Australasian ants of the subfamily Heteroponerinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): (2) the species-group of Heteroponera relicta (Wheeler), with descriptions of nine new species and observations on morphology, biogeography and phylogeny of the genus Author Taylor, Robert W. text Zootaxa 2015 3947 2 151 180 journal article 1175-5326 CEAB4AA5-C4F8-437E-A2F4-D82F383579C1 8. Heteroponera trachypyx sp. n. ( Figs 42–45 ). Type locality. AUSTRALIA : QUEENSLAND: McDowall Range (16°06'S, 145°20'E). Type deposition. Holotype ANIC. Paratypes ANIC, QMBA. Distribution, material examined. Known only from the following accessions (grid cells -15/145, -16/145 and -17/145). Unless otherwise indicated each a single worker. All samples collected (unless noted) by Berlese funnel sampling of rainforest leafmould or litter (usually “sieved”). EA1 (Mt Finnigan): Shiptons Flat , -15 48, 145 14, 2 workers (Davies & Raven, 16–21.xi.1975). Mt Finnigan SF, -15 48, 145 17, moist litter pocket, 400 m (S. & J. Peck, 3.vii.1982). EA2 (Thornton Peak): 12 Mile Scrub, Gap Creek , -15 50, 145 20 (Davies & Raven, 22– 28.xi.1975). 3.5 km W of Cape Tribulation , Site 7, -16 0 5, 145 27, QMBA berlesate 440, 680m (GBM, DKY & GIT, 2.x.1982). McDowall Range , -16 0 6, 145 20, QMBA berlesate 684, 520 m (GBM, 27.xi.1985)(Type Locality). Mt Sorrow , summit, -16 0 8, 145 26, 2 workers, QMBA berlesates 256, 262, 800 m (GBM, 15.x.1980). Table Mountain, -16 0 9, 145 26, 4 workers, QMBA berlesates 540, 542, 320m (GBM & DWC, 24.iv.1983). Thornton Range , -16 14, 145 26, 100 m (RWT & JDF,—2 workers, 150–180 m (RWT & JDF, Rex Ck , site 3, -16.28 4, 145 19 4, rainforest berlesate (C Burwell, 14 ii 2005). Worker diagnosis. General characteristics, conformation, coloration and major sculpturation as illustrated. Diagnostic features as in relevant key couplets above. Heteroponera trachypyx is less darkly colored and sculptured than the other H. ecarinata- group species. Head and mesosoma more-or-less uniformly medium-dark brown, the gaster, mandibles, antennae and legs a shade lighter. Coloration overall similar to the sympatric species H. rhodopygea and H. viviennae . Propodeal declivity shining, microsculpture distinct to vestigial, with very fine radial microstriae. Dimensions: (holotype; smallest available specimen (12–mile Scrub), largest available specimen (Mt Sorrow summit)): TL (ca): 5.1, 4.4, 5.1; HW: 1.18, 1.11, 1.19; HL: 1.14, 1.06, 114; CI: 103, 104, 104; EL: 0.17, 0.16, 0.18; SL: 0.68, 0.61, 0.71; SI: 57, 57, 59; PW: 0.95, 0.84, 0.87; WL: 1.40, 1.40, 1.48; petH: 0.76, -, -; petW: 0.48, 0.52, 0.50; GW 1.04, 1.03, 1.04. Related taxa. H. ecarinata and H. pendergrasti at species-complex level. In-group sympatric associations. Sympatric with H. rhodopygea at Mt Finnigan, Mt Sorrow and Thornton Range, and H. rhodopygea + H. viviennae in the Cape tribulation area and Mc Dowall Range. Biogeography. Known only from the northern EAs 1 & 2, distantly allopatric from the other known ecarinata - group species. Remarks. Variation in coloration suggests a prolonged callow to sub-callow period in workers. Etymology. The name, a noun in apposition, refers to the coarse sculpturation of the first gastral tergite.