The genus Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae) in the flora of Central Africa (D. R. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi) Author Meerts, Pierre 0000-0003-4215-027X Meise Botanic Garden, Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, Belgium & Herbarium et bibliothèque de botanique africaine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Avenue F. D. Roosevelt 50, CP 244, 1050 Brussels, Belgium & Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Service général de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche scientifique, Brussels, Belgium pierre. meerts @ plantentuinmeise. be; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4215 - 027 X text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-04-24 594 1 1 42 journal article 255934 10.11646/phytotaxa.594.1.1 a5d7cbea-0747-413f-928f-42bf05cc6115 1179-3163 7864827 22a. Clerodendrum splendens G.Don var. splendens = Clerodendrum gilletii De Wildeman & T.Durand (in Durand & De Wildeman 1899a: 113 ); Baker (1900: 302) ; Durand & Durand (1909: 439) ; De Wildeman (1912b: 91) Clerodendrum splendens var. gilletii (De Wild. & T.Durand) Thomas (1936: 58) ; Moldenke (1980: 219) . Type:—D.R. CONGO . Env. De N’Dembo, 1898, Gillet s . n . ( holotype : BR0000008978806!). = Clerodendrum splendens var. longicuspe Moldenke (1953a: 289 ; 1980: 219 ). Type:—D.R. CONGO . Kisantu, 01(?) November 1924 , Vanderyst 13894 ( holotype : BR0000008978608!; iso-: NY 00137388 (fragm.)). Shrub 1–3 m high, or liana up to 10 m . Stem quadrangular, shortly pubescent, hollow; persistent petiole bases 1–5 mm . Leaf: petiole 0.2–2.5 mm , puberulent; lamina ovate-elliptic, 7–19(–22) × (2.7–)4–13(–15) cm, base rounded to subcordate, apex acuminate, the uppermost ones somewhat clasping, 5 to 9 veins on either side, upper surface shiny and glabrous, lower surface paler and densely gland-dotted, margin entire, ciliolate. Inflorescence corymbiform, comprising axillary cymes in the 2 distal nodes, 2.5–7 × 4–9 cm , occasionally with subsidiary axillary cymes on 1–2 lower nodes, axes shortly pubescent to subglabrous, peduncle 1–10 cm ; individual cymes ca. 3–4 × 4–8 cm . Flower: pedicel 1–5(–15) mm, glabrous or puberulous; calyx narrowly campanulate, 5–9(–12) mm long, 3–4 mm wide at throat, glabrous, base obtuse, lobes narrowly triangular, very acute, 3–4.5(–7) mm long, reddish; corolla: tube 14–20 mm , glabrous, with a few sessile golden yellow glands, lobes 10–11 mm long, glabrous, with sessile golden yellow glands; stamens exserted 20–40 mm , anther 2–3 mm long. Fruit 9–12 × 11–12 mm , deeply 4-lobed, smooth, subtended by cupuliform dark red calyx 9 × 10 mm . Distribution in Central Africa :—D.R. Congo . Distribution elsewhere :— Angola , Benin , Cabinda , Cameroon , Central African Republic , Congo , Equatorial Guinea , Gabon , Ghana , Guinea , Guinea-Bissau , Ivory Coast , Liberia , Nigeria , Senegal , Sierra Leone . Habitat :—Fallow field, savannah, young regrowth, secondary forest, degraded forest; a heliophilous species; 0–1000 (?) m. Selection of representative specimens :—D.R. CONGO . Mayombe : Temvo , 10 February 1919 , Vermoesen 1799 ( BR !); Kangu , 4 March 1921 , Wellens 51 ( BR !). Bas-Congo : Milu , Maluku , 29 August 1975 , Breyne 2810 ( BR !), M’vuazi, 13 August 1957 , Delhaye 232 ( BR !); M’Vuazi , Vallée de la Kokosi , 7 October 1958 , Compère 523 ( BR !); Kisantu , 10 August 1935 , Louis 16 ( P ). Kasaï : Vallée de la Kamtsha , July 1921 , Vanderyst 10079 ( BR !); Port-Francqui [ Ilebo ], May 1938 , Gillardin 379 ( BR !); Kintuminika , 13 August 1959 , Pauwels 4023 ( BR !, WAG ). Bas-Katanga : Thielen , s.d., Vanderyst 22054 ( BR !). Forestier Central : Bokondji , 23 March 1959 , De Wanckel 12 ( BR !); Bondo , Uélé-Itimbiri , March 1931 , Lebrun 2441 ( BR !, P ); Yangambi , 25 February 1937 , Louis 1383 ( BR !); Mobwasa , Itimbiri , 28 January 1909 , Thonner [1?]21 ( BR !). Notes :—1. Var. gilletii (De Wild.) Thomas is based on a type with unusually narrow, oblong-elliptic leaves, ca. 3 times longer than broad. Specimens with such leaves are found occasionally (e.g., A . Léonard 4875 ), but do not appear to deserve taxonomic recognition. 2. Records of C . splendens in Burundi are errors for C . umbellatum .