., 2004: 78 [figs. 102-103], 78–79 [descr.], plate I-1; Dean, 2005: 27–33 [in catalog]. Ichneumon niger : De Geer, 1773: 594 [listed as syn.of appendigaster ]; Olivier, 1792:453 [syn. E. appendigaster ]; Dalla Torre, 1902: 1077 [in catalog as syn. of E. appendigaster ]. Evania laevigata : Olivier, 1792: 452 [diag., common name = “ Evanie lisse ”], 453 [descr., “l’Amérique méridionale”]; Leach, 1815: 142 [diag.]; Westwood, 1843: 241 [note on taxonomy, recorded from “ Mexico , New Orleans, Brazil , the Cape of Good Hope, Egypt , Greece , Sardinia, Coromandel and New Holland ”]; Dalla Torre, 1902: 1077 [in catalog as syn. of appendigaster ]; Hedicke, 1939: 6–7 [in catalog as syn. of appendigaster ]. Evania desjardinsi : Blanchard, 1840: 299 [descr. , Mauritiu, MNHN ]; Westwood, 1851: 214 [note that desjardinsi might be the male for laevigata ]; Schletterer, 1886: 12 [syn. of appendigaster ]; Hedicke, 1939: 7 [in catalog as syn. of appendigaster ] Evania desjardinsii {sic}: Westwood, 1843: 242 [diag., recorded from France ]; Dalla Torre, 1902: 1077–1078 [in catalog as syn. of appendigaster ]; Wall, 1994: 142 [in catalog of European spp. as syn. of appendigaster ]. Evania cubae : Guérin-Méneville, 1844: 405 [descr., Cuba ], [ types lost?]; Westwood, 1843: 242 [diag.]; Westwood, 1851: 214 [quote from Guérin-Méneville 1844 regarding distinction from laevigata]; Dalla Torre, 1902: 1077 [in catalog as syn. of appendigaster ]; Hedicke, 1939: 6 [in catalog as syn. of appendigaster ]; Wall, 1994: 142 [in catalog of European spp. as syn. of E. appendigaster ]. Evania desjardini {sic}: Dalla Torre, 1902: 1078 [in catalog as syn. of E. appendigaster ]. Evania peringueyi : Cameron, 1906: 19 [in key], 19–20 [descr. , “Cape Colony, Cape Town”], [ NHMUK , , type # 3.a.291]; Bradley, 1908: 190 [note that this sp. is from Ethiopean region]; Kieffer, 1912: 67 [in key], 93 [redescr.]; Hedicke, 1939: 6 [in catalog as syn. of E. appendigaster ]; Wall, 1994: 142 [in catalog of European spp. as syn. of E. appendigaster ]. Evania subg. Evania appendigaster : Hedicke, 1939: 23 [in catalog]. Evania niger : Hedicke, 1939: 6 [in catalog, syn. appendigaster ]; Wall, 1994: 142 [in catalog of European spp. as syn. of E. appendigaster ]. Distribution: China ( Zhejiang , Jiangsu , Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi , Hunan , Taiwan) , worldwide distribution except polar regions ( Linnaeus 1758 ; He et al . 2004 ; Deans 2005 ). Biology. E. appendigaster parasite Periplaneta americana , P. australasiae , Blatta orientalis , Cutilia soror , Neostylopyga rhombifolia ( Linnaeus 1758 ; He et al . 2004 ; Deans 2005 ). (2) Evania chinensis Szépligeti, 1903 Evania chinensis : Szépligeti, 1903: 379 [in key], 383 [descr. , HNHM , “ China ”]; Bradley, 1908: 164 [in key]; Kieffer, 1912: 65 [in key], 70 [in key], 83 [diag.]; Kieffer, 1924: 76 [diag.]; Deans, 2005: 34 [in catalog]. Evania subg. Evania chinensis : Hedicke 1939: 8 [in catalog]. Distribution: China (unknown detail location) ( Szépligeti 1903 ; Deans 2005 ). Biology. Host unknown. (3) Evania giganteipes Kieffer, 1911 Evania giganteipes Kieffer, 1911: 158 [in key], 161–162 [descr. , “Asie: Hongkong ”, [ NHMUK , type # 3.a.274]; Kieffer, 1912: 69 [in key], 111–112 [redescr.]; Deans, 2005: 38 [in catalog]. Evania subg. Evania giganteipes : Hedicke 1939: 13 [in catalog]. Distribution: China ( Hongkong ) ( Kieffer 1911 ; Deans 2005 ). Biology. Host unknown. (4) Evania oblonga Enderlein, 1909 Evania oblonga : Enderlein, 1909: 246–248 [descr. ZMIZ , , “Süd-Formosa.Takao. 8.August 1907 . Gesammelt von H. Sauter”]; Kieffer, 1912: 68 [in key], 105–106 [redescr.]; Enderlein, 1913: 319 [in checklist of Taiwanese spp.]; Deans, 2005: 39–40 [in catalog]. Evania subg. Evania oblonga : Hedicke 1939: 15 [in catalog]. Distribution: China ( Taiwan) ( Enderlein 1909 ; Deans 2005 ). Biology. Host unknown. (5) Evania postfurcalis Strand, 1912 Evania postfurcalis : Strand, 1912: 24–25 [descr. ZMHU , , “Formosa Sauter”]; Enderlein, 1913: 318 [recorded in Taiwan ]; Deans, 2005: 41 [in catalog]. Evania subg. Evania postfurcalis : Hedicke, 1939: 15 [in catalog]. Distribution: China ( Taiwan) ( Strand 1912 ; Deans 2005 ). Biology. Host unknown.