Trogonoptera brookiana mollumar d’Abrera, Doggett & Parker, 1976 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), a subspecies or a synonym? Author Phon, Chooi-Khim Author Kirton, Laurence G. Author Norma-Rashid, Yusoff text European Journal of Taxonomy 2019 2019-08-13 544 1 25 journal article 25970 10.5852/ejt.2019.544 8e7d21e6-7131-4805-aeb8-5400408b435b 3372583 A2625008-993A-4CB2-8FE7-821C8D8C79B0 Trogonoptera brookiana trogon ( Vollenhoven, 1860 ) Figs 2C , 4B, D Papilio trogon Vollenhoven, 1860: 69–70 ; male figured, pl. 6. Ornithoptera brookiana - variety eleanor Walker, 1889: 75–77 (locality not stated). Papilio brookeanus – C. & R. Felder 1864: 292 , 334 ( pro parte : Sumatra ; Papilio trogon synonymised with Papilio brookeanus ). Ornithoptera brookeanaDistant 1882 –1886: 330–332 ( pro parte : Sumatra ). — Fickert 1889: 749–753 ( pro parte : Sumatra ). — Hagen 1894: 18 ( pro parte : Sumatra ). Papilio brookeana Snellen & Snelleman 1892: 6 , 24. Troides brookianus brookianusRothschild 1895: 198–199 ( pro parte : Sumatra ). Troides brookianus brookianus -aberration eleanor Rothschild 1895: 199 . Trogonoptera brookeanaKirby 1896: 259–263 ( pro parte : Sumatra ). — Rippon 1906: 2–4 ( pro parte : Sumatra ). Trogonoptera brookeana var. eleanorRippon 1906: 1 , 4 (redescription); distribution mentioned, p. 127 (“ Sumatra ”); female figured, pl. 26, figs 5–6; distribution map erroneously figured as Borneo, map 6, pl. 43. Papilio brookiana trogon Jordan 1908: 17–18 (status revised). Papilio brookiana trogon , syn. eleanor Jordan 1908: 17–18 (synonymised, “ trogon Voll. ( - eleonor Walk.)”, misspelled); female figured (pl. 7c). Trogonoptera brookiana trogonTsukada & Nishiyama 1982: 235–236 ; male and female figured, pl. 32, p. 56; genitalia figured, p. 237. — d’Abrera 1982: 4 ; male figured, p. 5. — Haugum & Low 1982: 51–56 ; male figured, pl. 1, no. 2; female figured, pl. 2, no. 4; larva figured, text-fig. 18, p. 42; male genitalia figured, text-fig. 19D, p. 45, text-fig. 27, p. 54, text-fig. 29A–C, p. 57, text-fig. 30A, C, p. 58; distribution map figured, text-fig. 25, p. 51 ( Sumatra ). — Matsuka 2001: 210 ; checklist, p. 347; male and female figured. — d’Abrera 2003: 170 ; male and female figured, p. 171; genitalia figured, p. 314. Trogonoptera brookiana trogon , syn. eleanorHaugum & Low 1982: 54–55 ( nomen dubium recommended, but regarded as synonym of trogon for ‘convenience’). — Matsuka 2001: 347 (checklist). Trogonoptera brookiana brookiana -f. eleanor d’Abrera 2003: 168 . Material examined Syntypes INDONESIA2 ♂♂ ; Sumatra ; 1859; Ludeking leg.; RMNH . Additional material * INDONESIA North Sumatra 1 ♂ ; Aceh ; RMNH 1 ♂ ; same locality; MZB 1 ♂ ; Aceh , Perlak ; MZB 4 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ ; Balimbingan ; RMNH 7 ♂♂ ; Batak Mount ; NHMUK 1 ♀ ; Bedagei ; NHMUK 1 ♀ ; Berastagi town , Karo Batak village ; RMNH 1 ♂ ; Bohorok ; NHMUK 1 ♂ ; Deli ; NHMUK 2 ♂♂ ; same locality; RMNH 4 ♂♂ , 3 ♀♀ ; Gedung Biara ; RMNH 1 ♂ ; Langkat ; MCZ 4 ♂♂ ; Selesseh ; NHMUK 2 ♂♂ , 3 ♀♀ ; Seumanjam , Meulaboh ; RMNH 1 ♂ ; Silau Dunia ; RMNH 