Taxonomic revision of Afrotropical Laccophilus Leach, 1815 (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) Author Bistroem, Olof Author Nilsson, Anders N. Author Bergsten, Johannes text ZooKeys 2015 542 1 379 journal article 1313-2970-542-1 026407877355425BAB10BF1674510F12 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Dytiscidae Laccophilus pallescens Regimbart , 1903 Figs 85-86, 276, 432-433, 551 Laccophilus pallescens Regimbart 1903 : 14 (original description, faunistics); Regimbart 1906 : 248 (faunistics); Zimmermann 1920a :23 (catalogue, faunistics); Peschet 1921 : 4 (discussion, faunistics); Guignot 1941 : 36 (description, discussion); Guignot 1943 : 99 (faunistics, discussion); Guignot 1946c : 269, 272, 273, 274, 275, 278, 312, 316 (description, faunistics, discussion); Guignot 1952c : 521 (faunistics); Omer-Cooper 1958b : 37, 48, 49, 50 (discussion, description, faunistics, biology); Legros 1958 : 211 (faunistics); Guignot 1959a : 557, 561, 562, 564, 568 (description, discussion, faunistics); Omer-Cooper 1965 : 77, 86 (description, faunistics); Bertrand and Legros 1971: 244, 247 (faunistics, biology); Bilardo and Pederzani 1978 : 119 (faunistics, description); Medler 1980 : 155 (faunistics, list); Pederzani 1988 : 107 (faunistics, biology); Rocchi 1990 : 442 (faunistics); Rocchi 1991 : 86 (faunistics, list); Nilsson 2001 : 248 (catalogue, faunistics); Pederzani and Reintjes 2002 : 40 (faunistics); Wewalka 2004 : 471 (description, faunistics); van Vondel 2005 : 131 (faunistics, biology); Pederzani and Rocchi 2009 : 95 (faunistics list); Hajek and Reiter 2014 : 94 (faunistics, biology); Nilsson 2015 : 215 (catalogue, faunistics). Type locality. Madagascar: Pays Androy. Type material studied (11 exs.). Laccophilus pallescens : Lectotype (by present designation): male: "Madag. Sud Pays Androy C. Alluaud / pallescens Reg . types"(MNHN; mounted on same pin on separate label above label with two paralectotypes). - Paralectotypes: Same data as lectotype (2 exs. MNHN). - "Madag. B. Antongil / Museum Paris coll. Maurice Regimbart" (1 ex. MNHN); "S. Baie Antongil / Museum Paris coll. Maurice Regimbart" (1 ex. MNHN); "Madagascar Diego Suarez 10 Ch. Alluaud 1893 / pallescens Reg . sp. n. / Museum Paris coll. Maurice Regimbart" (1 ex. MNHN); "Madagascar Sud Pays Androy Nord Alluaud 1900, 34 / Museum Paris 1945 Coll. R. Peschet / Laccophilus pallescens Reg." (1 ex. MNHN);"Madagascar Sud Pays Androy Nord Alluaud 1900, 34" (1 ex. MNHN). Additional three specimens are labelled "Baie de Kavirondo", but Kavirondo is separately (later and incorrectly) written on the label. When the specimens are mounted on exactly similar labels as those regarded as type material our conclusion is that they also can have this status (3 exs. MNHN). The pin is provided with a label bearing the handwritten text "should be Antongil". Additional material studied (234 exs.). Mali: "Mopti, Niger Riv. 21.2. 2000, 14°30'N , 4°12'W , Komarek & Mayer leg. / Laccophilus pallescens Reg. det. Wewalka 2001 (1 ex. NMW). - Sudan: "L. Shambe 21.1. 1954 JJOC." (1 ex. AMGS); "S. Sudan, stream from hot springs, Nyangwara 30,5E 4,39N 29.1. 1954 JJOC." (1 ex. AMGS). - Ethiopia: "NO Afr. Galla Erlanger / 13.4. 1901" (1 ex. NHMB). - Ivory Coast: "Divo 28.11.1963" (1 ex. MRAC); "Comoe N.Pk., N8,5° W 3,5° Reintjes leg. / 4.2. 