New species of Grossander Slater, 1976 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae: Drymini) from the Oriental Region Author Kondorosy, Előd Author Fábics, Anita text Zootaxa 2015 3904 1 95 104 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3904.1.5 f65c7ad5-7fcd-49a6-a469-42dfc041d028 1175-5326 241312 ABDE1C7D-193F-4C12-8CB3-0FFA981376E5 Grossander (Oculoander) eylesi sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 , 4, 9–11 ) Structure : Body : Slightly shining. Legs and sternum (except the majority of prosternum), strongly shining. Head, abdomen and extremities smooth, with decumbent pubescence, sometimes scarcely visible dorsally. Antennal segment I with short decumbent pubescence (only 2–3 setae longer than diameter of antennal segment II). Densely and strongly punctate, except the very finely punctate abdomen and smooth parts of sternum. Head : Relatively long, flat, more finely punctate, with projecting almost stalked eyes sitting totally laterad of head. Postocular part relatively long, longer than one-third of eye length, strongly narrowing towards pronotum. Base of antennae far from eyes (distance about two-thirds of eye length), strongly broadening anteriorly. Paraclypeal lobes well developed. Clypeus long, much longer than paraclypeal lobes. Ocelli large, well visible, situated about the same distance from each other and from eyes. Antennae slender, each segment with long protruding setae between the decumbent pubescence, segment I with about half its length projecting beyond clypeus. Labium reaching middle of mesosternum, segment I reaching almost to base of head. FIGURE 2. Grossander (Oculoander) papuanus holotype male. Pronotum : Trapezoidal; robust collar clearly longer than width of tibiae. Anterior lobe of pronotum and collar very densely punctate; posterior lobe sparsely punctate with larger punctures ( Fig. 1 ). Transverse furrow deep, posterior and anterior (with collar) lobes of similar length. Anterior lobe dorsally convex, posterior lobe rather flat. Lateral margin carinate from behind collar to humeral angles, not very broad, and not broader at level of tranverse furrow than behind it. Lateral margins sinuate, flaring behind transverse furrow. Scutellum : Triradiate, hind arm of Y-suture about 2 times longer than part before junction. Fore arms blunt and punctate, hind arm sharp, impunctate. Anterior part of scutellum elevated considerably more than posterior part. Hemelytra : With costal margins sub-parallel (slightly sinuate) then convexly broadening before apex of scutellum, broadest at level of claval commissure. Clavus relatively broad, with 3 regular rows of relatively small punctures. Corium with two inner rows of punctures, parallel to clavus and some punctures laterally from them. Endocorium rather densely punctate, exocorium smooth and evenly broad. Membrane with 4 visible veins. Ventral surface : Prosternum and metasternum densely punctate except very lateral part and hind margin of metapleurae; mesosternum impunctate on lateral and hind margin as well as on middle; mesosternum with shallow median furrow. Ostiolar peritreme auriculate, projecting outwards, evaporative area small, ending laterally near ostiolum, not extending to lateral half of metasternum. Legs : Fore femora rather slender, on