New South American checkered beetles of the genus Enoclerus (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae) Author Opitz, Weston text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2021 53 1 123 169 journal article 0253-116X Enoclerus sinop OPITZ nov.sp. ( Figs 56 , 105 ) T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype : ♁. Type locality: Brazil , Sinop , Mato Grosso , X-1976 . M. Alvarenga ( WOPC ) . Paratypes : 23 specimens . BRAZIL : Estado do Mato Grosso ; Mato Grosso , 1886, P. Germain ( MNHN , 1) ; Sinop , X-1976 . M. Alvarenga ( WOPC , 2) ; Sinop , Villa Vera , Mato Grosso , X-1973 , M. Alvarenga ( WOPC , 1) ; Mato Grosso , X-1973 , M. Alvarenga ( WOPC ,1) ; Mato Grosso , X-1975 , M. Alvarenga ( WOPC ,1) ; Estado do Rondonia ; 62 km SW Ariquemes , near Fzda , Rancho Grande , 1-17-1997 , B. K, Dozier ( FSCA , 3) ; Rondonia , 62 km SW Ariquemes , near Fzda , Rancho Grande , 6-X-1993 , C. W. & L. B, O’Brien ( FSCA , 1). Rondonia , Linea off B65 at the Rio Pardo - 60 km S Ariquemes , 30-XI-1991 , S. L. Heydon ( UCDC , 1) ; Estado do Amazonia , Ega ( MNHN , 1). COLOMBIA : Departamento de Putumayo : PNN La Playa Cabaña , Chagra , 320 m , 1- 15-XII-2001 , E. Lozano ( RHTC ,1) ; Putumayo , PNN La Playa Cabaña , Chagra , 320 m elevation, 1- 15-XI-2001 , R. Cobete ( JNRC ,1; JMLC , 2) ; Putumayo , PNN La Playa Cabaña , Viviano Cocha , 320 m , Malaise , 20-26-IX-2001 , D. Campos ( USNM , 1) ; Colombia ( MNHN , 1). FRENCH GUIANA : Commune de Roura ; Amazone Nature Lodge , Kaw Rd. 6, 11-23-VIII-7017, MV lights, Morris & Wappes ( RFMC , 1) ; Amazone Nature Lodge , Kaw Rd. 6, 1-12-IX- 2018 , 977 feet, Malaise , Morris & Wappes ( RFMC , 1). PERU : Provincia de Alto Amazonas ; Amazon ( MNHN , 1) ; Itaituba , Hahnel ( MNHN , 2) . D i a g n o s i s: Integument mostly black; capitulum red; elytral base with y-shaped marking and transverse marking, both markings yellow. D e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 7.0 mm; width 1.0 mm. Form: As in Fig. 56 . Head: (EW/FW 25/55); Thorax: Subapical depression well defined; pronotal and elytral discs finely punctate; (PL/PW 120/120); (EL/EW 270/75). Abdomen: Aedeagus ( Fig. 105 ). V a r i a t i o n: In some specimens the basal short fascia is not connected, and the y-shaped marking and transverse marking may be contiguous. Length 5.0-7-0 mm; width 1.0- 1.2 mm . E t y m o l o g y: The species name, sinop , constitutes a noun in apposition and refers to the type locality.