New Phrurolithus species from China (Araneae, Phrurolithidae) Author Fu, Lina The Key Laboratory of Invertebrate Systematics and Application, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China Author Chen, Huiming Institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550009, China * Corresponding author. E-mail: dudu 06042001 @ 163. com Author Zhang, Feng The Key Laboratory of Invertebrate Systematics and Application, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China text Ecologica Montenegrina 2016 2016-07-30 7 270 290 journal article 10.37828/em.2016.7.5 2336-9744 13224313 Phrurolithus subannulus sp. nov. Figs 7A–G , 8A–E Type material. Holotype , China , Chongqing Municipality , Nanchuan Region , Jinshan Town , Lanbajing ( 29°00.535′N , 107°08.681′E ), 10 March 2013 , Xiangwei MENG leg . Paratypes : 5♀ , same data as for holotype ; 1♂ , Guizhou Province , Chishui City , Wuzhufeng scenic spot ( 28°23.448′N , 105°58.690′E ), 2 October 2012 , Luyu WANG leg .; 2♂ , Chongqing Municipality , Nanchuan Region , Jinshan Town , Lanbajing ( 29°00.535′N , 107°08.681′E ), 11 March 2013 , Luyu WANG and Xiangwei MENG leg .; 3♀ , Chongqing Municipality , Jinyun Mountain , Beiwenquan scenic spot ( 29°51.055′N , 106°23.883′E ), 30 November 2013 , Luyu WANG leg .; 2♂ , Chongqing Municipality , Jinyun Mountain , Beiwenquan scenic spot ( 29°51.055′N , 106°23.883′E ), 8 March 2014 , Xuankong JIANG leg . Etymology. The specific epithet is taken from its similarity to P. annulus Zhou et al. , 2013 ; adjective. Diagnosis. The new species is similar to P. annulus ( Zhou et al. , 2013: 5–6 , figs 4–6) in having a similar embolus and conductor, but can be distinguished from it by: 1) bifid PTA long relatively, the thick one with several small denticles apically (smooth in the latter); 2) distance between CO and epigastric furrow bigger than the latter; 3) epigastric plate relatively longer (short in the latter). Description. Male ( Fig. 7A ). Total length 2.72–3.07 (n=7). Holotype : body 2.86 long; carapace 1.41 long, 1.19 wide; abdomen 1.31 long, 0.98 wide. Carapace light brown, anteriorly abruptly narrow; fovea longitudinal, distinct. Eyes sizes and interdistances: AME 0.08, ALE 0.10, PME 0.06, PLE 0.09; AME– AME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.01, PME–PME 0.11, PME–PLE 0.07. MOA 0.34 long, front 0.21wide, back 0.21 wide. Clypeus 0.10 high. Chelicerae with two strong anterior bristles; promargin with three well-separated teeth and retromargin with six teeth close to each other. Labium and gnathocoxae wider than long, yellow. Legs light yellow. Measurements of legs: leg I 4.83 (1.35, 0.34, 1.52, 1.17, 0.45), II 3.84 (1.14, 0.32, 1.01, 0.89, 0.48), III 3.28 (0.86, 0.29, 0.69, 0.91, 0.53), IV 4.99 (1.42, 0.34, 1.07, 1.41, 0.75). Leg formula: 4123. Femora I–IV basally with one dorsal spine, femur I with three prolateral spines and femur II with one prolateral spine; tibia I with six pairs of ventral spines, tibia II with six proventral spines and five retroventral spines; metatarsus I with four pairs of ventral spines, metatarsus II with four proventral spines and three retroventral spines. Abdomen oval, dark grey, anterior half with a big, grey dorsal scutum, posterior half with several chevron-like stripes dorsally. Palp ( Figs 7C–E , 8A–C ). Femur with a ventral apophysis retrolaterally. Bifid PTA long relatively, the thick with several small denticles apically. RTA extending forward, with broad base and sharp tip. Embolus long and sharp, anteriorly located and extending retro-anteriorly. Conductor membranous and small, with its tip close to the end of embolus. Female ( Fig. 7B ). Total length 3.16–3.72 (n=6). One paratype : body 3.63 long; carapace 1.48 long, 1.34 wide; abdomen 2.12 long, 1.38 wide. Carapace light brown anteriorly; fovea longitudinal. Eyes sizes and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.11, PME 0.05, PLE 0.08; AME–AME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.02, PME– PME 0.13, PME–PLE 0.08. MOA 0.36 long, front 0.20 wide, back 0.23 wide. Clypeus 0.11 high. Leg measurements: I 5.29 (1.42, 0.39, 1.63, 1.33, 0.52); II 4.20 (1.10, 0.45, 1.11, 0.98, 0.56); III 3.81 (0.97, 0.34, 0.85, 0.94, 0.71); IV 5.38 (1.46, 0.45, 1.13, 1.56, 0.78). Leg formula: 4123. Femora I–IV with one dorsal spine. Femur I with three prolateral spines and femur II with one prolateral spines; tibia I with six pairs of ventral spines, tibia II with six pairs of ventral spines; metatarsus I with four pairs of ventral spines, metatarsus II with four proventral spines and three retroventral spines. Abdomen light grey dorsally with several chevron-like stripes dorsally. Epigyne ( Figs 7F–G , 8D–E ). COs small relatively, close to each other. Thick CD, connecting with two big transparent, kidney-shaped BU anteriorly. Spermathecae complex, located behind CD, posteriorly. Distribution. China ( Chongqing , Guizhou ).