1999 Kongo Riv. / Laccophilus pallescens Regb . det. Pederzani" (2 exs. NMW); "Parc Nat. Comoe , gen. 2000 Moretto" (1 ex. CSR); "Foro-Foro, ad lucem, Duviard leg." (1 ex. MZH). - Ghana: "Ashanti Reg. Kwadaso, agric. st. 6.42N- 1.39W / light trap 26.2. 1969 Endroedy-Younga leg."(2 exs. TMSA, 1 ex. MZH); "V.F. Eastop/Tafo, light 8.5. 1957" (1 ex. BMNH); "N. Reg., Nyankpala 183 m, N9°25' , W1°00' Endroedy-Younga / shore washing 10.2. 1970" (1 ex. CGW); "Kumasi 18.5. 67 Endroedy-Younga / Laccophilus pallescens Reg . det. Wewalka 76" (1 ex. MHNG); same data but "12.6. 67" (1 ex. MHNG). - Benin: Dep. Atlantique, Allada nr Niaouli (village) 6.2. 2006 leg. Goergen et al/ 06°44'31,7"N ; 02°07'55,6"E , ca. 70 m asl, slowly running stream" (1 ex. NMW); "Dep. Atlantique, Allada Avoute (village) 31.1. 2006 leg. Goergen et al/ 06°39'54,9"N ; 02°09'34,1"E , ca. 25 m asl, small ponds" (1 ex. NMW); "Dep. Zou, Zogbodome Lokoli (forest), Hlanzoun Riv. 6.2. 2006 Goergen et al. leg. / 07°03'N , 02°15'E muddy stream" (1 ex. NMW). - Nigeria: "Detritus pond 45 mi. from Jos on Bauchi rd. 9.4. 1963 JOC." (1 ex. AMGS); "Stream 3,5 mi. from Oyo 25.3. 1968" (3 exs. AMGS); "Stream 86 mi. from Makurdi on Jos rd. 25.4. 1963" (2 exs. AMGS); "Stream, Kaduna-Zaria, rd. 4.4. 1963 JOC." (1 ex. AMGS); "Zaria 1969 Brancucci" (1 ex. NHMB); "Trib. of R. Gagere en rte Zaria-Katsina 5.4. 1963 JOC." (1 ex. AMGS); "Little stream Oyo-Ibadan 25.3. 1963 JOC." (1 ex. AMGS); "Lagos Colony Iseri 26-27.3. 1949 Malkin / stream, deep slimy mud with sand over" (1 ex, BMNH); "Ondo Prov. h'way 15 mi W of Owo 29.1. 1949 Malkin / Muddy pool in forest, dead leaves" (1 ex. BMNH); "Ile-Ife 10.3. 1969 Medler" (1 ex. USNM); "New Calabar River nr Port Harcourt 13.1. 1989 Umeozor leg." (1 ex. USNM). - Cameroon: "Minkama 15.4. 1970" (1 ex. NHMB). - Central African Republic: "Bozo 21.5. 1981 / Degallier" (1 ex. NHMB); "Bozo lum. 11. 1981 / Degallier" (1 ex. NHMB). - Zaire: "Holotypus / Musee du Congo / K 300 de Kindu 9-V-1911 L. Burgeon / R DET' 1621 T / Laccophilus burgeoni Gschw. det. Gschwendt." (1 ex. MRAC; not type material, see. Laccophilus burgeoni ; habitus in Fig. 433); "PNA 13.7. 1957 Vanschuytbroeck/Secteur Nord Riv. Semliki 690 m" (1 ex. MRAC); "PNA 26.7. 1957 Vanschuytbroeck/Secteur Nord, marais pres riv. Semliki 690 m" (1 ex. MRAC, 1 ex. MZH); "PNA 14.7. 1957 Vanschuytbroeck/Secteur Nord, marais bordure Riv. Semliki 690 m" (1 ex. MRAC); "Katanga Kakyelo 1-9.11. 1931 G.F. de Witte / Laccophilus pallescens Regb . det. Wewalka 1979" (1 ex. OLML). - Kenya: "Lambwe Valley, on light 11.6. 1974 van Etten" (1 ex. RMNH); "S'Afri Kenya, Dian Beach 5. 1957 Krauss" (1 ex. BMNH); "Maji Ya Chumwi, Mombasa 28.12. 1969 Brown" (1 ex. BMNH); "Malindi 20 km Sud strada per Kilifi 16.7. 68 Pederzani" (1 ex. AMGS); "Kombeni Riv., Mazeras, Kilifi distr. 15.9. 1976 Holmen" (1 ex. ZMUC); "Manjewa R., Mariakani, Kilifi/Kwale distr. 16.9. 1976 Holmen" (1 ex. ZMUC);"Pond NE of Mariakani, Kilifi distr. 16.9. 1976 Holmen" (1 ex. ZMUC); "Dam at Kaloleni Mission, Kilifi distr. 15.9. 1976 Holmen" (3 exs. ZMUC, 1 ex. MZH); "Pond W of Kinango, Kwale distr. 19.9.1976 Holmen" (3 exs. ZMUC, 2 exs. MZH); "Maji ya Chumwi River, Kwale distr. 16.9.1976 Holmen" (2 exs. ZMUC); "Shambini, dam, Kwale distr. 18.9. 1976 Holmen leg."