Review of the leafhopper genus Makilingia Baker (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Mileewinae) Author Dietrich, Christopher H. Author Zahniser, James N. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-02-21 4559 3 473 500 journal article 27441 10.11646/zootaxa.4559.3.3 f39d035d-0ca0-4d8a-888d-700de6678d8b 1175-5326 2627157 04458AF0-1E51-4468-A875-9EEDCA34BE19 Makilingia uncinata n. sp. ( Figs 2 U–V, 7U–Y, 8S, 9KK–LL) Description. Length of male 7.3–8.1mm ; female 7.5–7.8mm . Coloration. Golden yellow overall. Crown mostly black with pair of sinuate lateral yellow marks anteromesad of eyes, smaller spots more anteromesad, and posteiror margin narrowly yellow; face sexually dimorphic, male with fronoclypeus predominantly black to dark brown fading to light brown ventrally, female with frontoclypeus black laterally and with muscle scars highlighted with black and with mostly yellow median area, anteclypeus in males brownish-yellow dorsally, with or without brown or black maculae laterally or medially, yellow ventrally, anteclypeus in females yellow. Pronotum with pair of anterolateral black maculae, mesonotal triangles black; thoracic pleurites black. Stucture. Head relatively short with anterior margin of crown in dorsal view obtusely angulate; face with frontoclypeus and anteclypeus shagreen, clypeal suture poorly delimited, anteclypeus in profile obtusely angulate; distinct punctations restricted to genae. Forewing venation moderately well delimited, with few supernumerary R branches along costal margin. Male genitalia. Pygofer appendage moderately long and slender, sinuate distally, extended slightly beyond lobe. Subgenital plate moderately long, ventral margin strongly bent, distal section longer than basal section but weakly sclerotized, curved laterad and tapered to pointed apex; dorsal callosity long but not strongly produced dorsad. Style with preapical lobe very small but distinctly angulate, preapical heel distinctly angulate, apex relatively short. Aedeagus in lateral view with preatrium shorter and narrower than shaft, evenly curved; atrium well developed, lobelike, shaft short and tapered with prominent anterodorsal teeth; in posteror view with preatrium broad and constricted medially, atrial processes auriculate and curved dorsad, shaft broad, subrectangular with slender apical median notch. Etymology. The species name is derived from the Latin word "uncinus" (hook, barb) refers to the toothed aedeagus. Material examined. Holotype male, labeled “Baguio/ Benguet/ Baker; Cotype No./ U.S. N.M.; HOLOTYPE / Makilingia uncinata / Dietrich & Zahniser / 2019; USNMENT / 01513212" . Paratypes : 1 male , 2 females , same data as holotype ; 2 males labeled “Dapitan / Mindanao / Baker; Cotype No./ U.S. N.M”. All paratypes with identification labels and with USNMENT barcode labels numbered 0 1513213, -214, -234, -240, and -245 . Notes. This species resembles M. tettigonoides and M. tenebrifrons in size, structure and coloration but may be distinguished by the brown muscle scars of the frontoclypeus, the mostly black crown and the distinctive male genitalia.