Checklist of Fishes from Madagascar Reef, Campeche Bank, Mexico Author Zarco Perello, Salvador Author Moreno Mendoza, Rigoberto Author Simoes, Nuno text Biodiversity Data Journal 2014 2 1100 1100 journal article 1314-2828-2-1100 Stegastes variabilis (Castelnau, 1855) Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence: catalogNumber: CIRR-311 ; recordedBy: Salvador Zarco Perello ; individualCount: 3 ; Location: continent: America; country: Mexico ; stateProvince: Yucatan; locality: Madagascar Reef ; verbatimDepth: 5 m; verbatimLatitude: 780535.103072; verbatimLongitude: 2373588.16789; verbatimCoordinateSystem: UTM 15N; verbatimSRS: WGS84; decimalLatitude: 21.442888 ; decimalLongitude: -90.293376 ; Event: samplingProtocol: Photosampling ; eventDate: 20/9/2007 ; Record Level: collectionID: YUC-PEC_239-01-64; institutionCode: UMDI-SISAL ; collectionCode: CIRR Distribution Western Atlantic. North Carolina to Brazil. Including Bermuda, Bahamas and throughout the Caribbean Islands.