Species of Acryptolaria Norman, 1875 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Lafoeidae) collected in the Western Pacific by various French expeditions, with the description of nineteen new species Author Peña Cantero, Álvaro L. Instituto Cavanilles de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, Universidad de Valencia / Fundación General, Universidad de Valencia, Apdo. Correos 22085, E- 46071 Valencia (Spain) alvaro. l. pena @ uv. es pena@uv.es Author Vervoort, Willem National Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 9517, NL- 2300 RA Leiden (The Netherlands) vervoort @ naturalis. nnm. nl text Zoosystema 2010 2010-06-30 32 2 267 332 http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.5252/z2010n2a5 journal article 8099 10.5252/z2010n2a5 f76e17a3-3bc3-43a8-ae33-6655aba3fa57 1638-9387 4521008 Acryptolaria disordinata n. sp. ( Figs 7 ; 30 ; 31D ; Table 8 ) TYPE MATERIAL . — NW New Caledonia . MUSORSTOM 4, stn DW 197, 18°51.3’S , 163°21.0’E , 560 m , 20.IX.1985 , several stems up to 60 mm high on coral, with coppinia: 1 stem holotype (MNHN-Hy.2009-0159); 5 stems paratypes (RMNH-Coel. no. 31505). OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED . — NW New Caledonia . MUSORSTOM 4, stn CP 194, 18°52.8’S , 163°21.7’E , 550 m , 19.IX.1985 , 7 stems up to 45 mm high ( MNCN 2.03/414). — Stn CP 195, 18°54.8’S , 163°22.2’E , 465 m , 19.IX.1985 , 1 stem c. 40 mm high (MNHN- Hy.2009-0192). — Stn DW 197, 18°51.3’S , 163°21.0’E , 560 m , 20.IX.1985 , 3 fragments up to 23 mm long (RMNH-Coel. no. 35506, slide 432). ETYMOLOGY. — The specific name disordinata refers to the rather disordered disposition of the gonothecae in the coppinia. From the Latin verb “ordino”, to order, to arrange; the particle “dis” expresses the contrary. Adjective following the genus name in gender. ECOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION. — Acryptolaria disordinata n. sp. was collected at depths between 465 and 560 m off NW New Caledonia . It was found epibiotic on coral. Coppiniae were found in September. TABLE 8. — Measurements of Acryptolaria disordinata n. sp. from the holotype (in μm). Whole range from several stations.
Range Mean ± SD (n = 10) Whole range (n)
Length of abcauline wall 600-700 665.0 ± 30.7 690-900 (14)
Length of adcauline wall 750-870 821.5 ± 38.0 775-1100 (14)
Length of free adcauline wall 200-290 238.0 ± 30.9 240-470 (14)
Length of adnate adcauline wall 510-630 580.5 ± 37.6 535-670 (14)
Ratio adnate/free adcauline wall 1.9-3.0 2.5 ± 0.4 1.3-2.6 (14)
Diameter at aperture 130-150 139.5 ± 8.5 130-160 (14)
Length 250-300
Maximum diameter c. 150
Length of funnel c. 150
Diameter at aperture 50-70
Larger group 24.5-26.5 × 8.5-10 25.6 ± 0.6 × 9.4 ± 0.5 24-27 × 8-10 (16)
Ratio 2.6-3.1 2.7 ± 0.2
Smaller group 6 × 3
DESCRIPTION Flabellate, polysiphonic stems up to 60 mm high, frequently branched; up to third-order branches observed ( Fig. 31D ). Branching irregular and with anastomoses, but strictly in one plane, giving the colonies a flabellate appearance. Branches straight ( Fig. 7A ), but distinctly widening at the place where hydrotheca becomes free ( Fig. 7 A-C). Hydrothecae alternately arranged in approximately one plane ( Fig. 7 A-C). Hydrotheca cylindrical and of a constant diameter throughout, only decreasing in diameter at its base ( Fig. 7 A-C). Hydrotheca smoothly curved outwards; adcauline wall adnate to internode for over two-thirds of its length (adnate/free ratio 2.5), convex over its whole length. Abcauline wall completely concave or straight at basal half, with strongly developed perisarc reaching as far downwards as the hydrotheca situated below. Hydrothecal aperture circular, oblique and directed upwards, at an angle of c. 20° with long axis of branches. Rim even, frequently with short renovations (up to seven observed). Large nematocysts relatively very large and fusiform ( Fig. 30 ). Female coppinia 12 mm long and 3 mm in maximum diameter, roughly fusifom, but with extensions on lower-order branches. Gonothecae set together, but not as tightly as in other species ( Fig. 7D ), consequently shape of gonotheca more variable and gonothecal walls fused to a varying degree. In general, gonothecae pear-shaped ( Fig. 7D ), with a main, swollen basal part and a long distal neck, provided with a distal, circular aperture. Rim even. Coppinia without defensive tubes. Planulae completing development outside gonothecae in an acrocyst. REMARKS In material from MUSORSTOM 4 stn DW 197, the stems grow side by side and anastomose, even with fusion of the coppiniae. Acryptolaria disordinata n. sp. is characterized by the remarkable widening of the branch where the hydrotheca becomes free, by the cylindrical hydrothecae and by the disorderly arrangement of the gonothecae. It is allied to A . bathyalis n. sp. in the shape and size of the hydrotheca, but they differ because in the latter the branches are practically straight, the hydrothecae are less closely packed, the basal half of the abcauline hydrothecal wall remains parallel to the branch, the hydrotheca only curves outwards at the distal half, and because the nematocysts are distinctly smaller (21.6 × 8.5 µm ).