A revision of Coccothrinax, Hemithrinax, Leucothrinax, Thrinax, and Zombia (Arecaceae) Author Henderson, Andrew text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-09-19 614 1 1 115 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.614.1.1 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.614.1.1 1179-3163 8389307 1.36. Coccothrinax spirituana Verdecia & Moya in Moya, Verdecia, García-Lahera & Martínez-Pentón (2017: 84) . Type :— CUBA . Provincia Sancti Spíritus , Municipio Jatibonico , San Felipe , Arroyo Blanco , 22˚04’09” N 79 ˚01’07” W , 200 m , 2 July 2015 , R . Verdecia & J . García-Lahera RV15 /06 ( holotype HMC n.v. , isotype HAC n.v. ). Plate 25 Stems 5.0 m long and 15.0 cm diameter, solitary. Leaves more or less deciduous or only leaf bases persisting on stem; leaf sheath fibers 0.8 mm diameter, stout, woody, loosely woven, ± joined or briefly free at the apices; petioles 12.2 mm diameter just below the apex; palmans 14.5 cm long, relatively short, with the adaxial veins prominent and terminating in a slight raised ridge and distinct pulvinus; leaf blades not wedge-shaped; segments 34 per leaf, the middle ones 56.0 cm long and 3.1 cm wide; segments not pendulous at the apices, giving the leaf a flat appearance; middle leaf segments relatively short and broad, abruptly narrowed (shoulder) toward the apex, otherwise parallel-sided, often strongly folded, stiff and leathery, the apices briefly splitting; middle leaf segment apices attenuate; leaf segments with a persistent, dense, whitish layer of wax adaxially, densely indumentose abaxially, with irregularly shaped, persistent, interlocking, fimbriate hairs, each one with a rounded, raised, light green to greenish-brown center, without transverse veinlets. Inflorescences curving, arching, or pendulous amongst the leaves, with few partial inflorescences; rachis bracts somewhat flattened, loosely sheathing, usually tomentose with a dense tuft of erect hairs at the apex; partial inflorescences 4; proximalmost rachillae straight, 9.0 cm long and 1.2 mm diameter in fruit; rachillae not recorded at or near anthesis; stamens not recorded; fruit pedicels 2.1 mm long; fruits 8.0 mm long and 8.3 mm diameter, color not recorded; fruit surfaces smooth or sometimes with projecting fibers; seed surfaces deeply lobed, the lobes running from base of seeds almost to apices. Distribution and habitat:— Cuba ( Sancti Spíritus ) ( Fig. 17 ) in xeromorphic, spiny woodland on serpentine at 200 m elevation. Taxonomic notes:— As a preliminary species, Coccothrinax spirituana has a unique combination of qualitative character states and is recognized as a phylogenetic species. It is one of only three species (the others are C. boschiana and C. torrida ) recorded as having the adaxial surface of the segments with a persistent, dense, whitish layer of wax adaxially. Apart from this it does not differ from C. miraguama . Moya et al. (2017) compared C. spirituana with C. macroglossa and considered it differed by several quantitative variables.According to the images in Moya et al. (2017) and Craft (2017) , the leaf sheath fibers could almost be scored as spine-like at the apex.