1 ♂ ; Tanjung Morawa ; RMNH . – Central West Sumatra 2 ♂♂ ; Anai ; RMNH 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ ; Harau ; MZB 1 ♀ ; Kuala Simpang ; RMNH 1 ♂ ; Lubuk Sikapang ; RMNH 3 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ ; same locality; MZB 3 ♂♂ ; Batang Proepoe , Padang Bovenland ; NHMUK 1 ♀ ; Padang Benedenl ; NHMUK 55 ♂♂ ; Padang ; RMNH 1 ♂ ; same locality; MZB 1 ♂ ; same locality; MCZ 1 ♂ ; Padang , Balun ; RMNH 1 ♂ ; Padang , Sidempuan ; NHMUK 1 ♂ ; same locality; RMNH 1 ♂ ; Silago ; RMNH 46 ♂♂ ; Solok ; RMNH 1 ♂ ; Surian ; RMNH . – South West Sumatra 2 ♂♂ ; Bengkulu ; RMNH 2 ♂♂ ; Kaba Mount ; NHMUK 2 ♂♂ ; Lebong Tandai ; NHMUK 2 ♂♂ ; Tanjung Sakti ; RMNH 3 ♂♂ ; Kopras ; NHMUK . – Central East Sumatra 1 ♂ ; Inderagiri ; MZB . – South Sumatra 1 ♂ ; Teluk Betung Bay , Kalianda ; RMNH . – Sumatra (not georeferenceable) 2 ♀♀ ; NE Sumatra ; NHMUK 6 ♂♂ ; Sumatra ; NHMUK 3 ♂♂ ; same locality; RMNH 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ ; Sumatra , East coast ; RMNH 3 ♂♂ ; Sumatra , Bila ; NHMUK 2 ♂♂ ; Sumatra , West coast ; RMNH 6 ♂♂ ; W. Sumatra ; NHMUK 2 ♂♂ ; Kuala Lemui-Rak ; NHMUK . * See note for additional material of T. brookiana mollumar , which is also applicable here for T. brookiana trogon . Female Almost always identifiable by the brown to dark brown ground colour of the outer areas on the upperside of both wings, which are paler than the base of the dark forewing cell and dark veins, and especially contrasting at the forewing cell end and the distal end of the forewing ( Figs 2C , 4B ). Hindwing upperside with less extensive green scaling than in the subspecies mollumar , extending to about one third to half the length of space 4 ( Figs 2C , 4B ). Forewing upperside with less extensive green scaling than in the subspecies mollumar , the green arrow-shaped markings slightly shorter and ending further from the wing margin, especially along vein 2, and with the dark brown ground colour behind the arrowheads sometimes just perceptibly wider than in mollumar ( Figs 2C , 4B ). Forewing underside space 4 usually with just sparse green scaling ( Fig. 2F ) and sometimes without green scales, but occasionally with a broken patch of scales ( Fig. 2E ). Forewing upperside without green scaling below vein 7 or, more commonly, with sparse scaling ( Fig. 2H ), and sometimes with a densely-scaled green streak ( Fig. 2G ). Male Green disc on hindwing upperside on average less extensive than in the subspecies mollumar , with the outer margin variable, but straight ( Figs 3E , 4D ) in about half of males. Forewing upperside with less extensive green scaling ( Fig. 4D ) than in mollumar , as in the female. Green scaling in space 7 on the hindwing upperside variable, not always present, often sparse ( Fig. 3 H–I). Not reliably distinguishable from males of the subspecies mollumar . Range Sumatra Island, excluding small neighbouring islands, occurring in the foothills, especially in the northeast and central to south-central west, but with occasional coastal occurrences in the south, south-central east and north ( Fig. 1 ).