Pedicularis munzurdaghensis (Orobanchaceae), a new species from Turkey Author Armağan, Metin text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-01-05 333 1 124 130 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.333.1.10 1179-3163 13723493 Pedicularis munzurdaghensis Armağan , sp. nov. Type:— TURKEY . Tunceli : Pülümür , 11 km N of Ardıçlı (Gersunut) village , Munzur Mountain (near to Erzincan border), ca. 2510 m , 18 June 2014 , Armağan 4874 ( holotype HUB!; isotype AYDN!), Figure 1 . FIGURE 1. The holotype of Pedicularis munzurdaghensis ( Armağan 4874 , HUB!) a. Habit b. Basal leaf c. Lower bract d. Bract e. Inflorescence f. Petal g. Calyx h. Corolla i. Corolla lower lip j. Stigma and style k. Anther and filament l. Capsule m. Seed. Description:— Perennial. Stem unbranched or many branched at the base, erect or ascending, 5–15 cm , often brown to purplish, villous, and glabrous soon after blooming. Leaves narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 1–2 pinnatisect, lamina 16–32 × 4–8 mm , serrate; leaf segments narrowly spaced, oblong-lanceolate, acutely serrate, mucronate; basal leaves petiolate, petiole 10–30 mm long, upper leaves sessile and broader than basal leaves. Cauline leaves 2(–1) verticillate and 3–4 leaves each whorled. Leaves with white minute mucro at apex. Inflorescence many flowered, oblong, short, lanate-villous, verticillate, scarcely elongating in fruit, up to 5 cm . Bracts broadly ovate, surrounding the calyx, 9– 19 × 4–15 mm , irregularly deeply incised (like pinnatifid), decreasing in size to upwards; lower bracts leaf like, upper bracts narrowly ovate, only toothed at apex. Pedicels erect-spreading, 1–3 mm long. Calyx tubular, 7–11 mm long; tube 4–5 mm , teeth 3–6 mm long. Corolla purple, glabrous, lower lip light pink to white, 18–21 mm ; tube 13–15 mm long, curved or bent; upper lip ± straight, obtuse, rounded. Anthers not mucronate; filaments glabrous. Capsule oblong, 11–16 × 5 mm , obliquely falcate, glabrous, acute. Seeds 1.8–2.1 × 0.5–0.8 mm . FIGURE 2. A. Pedicularis cadmea (photo by H. Yıldırım ) B. P. munzurdaghensis (photo by M. Armağan ) Diagnosis:— Pedicularis munzurdaghensis is morphologically close to P. cadmea , P. arguteserrata , and P. anthemifolia . It differs from P. cadmea by having purple corolla with a lower lip which ranges from pale pink to white (not entirely purple or pink); corolla 18–21 mm in length (not 23–27 mm ); lower corolla lip 6–8 mm in width, and by the middle lobe of the lip being smaller than the others (not 10–12 mm , with all lobes not equal). It is distinguished from P. arguteserrata by having all filaments glabrous (not two filaments hairy); tubular calyx 7–11 mm long, villous (not campanulate, 6–7 mm long, crispate hairy above); and purple corolla, with lower lip pale pink to white (not entirely pinkish violet). Finally, it is distinct from P . anthemifolia by its purple corolla, lower lip pale pink to white (a yellow upper lip with a purplish hue at the apex); tubular calyx 7–11 mm long, villous, unequally 5-toothed (not cupular subinflated, glabrous, equally 5-toothed); leaf segments narrowly spaced, oblong-lanceolate, acutely serrate (not leaf segments widely spaced, linear, acutely serrate, serrulate or sometimes subentire) ( Table 1 , Fig. 2 , Fig. 3 ). TABLE 1. Comparison of Pedicularis munzurdaghensis ( Armağan 4874 !), P. cadmea (W-14768!), P. arguteserrata (LE-01026038 photo!), and P. anthemifolia (MW-0190070 photo!)