(1 ex. ZMUC); "Stream W of Kwale district 19.9. 1976 Holmen" (1 ex.ZMUC); "Shimba Hills 10.12. 1989 Jaech leg." (1 ex. NMW, 1 ex. MZH); "Voi 11. 1997 Snizek / Laccophilus pallescens Regb . det. Rocchi 2001" (2 exs. CSR); " Laccophilus flaveolus Baie de Kavirondo Lac Victoria Nyanza Alluaud IX-X. 1903" (1 ex. IRSNB; paralectotype of Laccophilus flaveolus Regimbart ). - Tanzania: "Tang. Terr. Ukerewe I. Father Conrad" (1 ex. BMNH, 1 ex. MZH); "SW Tanganyika: Mpanda (dans ruisseau) 6. 1960 Leleup" (1 ex. MRAC); "Zanzibar, stream Mangapwani rd. Sept. 1955 JOC." (2 exs. AMGS); "Stream Mangapwani rd. 13 Sept. 1955 JOC." (2 exs. AMGS); "Zanzibar Sept. 1955" (1 ex. AMGS); "Mtawalani, springs, Tanga district 23.9. 1976 Holmen" (1 ex. MZUC); "Streams S of Hehongo, Tanga distr. 22.9. 1976 Holmen leg." (1 ex. MNHN); "Goo, small stream, Korogwe distr. 24.9. 1976 M.H." (1 ex. MZH); "Morogoro Dec. 1909 Schoenheit" (1 ex. ZMHB); "Mahenge Scarp Forest S08.37.10,6,E36.42.46,3, 562 m, 24.4.2011 light trap Smith & Takano" (1 ex. BMNH). - Zambia: "Mountain stream crossing the road Kafue-Chirundu 9.8. 1986 Pederzani / Laccophilus pallescens Regb det. Rocchi 1988" (2 exs. CSR); "Livingstone env. 6.11. 2006 Z. Jindra leg." (1 ex. NMPC). - Malawi: "Balaka env. 19-20.7. 2001 J. Bezdek leg." (1 ex. NMPC, 1 ex. MZH); "Balaka env. 19.12. 2002, 180 km SE Lilongwe, Kantner" (1 ex. NHMB); "Mulanje Mts env. 22-28.12. 2001 Kantner" (1 ex. NHMB); "Dedza env. 16.7. 2001 J. Bezdek leg." (1 ex. NMPC); "Nyasaland Njakwa Distr. 18. Oct. 1948 JOC." (6 exs. AMGS); "River nr Portuguese border nr Mwanza 9.11. 1948" (1 ex. AMGS). - Zimbabwe: "Wankie Game Res. 4. Sept. 1948 JOC." (2 exs. AMGS); same data but "5. Sept. 1948" (3 exs. AMGS); "5 mi SE Wankie 7.4. 1968 Spangler" (3 exs. USNM, 2 exs. MZH); "Sinkukwe 30. Dec. 1948 JOC." (1 ex. AMGS); "Kariba env. 20.12. 1998 Kantner" (1 ex. NHMB, 1 ex. MZH). - South Africa: "Transvaal, Nerina Nat. Res. 23.19S- 29.47E / 21.12. 1974, from rock pool, leg. Breytenbach" (1 ex. TMSA); "Transvaal Nelspruit 17.5. 1955 C. Frank" (2 exs. AMGS); "Transvaal Kruger Park 1.7 . 1960" (1 ex. AMGS); "Kruger Nat. Pk, Letaba Riv. bel. dam 23.46S- 31.30E / 1.3. 1995, shorewashing, Endroedy-Younga leg." (2 exs. TMSA); "Kruger Nat. Pk, Kruger Gate-Skukuza c. 24.59S- 31.32E /20.2. 1995 air plancton, Endroedy-Younga leg." (1 ex. TMSA); "Kruger Nat. Pk, Skukuza Res. Camp 24.59S- 31.36E / 25.2.1995 UV light & trap Endroedy-Younga leg." (1 ex. TMSA); "Kruger Nat. Pk, Skukuza 12 km S, 25.04S- 31.37E / 6.3. 1996 UV light Endroedy-Younga leg." (3 exs. TMSA, 2 exs. MZH); "Kruger Nat. Pk, Pafuri Res. Camp 22.25S- 31.12E / 30.1. 1994 UV light & trap leg. Endroedy-Younga" (1 ex. TMSA); "Trsvl, KNP, small waterhole nr Police Picket 30.6. 1960" (1 ex. AMGS); "Zululd, Ndumu, Banzi, fresh wat. pan 26.53S- 32.16E / 16.2. 1989, shorewashing, Endroedy & Klimaszew" (1 ex. TMSA); "Natal, roadside puddles, ca 2 km S Mbazawana to Hluhluwe nr Sodwana 5.3. 1997 Turner" (5 exs. CCT, 1 ex. MZH); "Magudu 16.8. 1915 C.J.S."(1 ex. TMSA); "Tug 77.Q39 (= Station 19 at Mandini, Tugela River 25.7. 51)" (1 ex. AMGS). - Madagascar: "Pays Androy, Nord, Alluaud 1900" (1 ex. MNHN); "Ankarana 25.11. 