apical half of anterior surface with one greater tooth (shorter than diameter of tibiae) and apically 5–6 small spines; anterior and posterior surface with two rows of fine setae, being much longer than diameter of tibiae. Fore tibiae straight. All femora with 2–3 rows of granules, similar to those on tibiae. FIGURE 3. Grossander major male [drawing reproduced from Gross (1965)]. Abdomen : Shining, smooth, with fine decumbent pubescence. Trichobothria and spiracles in usual Drymini position. Abdominal sternum III with small blunt median projection. Suture between sterna IV and V projecting forwards, not reaching lateral margin of sterna (as is usual in Rhyparochromidae ). Male genitalia : Pygophore ( Fig. 4 ) round with relatively broad opening and short pubescence. Paramere ( Fig. 9–10 ) slender, with slightly curved apex and broad, somewhat angular inner projection, with sparse short pubescence. Colour : Body dark brown, head and anterior part of pronotum black. Pronotum with lateral carina stramineous; posterior lobe with two spots near middle behind transverse furrow light brown. Extreme base of scutellum fuscous, median keel posteriorly pale. Hemelytra light brown, at level of claval commissure with irregular dark brown transverse streak. Veins behind this streak, apical margin, and apex of corium, also dark brown. Membrane brown with pale veins and a translucent spot at corial apex. Antennal segment I dark brown; segments II and III reddish-brown to dark brown; segment IV pale except extreme base. Labium pale, with segment I brown. Legs stramineous, with fore coxae and base of fore femora brown (sometimes fore femora totally brown). Measurements (all in mm; holotype first, followed by range of paratypes in parentheses): Total body length 3.89 (3.71–4.82). Head: length 0.66 (0.65–0.80), width 0.73 (0.72–0.85), interocular space 0.43 (0.42–0.52). Pronotum: length 0.77 (0.72–1.00), width at base (= body width) 1.16 (1.15–1.55). Length of scutellum 0.71 (0.78–0.90), of claval commissure 0.37 (0.38–0.42). Lengths of antennal segments: I 0.44 (0.45–0.55), II 0.63 (0.61–0.75), III 0.53 (0.58–0.72), IV 0.51 (0.55–0.62). Lengths of labial segments of holotype I 0.45, II 0.47, III 0.30, IV 0.27. Some relative measurements (ratios are calculated from the measurements of holotype and 10 paratypes , and given in intervals). Body length: pronotum width at base 3.1–3.3; body length: antenna length 1.7–1.8; pronotum width: length 1.5–1.6; pronotum width: head width 1.6–1.8; head width: length 1.0–1.2; scutellum length: length of claval commissure 1.9–2.2; length of antennal segments II: I 1.3–1.5; III: II 0.9. FIGURES 4–10. 4–6 Pygophores of: 4, Grossander (Oculoander) eylesi paratype; 5, G. (O.) papuanus holotype; 6, Grossander major (picture of Gross 1965). 7–10 Parameres of: 7, 8, Grossander (Oculoander) papuanus holotype; 9, 10, G. (O.) eylesi paratype. 