Revision of the cricket genus Nisitrus Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Eneopterinae) and descriptions of five new species Author Tan, Ming Kai 2F544BE6-7986-4905-AE51-CF16B44D5251 Institut de Systématique, Evolution et Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national dʼhistoire naturelle, CNRS, SU, EPHE, UA, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France. Author Wahab, Rodzay bin Haji Abdul 50868E6A-34E4-471A-B941-C504CC9E895A Institute for Biodiversity and Environmental Research, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Jalan Universiti, BE 1410, Brunei Darussalam. Author Japir, Razy B05E507D-FBA4-437F-AB03-94E349912EA5 Forest Research Centre (Sepilok), Sabah Forestry Department, P. O. Box 1407, 90715 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. Author Chung, Authur Y. C. 6E7371D6-6FF9-42DF-8745-4A8304CB0978 Forest Research Centre (Sepilok), Sabah Forestry Department, P. O. Box 1407, 90715 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. Author Robillard, Tony 19BBE007-85D2-4325-8396-A1F4BAF5775C Institut de Systématique, Evolution et Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum national dʼhistoire naturelle, CNRS, SU, EPHE, UA, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2021 2021-07-28 761 1 1 75 journal article 5024 10.5852/ejt.2021.761.1449 bf24ff1f-569a-4222-afe1-8527c83d8003 2118-9773 5156259 519E2F56-40E1-4431-BC90-8484E308D16E Nisitrus danum Robillard & Tan sp. nov. 0DEB5BDB-6E85-4691-B5D1-E6258239370A Figs 5 , 8D , 10C , 11C , 12C , 14C , 17E , 19; Tables 2 , 5 Diagnosis This new species differs from all known congeners by face part of fastigium with a black band across eyes and antennal cavity, frons otherwise yellow (reddish on preserved specimens); pronotal lateral lobe black dorsally and yellow ventrally; longitudinal white stripe only between M and R and lateral field matted black; Sc projections black. This new species is most similar to N. hughtani sp. nov. from Sumatra , but differs by the following characters: smaller in size, vertex black with yellow margin around eyes (instead of cream-coloured), frons with a black band across eyes and antennal cavity (yellow in N. hughtani sp. nov. ); frons yellow (instead of black with a cream-coloured band ventral to eyes); mouthparts yellowish with some black spots; lateral part of head with a black band posterior of eye (instead of black with a cream-coloured ring around eye). This species is also similar to N. musicus from Kinabalu range, but differs by mouthparts yellow (instead of black), FIIIs not black dorsally, female papilla, and distribution: N. musicus is restricted to the highlands in the Kinabalu range, while N. danum sp. nov. occurs in the Danum Valley and Tawau Hill areas at the east of Sabah . Etymology The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality, Danum Valley, Malaysia . Material examined Holotype MALAYSIA Sabah ; Danum Valley Field Centre ; 4°57′52.95″ N , 117°48′18.25″ E ; ca 150 m a.s.l. ; 26 May–20 Jun. 1987 ; C. v. Achterberg and Kennedy leg.; PII: N54; RMNH . Paratypes MALAYSIA Sabah 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; RMNH 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; MNHN-EO-ENSIF10945 . Additional specimens MALAYSIA Sabah 1 ♀ ; Tawau Hill Park ; 4°24′0.0″ N , 117°53′24.0″ E ; 7 Mar. 2018 ; C. Elder leg.; 1 ♀ ; Danum Valley ; 4°57′42.6″ N , 117°41′22.2″ E ; 2 Oct. 2020 ; L. Day leg.; . Description Slender and relatively large habitus ( Figs 8D , 19 ). Vertex black with yellow margin around eyes ( Fig. 11C ). Fastigium velvety black with yellow margins. Scapes dark red brown to black (particularly on the dorsoinner margins). Antennae black with wide whitish rings. Face part of fastigium with a black band across eyes and antennal cavity, otherwise yellow (reddish in preserved specimens); frons almost entirely yellow, including mouthparts, with some black spots ( Fig. 10C ). Maxillary palpi cream-coloured; apical segment black apically ( Fig. 10C ). Lateral part of head with a black band posterior to eye ( Fig. 12C ). Pronotum covered with white setae; dorsal disk dark brown to black ( Fig. 11C ). Lateral lobes of pronotum dorsal third black, vivid yellow ventrally (cream-coloured in preserved specimens) ( Fig. 12C ). Legs generally red brown, sometimes dorsally darker. FIIIs brown, knees dark brown to black; TIIIs brown with black spines and spurs, dark brown to black near distal end; tarsomeres dark brown to black. Tergites red brown, with a pale band laterally; sternites pale, with red brown median area. Cerci red brown, short and conical. Male Unknown. Fig. 19. Nisitrus danum Robillard & Tan sp. nov. , adult ♀♀ in their natural environment. Photograph source and credits: iNaturalist; Arthur Anker (A), Charlie Elder (B). Table 5. Measurements of Nisitrus danum Robillard & Tan sp. nov. (in mm, means in brackets).
Female holotype 2.0 3.2 10.8 3.5 6.4 15.3 2.7 15.5
Females (n = 3) 2.0–2.3 (2.2) 3.2–3.5 (3.4) 10.8–11.7 (11.4) 3.5–4.2 (4.0) 6.4–7.7 (7.2) 15.3 (15.3) 2.7 (2.7) 15.5 (15.5)
Ias Dorsal spines of TIII Ibs Oas Obs TaIIIs OL
Female holotype 13 2–3 24 2–3 2 17.2
Females (n = 3) NA NA NA NA NA 17.2–18.5 (17.9)
Female FOREWINGS. FW colouration ( Fig. 14C ): veins generally yellow; cells infumated black. Longitudinal infumated white stripe only in M and R. Lateral field matted black, Sc projections black. FW venation: 6–7 strong longitudinal veins on dorsal field, cross-veins irregular and often sinuous; lateral field with 6 projections of Sc. GENITALIA. Ovipositor: distinctly longer than FIII; apex thin with both dorsal and ventral edges smooth. Copulatory papilla conical, smaller and stout; apex strongly folded (could be due to the preservation of specimen) ventrally, short, pointed; dorsal face with a sclerotized area ( Fig. 17E ). Juvenile Unknown. Measurements See Table 5 .
Ecology Unknown. Distribution Borneo ( Sabah ). Type locality Malaysia : Sabah . Calling song Unknown.