2004, Lat 12.9261, Lon 49.0952 coll. Balke / DNA voucher BMNH <670683> MSL008:D05 / Laccophilus pallescens Regb . det. Bergsten" (1 ex, NHRS); "Toli, Morondava: Kirindy, Kirindy Forest, pond, N:-20,072; E: 44,671, 38 m Isambert et al. / DNA Voucher BMNH <830769> MSL 399: H6 / Laccophilus pallescens det. J. Bergsten" (1 ex. NHRS); Toli, Menarandra, Menarandra R. pool, N: -24,718, E: 45,047, 227 m, 18.5. 2006 Bergsten et al. / BMNH(E) <794201> <794202>, <794203>, DNA voucher / Laccophilus pallescens Regb . det. Bergsten" (3 exs., NHRS); Toli, Taolanaro, Ft Dauphin, Ft Dauphin: Pond N:-25,021, E 46.973 : 11 m, 6.5. 2007 Ranarilalalitiana et al. / DNA Voucher BMNH <830771> MSL 399: H8 / Laccophilus pallescens det. J. Bergsten" (1 ex. NHRS); Toli, Fort Dauphin, pond in Ft Dauphin P62, 6.4. 2007 N-25,02119 , E46,97319 , 11 m, Ranarilalatiana leg." (1 ex. NHRS); "Ankarana; Lat -12.9215, Lon 49.0866, coll. Balke / DNA Voucher BMNH <675013> MSL045:B12 / Laccophilus pallescens det. J. Bergsten" (1 ex. NHRS); "Toli, Menarandra Menarandra R 40 km from Ampanihy pools beside a river close to village, algae in pools and sandy bottom with some wood 18.5. 2006, N-24°43.104, E45°2.859, 227 m Bergsten et al." (2 exs. NHRS); "Toliara Menabe, Kirindy RS, S20.07655 , E044.67532 , 57 m.a.o., 12.12. 2009 water net, field, Bergsten et al." (5 exs. NHRS); same data, add "000000476 NHRS-JLKB" (1 ex. NHRS); same data but " S20.07476 , E044.67075 / 000000469 NHRS-JLKB" (1 ex. NHRS); same data but " S20.07641 , E044.67478 , 65 m.a.o., 11.12. 2009" (7 exs. NHRS); same data, add "000000472 NHRS-JLKB" (1 ex. NHRS); "Toliara Menabe, Menabe RS, S19.92773 , E045.52253 , 102 m.a.o., 10.12. 2009, water net, field, Bergsten et al." (1 ex. NHRS); "Mahajanga Melaky, betw. Antsalova-Maintirano, S18.30233 , E044.18071 , 37 m.a.o. 18.12. 2009, water net, field Bergsten et al." (11 exs. NHRS); same data, add: "000000477 NHRS-JLKB" (1 ex. NHRS); "Mahajanga Melaky, Tsingy de Bemaraha NP, S18.75595 , E044.71245 , 80 m.a.o., 17.12. 2009 water net, field Bergsten et al." (36 exs. NHRS); same data, add "000000473 NHRS-JLKB" (1 ex. NHRS); same but " 18.75724 E044.71239 , 72 m.a.o. 17.12. 2009" (13 exs. NHRS); same data, add "000000475 NHRS-JLKB" (1 ex. NHRS); " Mahajanga Melaky, btw. Morafenobe-Ambohijanahary S18.19091 , E045.19986 , 290 m.a.o. 19.12. 2009 water net, field Bergsten et al." (1 ex. NHRS); same data, add "000000474 NHRS-JLKB" (1 ex. NHRS); "Manakambahiny / Coll. R. Peschet" (1 ex. MNHN); "Antakotako II, 1936" (2 exs. MNHN); "Maroansetra 12. 1946 Vadon" (1 ex. MNHN; habitus in Fig. 432); "Andjamangirana (Majunga) 19.10. 2001 / Stream in dry forest, rice field area (road to Tsarantanana) 220 m a.s.l., 30.8°C, 0.008 mS/cm / Gerecke & Goldsmith leg." (1 ex. BMNH); "Matitanana Bas. Loc. Nato, Matitanana Riv. 47°49'32" E , 22°18'36"S , alt. 43 m, 19.6.1995 Andriamihaja" (1 ex. NHRS); "Manajary Bas., 1 km avant Kianjavato (Amont) Fotobohitra Riv. 47°51'38"E , 21°22'36"S , 3.12.1995 Pilaka" (1 ex. NHRS); "Tamatave (Toamasina) Park Ivoloina Pfuetze an Strasse im Wald 21.11. 2000 Dolin" (4 exs. NHRS). Specimen with unclear labelling. Swaziland: "Eranchi 5-10.1. 