Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) of the Kintrishi National Park, Sakartvelo (Georgia), with descriptions of six new species Author Riedel Author Pénigot Author Schwarz Author Diller Author Johansson Author Japoshvili, G. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2023 55 1 61 153 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10788481 0253-116X 10788481 Woldstedtius flavolineatus (GRAVENHORST , 1829) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Trap 4: 1♀ 15-29.vi., 1♁ 13-27.vii.; trap 7: 1♀ 23.iv.-5.v.; trap 12: 1♁ 15-29.vi.; trap 15: 3♀♀ 16-30.vi., 1♀ 30.vi.-14.vii., 1♀ 14-28.vii. Remark: The color patterns of coxae and hind tibiae are slightly variable in Georgian species, fore coxa often mainly blackish; mid and hind coxae ± red, with some blackish suffusion; one specimen with entirely black hind tibia; another specimen with black hind tibia, reddish in basal 0.2. D i s t r i b u t i o n: Holarctic, Oriental and Neotropical, known from Georgia ( RIEDEL et al. 2018 , RIEDEL & JAPOSHVILI 2021).