P. munzurdaghensis P. cadmea P. arguteserrata P. anthemifolia
Plants Multiple stems, erect or ascending, 5–15 cm, often brown to purplish, unbranched, villous, glabrous soon after blooming Multiple stems, erect or ascending, 4–13 cm, often purplish, unbranched, villous Multiple or rarely single stem simple, erect, 10–30 cm, shining, with 4 hairy lines Stem single to multiple, erect, simple, glabrous to villous between petioles
Basal leaves Narrowly oblong- lanceolate, 1–2 pinnatisect, 16–32 × 4–8 mm, serrate, with 1–3 cm petioles; leaf segments narrowly spaced, oblong-lanceolate, acutely serrate, mucronate Narrowly oblong, 1(–2) pinnatisect, 14–22 × 6–8 mm, serrate, with 2–4 cm petioles; leaf segments narrowly spaced, oblong- lanceolate, acutely serrate (Sometimes absent) Lanceolate, pinnatisect, with long-petiolate, 1/3– 1/2 as long as stem; leaf segments widely spaced, linear-lanceolate or sublinear, acute, serrulate or sometimes subentire Ovate-oblong to oblonglanceolate, deeply pinnatisect, with petiole 3–4 cm; leaf segments widely spaced, linear acutely serrate, serrulate or sometimes subentire
Cauline leaves 2(–1) verticillate and 3 or 4 leaves each whorled Few, opposite or ± verticillate 2–3 whorls, lower leaves sometimes opposite, short-petiolate or sessile, otherwise similar 4 verticillate
Inflorescence Dense, verticillate, densely villous Short and dense spike, lanate Dense, interrupted in lower part, glabrescent Dense, terminal spike, oblong-ovate, glabrescent
Lower bracts Leaf like, longer than flowers Leaf like, as long as or shorter than flowers Leaf like, longer than flowers Leaf like, shorter than flowers
Middle and upper bracts Broadly ovate, 9–19 × 4– 15 mm, irregularly deeply incised Ovate, 10–13 × 5–9 mm, irregularly incised deltoid, 3-partite, lobes regularly serrate, middle lobe repeatedly 3-partite. 3–5 sub-palmatifid-lobed
Bracts Bracts decreasing in size to upwards, upper bracts narrowly ovate, only toothed at apex; surrounding the calyx Similar all of them; not surrounding the calyx Similar all of them; not surrounding the calyx Similar all of them; not surrounding the calyx
Pedicels length 1–3 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1–2 mm
Calyx shape and length Tubular 7–11 mm, villous; tube 4–5 mm; unequally 5-toothed, teeth 3–6 mm Tubular 9–11 mm, lanate; tube 5–7 mm; unequally 5-toothed, teeth 3–5 mm Campanulate, 6–7 mm long; often violet, membranous and crispate- hairy above; teeth with deltoid base, linear, acute, slightly shorter than tube. Cupular sub-inflated, 5–7 mm, glabrous; equally 5- toothed, teeth erect, acute, villous
Corolla length 18–21 mm; tube 13–15 mm 23–27 mm; tube 15–18 mm 17–18 mm; tube 10–12 mm long c. 15 mm, tube c. 10 mm
...Continued on next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
P. munzurdaghensis P. cadmea P. arguteserrata P. anthemifolia
Corolla lower lip 6–8 mm width, middle lobe smaller than other lobes 10–12 mm width, equal all lobes Broadly 3-lobed, 7–8 mm width 7–8 mm width, middle lobe smaller than other lobes
Corolla color Purple, lower lip pale pink to white Entirely pink to purple Entirely pinkish violet Yellow, upper lip (galea) purplish at the apex
Filaments All filaments glabrous All filaments glabrous Two filaments pilose. Posterior filaments pubescent apically
Capsule Oblong, 11–16 × 5 mm, obliquely falcate, glabrous, acute Oblong, 15 × 5 mm, obliquely falcate, glabrous, acute Broad, obliquely oblong, abruptly transformed into short, straight, acute Oblong, 15–16 × 7 mm, obliquely falcate, glabrous, acute
Phenology:— Flowering and fruiting from May to June.