7 and 9 dorsal, 8 and 10 ventral view. Holotype . SULAWESI UTARA : / Lake Mala. 0°44 N , / 124°27 E , 1080 m . / 12–13.ix.1985 . / A.H. Kirk- Spriggs. // NMW Indonesia / Expedition 1985 / (Project Wallace) / NMW .Z.1985.078 // Light trap / sample // Brentiscerus [hw] / G.G.E. Scudder / det. 2010 (♂, NMWC ). Paratypes . SULAWESI UTARA : / Lake Mala. 0°44 N , / 124°27 E , 1080 m . / 12–13.ix.1985 . / A.H. Kirk- Spriggs. // NMW Indonesia / Expedition 1985 / (Project Wallace) / NMW .Z.1985.078 // Light trap / sample // Brentiscerus [hw] / G.G.E. Scudder / det. 2010 ( 2♂ , 2♀, NMWC ). Museum Leiden - SULAWESI / Danau Mooat PPA bungalow / Alt 1080 m ; 28 May 1985 -A / 0°44' N 124°27' E / J. van Tol // at light (1♀, RMNH ). At / light // INDONESIA : / Sulawesi Utara / Kotamobagu / Lakes, 1040 m . // R.Ent.Soc.Lond. / PROJECT WALLACE / B.M. 1985-10 (4♀, BMNH ). RMNH / HH 339 / N SULAWESI: / MT AMBANG NR / Kotamobagu, 20 km E / of, alt.m ca 1000 / 28–29.v. 1985 / J Huijbregts // sec growth / at light (1♀, RMNH ). INDONESIA : / SULAWESI UTARA / Dumoga-Bone N.P. // Danau Mooat 1300 m / 52MT Days V.1985 [hw] // Malaise trap ( 1 ♂ , BMNH ). At / light // INDONESIA : / SULAWESI UTARA , / Dumoga-Bone N.P. / 1–8 May 1985 . // Edward’s Camp / 664m // R.Ent.Soc.Lond. / PROJECT WALLACE / B.M. 1985-10 // J.H. Martin / coll. [hw] (3♀, BMNH ). Museum Leiden - SULAWESI / Dumoga Bone NP; Edward's / subcamp at light; 664 m . / UTM=WL9365; J. van Tol / 29 Apr 1985 -B [hw] (1♀, RMNH ). RMNH / HH 437 / N SULAWESI: / DUMOGA BONE NP / Malibagu Rd, / 10 km N of / alt.m ca 250 / 02.ix.1985 / J Huijbregts // ec growth / at light (1♀, RMNH ). At / light // SULAWESI TENGAH: / Mt. Tambusisi, 4000?, / 1°39 S- 121°21 E . / 3–13.iv.1980 (2♀, BMNH ). Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B. / Indonesia , Bali isl. / Tamblingan Lake / 1200 m , ii.2004 / leg. St. Jakl / I.G.: 31.127 (1♀, ISNB ). IDN-Bali Isl. / Bedugul reg. 1300 m / Tamblingan lak. N.R. / S. Jakl lg., 3.2005 // COLLECTIO / PETR BAŇAŘ / Moravian Museum Brno (1♀, MMBC ). INDONESIA , Bali / Bedugul Reg., Tambli- / ngan Lakes Np, 1200 m / XI. 2004 , leg. S. Jakl (3♀, NHMW ). INDONESIA : Bali / Bedugul Reg.,Tambli- / ngan Lakes NR, 1200 m / XI.2004 , leg. S. Jakl ( 2♂ , 5♀, NHMW ). INDONESIA : W-Sumatra / Bengkulu Pr., Bukit Kaba NP / 3°29'S , 102°36'E , / 1000–1500 m , 30.I.–3.II./ 2000 , leg. D. Hauck ( 1♂ , 2♀, NHMW ). MALAYSIA , Pahang, / Cameron Highlands, 2 km S of Tanah Rata, / on Tapah Road, // montane rainforest, / at light, No. 93. / 29.III.1995 , / leg. O. Merkl & I. Szikossy (1♀, HNHM ). Malaysia , Pahang, / Cameron Highlands, / Tanah Rata, edge of / degraded rainforest. // at light, No 72, 21.III. –2.IV.1995, / leg. O. Merkl (1♀, HNHM ). BURMA / Fed. Shan States / Kalaw / vi. 1932 / F.J. Meggitt ( 1♂ , BMNH ). THAILAND , Doi Phuka / N.P., at light, 3.XI.2004 / leg. A. Orosz, M. Földvári / & L. Papp ( 1♂ , 1♀, HNHM ). NH THAILAND / Mae Hong Son / Ben Huai Po / 9. – 16.5.1991 / J. Horak lgt. // COLLECTIO / NATIONAL MUSEUM / Praha, Czech Republic ( 1♂ , NMPC ). THAILAND (NE) Loei Pt. / Phu Kradung NP / 16°53 N , 101°47 E / 1300 m , 11.–15.V.1999 / leg. D. Hauck ( 1♂ , RMNH ). LAOS . N. (Oudomxai) / 1.–9.v.2002 , ca 1100 m / 20°45 N , 102°09 E / OUDOM XAI ( 17 km / NEE), V. Kubáň lgt. // COLLECTIO / PETR BAŇAŘ / Moravian Museum Brno (1♀, MMBC ). Diagnosis. Grossander (Oculoander) eylesi is distinguished from G . (O.) papuanus sp. nov . by the less obviously stalked eyes, the narrower pronotal carinae on the anterior lobe, and details of the paramere. Etymology. The species is named after Dr. Alan C. Eyles, the excellent Heteroptera researcher. Discussion. See below, after the description of G. papuanus sp. nov.