New records of Caribbomerus from Hispaniola and Dominica with redescription of C. elongatus (Fisher) and a key to species of the genus in the West Indies (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Graciliini) Author Lingafelter, Steven W. text ZooKeys 2011 85 27 39 journal article 1313-2970-85-27 Caribbomerus asperatus (Fisher) Figs 5b6Table 1 Diagnosis. Like Caribbomerusribbomerus attenuatus (Chevrolat) and Caribbomerus similis (Fisher), Caribbomerus asperatus has a very diagnostic rugulose pronotum that lacks calli and pubescence. It is recognized by a combination of features that include the matte finish on the elytra, micropunctation between elytral punctures, relatively uniform reddish-brown coloration above, distinctly elevated antennal tubercles, and elytral apices not distinctly impunctate. Discussion . This is the most common species of Caribbomerus in Hispaniola. It was originally described based on specimens from Haiti, and has not been previously recorded from the Dominican Republic ( Fisher 1932 , Monne and Bezark 2010 ). With numerous collection records listed below, this species is now documented for the Dominican Republic (new country record). Specimens. Dominican Republic: Pedernales Prov., 12 km N of Cabo Rojo, 18°03'N, 71°38'W, 250-350 m, blacklight, 9 July 2004, Daniel Perez / Steve Lingafelter (5, USNM); Dominican Republic: Independencia Prov., 3 km up road from La Descubierta to Los Pinos, 15 July 2004, blacklighting, S. W. Lingafelter (4, USNM); Dominican Republic: Azua Prov., entrance to Boca Vieja Marina near Biyeya Beach, 23.iv.2004, 19°25'N, 69°51'W, D. Perez, B. Hierro (night) RD#241 (3, USNM); Dominican Republic: Pedernales Prov., Cabo Rojo, Alcoa (EFGC [FSCA]); Dominican Republic: Pedernales Prov., 10.2 km N Cabo Rojo (EFGC [FSCA]); Dominican Republic: Bahoruco, 5.8 km SW Neiba, eastern playa of Lago Enriquillo, 3 April 2004, collector: J. Rawlins, R. Davidson, C. Young (CMNH); Dominican Republic: Isla Beata, near Pedernales, October (MCZC); Dominican Republic: Bani, August (MCZC); Dominican Republic: Pedernales Prov., Cabo Rojo, sea level, 22 August 1988, beating veg., M. A. Ivie, T. K. Philips, & K. A. Johnson colrs (WIBF); Dominican Republic: Independencia Prov., ESE Jimani, La Florida 18°24'N, 71°4'W, 20 m, at uv light 14 April 1993, M. A. Ivie, D. Sikes, W. Lanier (WIBF); Dominican Republic: Pedernales, 9.5 km N. Cabo Rojo, 33 m, 18°00.042'N, 71°38.793'W, 08 August 1999, lights and beating, M. A. Ivie, and K. A. Guerrero (WIBF). Figure 6. Distribution map for the three Caribbomerus species known from Hispaniola.