1955 A.L. Capener" (1 ex. AMGS). The specimen bears a second label "Swedish South Africa Expedition 1950-1951 Brinck-Rudebeck" which makes the origin obscure. Diagnosis. Laccophilus pallescens , being externally a somewhat variable species, is characterized by shape of penis; in lateral view, external outline of penis with two somewhat vague flexures/bends. Penis shape resembles Laccophilus turbatus but extreme apex much smaller. Description. Body length 3.4-3.8 mm, width 1.7-2.0 mm. Dorsal, colour pattern of body somewhat variable but similar ground plan of it, is exhibited in all studied specimens (Figs 432-433). Head: Pale ferrugineous; posteriorly often, with two minute, somewhat vague, dark spots. Almost impunctate except at eyes; with irregular, fine punctures. Areas with punctures expand towards middle but puncture-areas are not connected. Shiny to rather shiny although finely microsculptured. Reticulation double but small meshes in part reduced, and indistinct. When discernible, large meshes contain 4-8 fine meshes. Pronotum: Pale ferrugineous; no distinct colour pattern exhibited. Rather shiny, finely microsculptured. Reticulation double but fine meshes in large extent reduced or absent. Laterally, fine meshes discernible. Almost impunctate except laterally and frontally. Elytra: Pale ferrugineous, with dense, dark ferrugineous irrorations. At base and slightly posterior to middle irrorations sparser (paler, transverse areas formed). Base sometimes almost lacking dark colour pattern. Irrorations of elytra comparatively coarse (Figs 432-433). Rather shiny, although microsculptured; reticulation extensively double. Large meshes contain 3-6 fine meshes. Fine meshes in part reduced, indistinct. Discal, dorsolateral and lateral rows are formed by very fine, scattered punctures. Ventral aspect: Ferrugineous to pale ferrugineous, abdomen slightly paler; pale ferrugineous. Almost impunctate. Rather shiny and slightly mat, very finely microsculptured; reticulation in part reduced or absent. Abdomen with very fine curved striae. Metacoxal plates in anterior half with very fine, shallow furrows (furrows in part rather indistinct). Prosternal process rather slender, apex somewhat extended and pointed. Apical ventrite asymmetric, with single minute knob located laterally (Fig. 85). Legs : Pro- and mesotarsus somewhat enlarged, slightly extended; provided with distinct suckers. Male genitalia: Penis in lateral aspect, with external outline bended twice; extreme apex finely hooked with outline rounded (Fig. 276). Female: Apical ventrite not distinctly asymmetric; lacks lateral knob (Fig. 86). Pro- and mesotarsus slender. Distribution. Mali, Sudan, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Madagascar (Fig. 551). Guignot (1943) gives Burkina Faso and ( 1946c ) Uganda, Reintjes (2004) Guinea and Botswana and Wewalka (2004) Republic of Congo. Single record from Swaziland is considered unclear. Collecting circumstances. Quite scarcely documented. Sampled in brooklet and in stagnant remain of brooklet and in a rain pool (van Vondel 2005 ). Label data give that the species has been collected from a stream from hot springs in Sudan. Additionally labels tell that the species was collected from slowly running stream, from a stream in dry forest and from a rock pool. Also collected at light or with light traps. Some information on biology can also be gained from Omer-Cooper (1958b) . In Socotra Island, Yemen, the species was mostly collected in larger pools of drying up streams in wadis ( Hajek and Reiter 2014 ).