A synopsis of the genus Stryphnodendron (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade) Author Scalon, Viviane Renata 0000-0001-7000-6641 Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Herbário OUPR. Campus Morro do Cruzeiro s. n., 35400 - 000, Ouro Preto / MG, Brazil. vrscalon @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7000 - 6641 vrscalon@gmail.com Author Paula-Souza, Juliana De Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Botânica / CCB. Rua Eng. Agronômico Andrei Cristian Ferreira 216, 88040 - 535, Florianópolis / SC, Brazil. Author Lima, Alexandre Gibau De Universidade de São Paulo, ESALQ. Av. Pádua Dias 11, 13418 - 900, Piracicaba / SP, Brazil. & Escola Nacional de Botânica Tropical, Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Pacheco Leão 2040, 22460 - 030, Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brazil. alegibau @ gmail. com. Author Souza, Vinicius Castro Universidade de São Paulo, ESALQ. Av. Pádua Dias 11, 13418 - 900, Piracicaba / SP, Brazil. text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-05-03 544 3 227 279 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.544.3.1 journal article 55680 10.11646/phytotaxa.544.3.1 f125f93d-3a5b-48a3-9561-4ebee258e3d6 1179-3163 6520280 29. Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum (Willd.) Hochreutiner (1910: 274) . Mimosa pulcherrima (Willd.) Poiret (1810: 66) . ≡ Acacia pulcherrima Willdenow (1806: 1061) .—Type: BRAZIL . “Habitat in provincia Para Brasiliae”, s.d. , Hoffmannsegg s.n. ( holotype B-W 19136!) = Stryphnodendron guianense fo. floribundum (Benth.) Ducke (1925a: 250) . ≡ Stryphnodendron floribundum Bentham (1841: 343) .— Type: Gardner 986 ( lectotype K 000090447!, designated here, isolectotypes BM!, E!, G!, GH!, NY!, OXF!, P!). = Stryphnodendron angustum Bentham (1875: 375) .— Type : BRAZIL . Amazonas , “prope Barra do Rio Negro”, s.d. , Martius Obs. 2758 / Obs. 2578 ( lectotype M 0218774!, designated here, isolectotypes M 0218773!, M 0218775!, M 0218776!). = Stryphnodendron melinonis Sagot (1882: 322) .— Type : FRENCH GUIANA , “in sylvis Maroni”, s.d. , Mélinon s.n. ( lectotype P 00199449!, designated here, isolectotypes BM!, F!, K!, E!, P 00199447! P 00199448!). = Piptadenia cobi Rizzini & A.Mattos (1966: 233) .— Type : BRAZIL . Bahia , October 1939 , Menezes [“ Moisés ”] 135 ( holotype RB 55432 !, isotype K!). = Piptadenia foliolosa Bentham (1841: 336) Type : BRAZIL . Amazonas river , Poeppig 2776 ( lectotype F0360538F!, designated here). Syn. nov. Trees (5–)8–23(–25) m tall, trunk usually straight. Leaves with (9–)11–16(–18) pairs of pinnae; (8–)15–28(–32) pairs of leaflets; petiolar nectary 1, verruciform to verruciform with an elongated base; leaflets 3–9 × 1–3 mm , usually narrowly oblong, sometimes narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, distal leaflets usually obovate, proximal usually elliptic, chartaceous, subconcolor to discolor, upper surface usually sparsely puberule, sometimes puberule to sparsely pubescent, very rarely glabrous, lower surface usually puberule to pubescent, sometimes villous, rarely glabrous and then the midrib puberule, unilateral tuft of trichomes on the lower surface usually inconspicuous, sometimes absent. Inflorescences of simple thyrsi, yellowish, greenish yellow to whitish yellow; cymulae of geminate to 4-ternate spikes; spikes 9.5–14 cm long. Flowers usually monoclinous, rarely diclinous, corolla tube sparsely pubescent, lobes yellowpubescent, yellowish to light-yellow, rarely white. Fruit a nucoid legume, straight, subturgid, seeds slightly prominent, valves subcoriaceous, inconspicuously nerved ( Fig. 1A ). Vernacular names:Baginha , Baguinha , Baginha-de-São-João ( Brazil , Acre ), Favinha ( Brazil , Alagoas , Paraíba , Pernambuco ), Paricá ( Brazil , Amapá ), Cobi , Caubi , Juerana , Juerana-branca, Muanza, Munzê, Tamba-empé, Taimbapé, Tambaipé , Tamanqueira ( Brazil , Bahia ), Barbatimão ( Brazil , Bahia , Pará), Camuzé, Fava, Timbaúba, Timbó-da-mata ( Brazil ,Amazonas), Timborana ( Brazil , Pará), Paricarana ( Brazil ,Amazonas, Pará), Fava-Brabatimão ( Brazil , Mato Grosso ); Hediodillo ( Bolivia ); Pashaco ( Peru ); Kwattakamma, Pikin-misiki ( Suriname ); Arekuna , Abarkayakán, Brusquillo, Uramayudek ( Venezuela ). Nomenclatural notes: —A lectotype was selected among the three syntypes indicated by Bentham (1841) for S. floribundum . This same author (1875) published S. angustum citing on the protologue only the collection site (“near Barra do rio Negro”), and in Flora brasiliensis , published in the following year, he referred Martius as the collector of the sample. The type corresponds to Martius 2578 (2758?) , for which we found four duplicates in M, requiring the lectotypification performed here. Our searches found several duplicates of the type referred by Sagot (1882) to Stryphnodendron melinolis , the specimen in P that was indicated as lectotype is here formally indicated as such. We were unable to locate any type specimens of Piptadenia foliolosa in Betham´s workplace, and for this reason we indicate as lectotype the material deposited in F. Distribution and habitat: Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum is the most widely distributed species of the genus, mostly occurring in areas of terra firme forest of the Amazon in Brazil ( Acre , Amapá , Amazonas, Mato Grosso , Pará, Roraima and Rondônia states), French Guiana , Suriname , Guyana , Venezuela , Colombia , Peru and Bolivia . This species is less frequently registered in areas of igapó forest and rarely in campina areas in the upper Negro River. S. pulcherrimum is also disjunctly found in areas of restingas, dry forests and Atlantic forest in Northeastern Brazil ( Alagoas , Bahia , Maranhão , Paraíba , Pernambuco and Sergipe states). Conservation: —Least Concern (LC) [AOO= 560.000 km 2 , EOO= 8,023,534.535 km 2 ]. Phenology: —Flowering and fruiting samples of this species were collected throughout the year. Selected specimens examined:— BRAZIL Pará : Rio Trombetas , Cachoeira Porteira , próximo a foz do Rio Mapuera , 18 June 1980 , fr., G. Martinelli 7047 ( NY , RB ). Almeirim, Monte Dourado, estrada de Pedral , 12 November 1978 , fl., M.R. Santos 290 ( INPA ) .