A synopsis of the genus Stryphnodendron (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade) Author Scalon, Viviane Renata 0000-0001-7000-6641 Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Herbário OUPR. Campus Morro do Cruzeiro s. n., 35400 - 000, Ouro Preto / MG, Brazil. vrscalon @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7000 - 6641 vrscalon@gmail.com Author Paula-Souza, Juliana De Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Botânica / CCB. Rua Eng. Agronômico Andrei Cristian Ferreira 216, 88040 - 535, Florianópolis / SC, Brazil. Author Lima, Alexandre Gibau De Universidade de São Paulo, ESALQ. Av. Pádua Dias 11, 13418 - 900, Piracicaba / SP, Brazil. & Escola Nacional de Botânica Tropical, Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Pacheco Leão 2040, 22460 - 030, Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brazil. alegibau @ gmail. com. Author Souza, Vinicius Castro Universidade de São Paulo, ESALQ. Av. Pádua Dias 11, 13418 - 900, Piracicaba / SP, Brazil. text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-05-03 544 3 227 279 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.544.3.1 journal article 55680 10.11646/phytotaxa.544.3.1 f125f93d-3a5b-48a3-9561-4ebee258e3d6 1179-3163 6520280 14. Stryphnodendron guianense (Aubl.) Bentham (1875: 374) . Piptadenia guianensis (Aubl.) Bentham (1841: 335) . ≡ Folianthera guianensis (Aubl.) Rafinesque (1838: 120) . ≡ Acacia guianensis (Aubl.) Willdenow (1806: 1061) . ≡ Mimosa guianensis Aublet (1775: 938) .— Type : FRENCH GUIANA , “ Habitat in sylvis Caïenna & Guiana” , s.d., Aublet s.n. (BM001135589) = Stryphnodendron purpureum Ducke (1915: 16) .—Type: BRAZIL . “Alcobaça ad fluvium Tocantins , in sylvis secundariis terrae argillosae rubrae valde frequens”, 28 December 1914 , Ducke s.n. ( holotype MG 15556 !, isotypes BM!, G!, S!, US !) . Treelets to trees 2–12(–20) m tall. Leaves with 8–11 pairs of pinnae; (6–)8–14(–18) pairs of leaflets; petiolar nectary 1, verruciform with an elongated base; leaflets (4–)6-15(–23) × 4-8(–13) mm, usually oblong to oblong-rhombic, distal leaflets usually obovate, proximal sometimes elliptic, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, discolor, upper surface usually glabrous to subglabrous, sometimes sparsely puberule, lower surface subglabrous to puberule, unilateral tuft of trichomes on the lower surface present, sometimes inconspicuous. Inflorescences of simple thyrsi, pinkish; cymulae of solitary to 4-ternates spikes; spikes 8–16(–18.5) cm long. Flowers monoclinous or diclinous, corolla glabrous, pinkish. Fruit a nucoid legume, straight to slightly curved, flat-compressed, seeds slightly prominent, valves subcoriaceous, inconspicuously nerved. Vernacular names:Talapirinria ( Brazil , Maranhão ). Distribution and habitat: —This taxon occurs in terra firme forests of Northeastern Amazon (Atlantic Coastal, Roraima and Jari-Trombetas phytogeographic provinces). In addition to these areas, S. guianense also occurs in Northeastern Brazil ( Ceará and Maranhão states) in secondary vegetation often associated with sandy soils. Conservation :—Least Concern (LC) [AOO= 40.000 km 2 , EOO= 1,265,120.766 km 2 ] Phenology: —Specimens with flowers were collected in February and March, June and July, and from October to December, specimens with fruits were collected in May. Selected specimens examined: —— BRASIL . Ceará : Ubajara , Horto de Ubajara , 03 November 1995 , fr., M.A. Oliveira s.n. ( EAC 23383) . Pará : Breu Branco , approx. 40 km S of Tucuruí , then 5 km W on old logging road, 22 November 1981 , fl., D.C. Daly 1529 ( INPA ) . FRENCH GUIANA . Saül , along airport road on outskirts of Saül , 08 December 1982 , fl., S.A. Mori & B. Boom 15361 (P) .