Distribution and habitat:— Known up to now only from two localities on Munzur Mountains, growing in limestone rocky crevices on mountains between 1800–2520 m . Etymology:— The species epithet refers to the Munzur Mountains (extending between Erzincan and Tunceli ), the type locality. Vernacular name:— Ak sakallı that is means white-bearded ( Turkey ). Additional specimens examined ( P. munzurdaghensis ) :— TURKEY . Erzincan , Kemaliye, Yeşilyamaç village, top of the Erenler Hill, 1800 m , rocky crevices, 21 May 1980 , Yıldırımlı 3050 (HUB!); Tunceli , Pülümür, 11 km N of Ardıçlı (Gersunut) village, Munzur Mountain (near to Erzincan border), ca. 2510 m , 18 June 2014 , Armağan 4874 ( holotype !), Tunceli : Pülümür, 11 km N of Ardıçlı (Gersunut) village, Munzur Mountain (near to Erzincan border), 2516 m , 27 June 2015 , Armağan 6663 ! ( P. cadmea ):— TURKEY . Denizli , Cadmus in reg. Alpina, June 1842 , E. Boissier ( isotype LE-00017197 photo!); Cadmus regio alpina, June 1842 , E. Boissier , s.n. ( isotype GOET-011040 photo!); Denizli , North of Honaz Mountain, 1409 m , stony slopes, 14 June 2008 , A.Duran 7939 (KNYA!); Sivas , Şarkıþla, Diğnendim hill, 1900–2000 m , limestone crevices, 5 May 2008 , B.Özüdoğru 1721 (HUB!); İçel, Mut, Kızıldağ, 2000 m , 17 June 1970 , A.Paukçuoğlu-Quezel (HUB!); Antalya , Gazipaşa, Çobanlar village, Delieğrik station, 1800–2000 m , stony fields, 19 July 1981 , Sümbül 1102 (HUB!); Antalya , Gazipaşa, Macar village, Sarımazı station, 1700–1800 m , 13 July 1982 , Sümbül 1318 (HUB!); Kayseri , Bakır Dag nr Akoluk Yayla above Kisge, 2500–2700 m , 29 June 1952 , Davis, Dodds, Çetik 19350 (W!); Kayseri , Yahyalı, Aladağ, the guesthouse of Çinko Maden Yatağı, c. 2500 m , 5 July 1982 , Demirkuş 1949 (HUB!); Konya , Ereğli, Aydos mountain, Yazıgöl plateau, 3000 m , the alpine meadow, 10 July 1977 , Erik 2415 (HUB!); Isparta , Dedegöldag, Wasserfall, 1500 m , weideland, 3 July 1965 , Sorger 65-43-20 (W!); Isparta , Eğirdir, Dedegöl mountain, Kuzukulağı plateau, 1800–2300 m , the calcareous rockies, 29 May 1974 , Peşmen & Güner 1341 (HUB!); Isparta , Sütçüler, Çobanisa village, Sarp mountain, the forest of Pinus nigra, 1450–1850 m , limestone crevices, 26 May 1974 , Peşmen & Güner 1108 (HUB!); Kahramanmaraş , Elbistan, Nurihak Dag, 2800 m , in limestone gravel., 17 June 1960 , Stainton & Henderson 5637 (W!); Kahramanmaraþ, Süleymanlı, Berit mountain, Sarıgöl, south of limestone rocks, 2000 m , rocky crevices, 11 June 1978 , Yıldız 2057 (HUB!); Kahramanmaraş , Göksun, Berit mountain, Höbür station, 2800–3000 m , on the calcareous rockies, 28 July 1981 , Yıldız 3197 (HUB!); Niğde , Ala Dag, N-Teil, between Ulupinar Yayla and Kara Göl, 2000–2650 m , 8 July 1975 , Spitzenberger 118 (W!); Niğde , Taurus, montes Bolkar Dağlari, ad austro-occidentem ab pago Maden, 2700–3200 m , 7 Aug 1992 , Vašak (W!). ( P. arguteserrata ) :— RUSSIA . Krasnoyarsk Region , Yenisei Province, vicinity of Mayskoye Lake (Майское оЗеро), open forest, 21 June 1912 , Tugarinov s.n. ( holotype LE-01026038; isotypes LE-01026039, LE-01026040, and LE-01026041 photos!). ( P. anthemifolia ) :— RUSSIA . Altai , Abacana, 2030–2050 m , 8 June 1935 , (MW-0125932 photo!); Altai (MW-0125933 photo!); Altai mountains, Fedchenko (MW-0125934 photo!); Altai , west Özok valley, 5 Aug 1936 , Goncharova (MW-0125935 photo!); Altai , Shebalino village, Chuyskiy road 205. km, deciduous forest, 17 June 1959 , Golovlyov 92 (MW-0125936 photo!); Altai (MW-0125937 photo!); Altai , 2500 m , alpine meadows, 13 July 1936 , (MW-0125928 photo!); Southern Altai , 25. km N of Beliy village, 1800 m , subalpine meadows, 3 July 1936 , Yelenevskiy (MW-0125929 photo!). WEST MONGOLIA. Altai , Bayan-Ulegesky, 10 km from Hatun-Nura to west, marshy, 17 Aug 1979 , Gubanov 7840 (MW-0190068 photo! and MW-0190069 photo!); NE Hangai, Arhangaisky, 20 km SSW from Tevshruleh, 2500 m , summit of mountain, 25 June 1979 , Gubanov 197 (MW-0190070 photo!); Hubsugulskiy province, 20 km NNW from Hatgala city, Arsiy gol valley, 1900– 200 m , in-forest, bank of the small river, 27 July 1982 , Gubanov 5169 (MW-0190071 photo!); Altai , 10-15 km to the west of Dayannur village, Bayan Ulegeiskiy region, near Hara-Nur Lake, 20 July 1988 Gubanov et al. 1854 (MW-0190072 photo!).