The types of skippers described by Shu-Iti Murayama (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) Author Chiba, Hideyuki Natural Science Department, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI 96817 0916, USA. Author Tsukiyama, Hiroshi 34 - 18, Narashoinodai # 2 - 203, Funabashi-Shi, Chiba Pref. 274 - 0063. Author Liang, Jia-Yuan Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan 116, R. O. C. & sesiidae 760402 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4320 - 3695 Author Wang, Shou-Ming Conservation Section, Conservation and Recreation Division, Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan 100, R. O. C. falcon @ forest. gov. tw; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4157 - 9736 Author Shen, Zong-Yu Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan 116, R. O. C. & jeffshannnu 2014 mouse @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2566 - 7349 Author Hsu, Yu-Feng Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan 116, R. O. C. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-06-18 4801 2 280 290 journal article 21276 10.11646/zootaxa.4801.2.4 3bfff749-ac8e-4d52-a222-6ecc380004bc 1175-5326 3990957 00A1A2A5-25B1-4D0E-9311-A77274F72278 Ampittia matudai Murayama, 1943 Zephyrus 9(3): 170. Labels : “ Taiwan Musha (=Wushe, in Chinese Character)/ 22-VI-1941 /S MURAYAMA,” “ Ampittia /matudai/ HOLOTYPE .” A male specimen was designated as the holotype by Murayama (1943) , and the specimen was retrieved in LBM ( Figs. 1–3 ; Dried Insect Database Reg. no. 1500022019). Additional specimens of the species were not reported until Murayama (1955) found a pair in Sugitani’s collection deposited at Kyushu University. HC tried to locate those specimens, but they were removed from the collection and no record was kept as to who loaned or took them. Subsequent records of matudai ( Lin 1994 , Lin & Su 2013 ) turned out to be either A. inachus (Ménétriés, 1858) ( Hsu et al. 2019 ) or A. bandaishanus Murayama & Shimonoya, 1968 ( Hsu 2013 , Sugisaka 2018 ). YFH undertook investigations at the type locality of the taxon every year since 1982 searching for the species but in vain. The vicinity of the area was covered with decent vegetation before the end of World War II but was later severely deforested and disturbed due to horticultural practice. We regard matudai as a valid specific name in the genus Aeromachus de Nicéville, 1890 following the treatment in Chiba et al. (1992) and Hsu et al. (2019) . Huang (2009) considered that the taxon should be treated as a subspecies of A. jesta (Evans, 1939) . This point of view awaits further evaluation.