South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XXI: systematic revision of South American Pentilia Mulsant (Cryptognathini) Author Gordon, Robert D. Author F, Guillermo González Author Hanley, Guy A. text Insecta Mundi 2019 2019-09-27 729 729 1 27 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3675043 b1aa1869-9519-4d18-ba2c-25e6517ff390 1942-1354 3675043 B3C0E818-8A1B-482C-9C21-001722E93768 15. Pentilia lora Gordon and González , new species Description. Male holotype . Length 2.1 mm , width 1.9 mm ; dorsal surface shiny, head alutaceous. Color black; head yellow; pronotum yellow; elytron with small, basal yellow macula on humeral angle, diagonally extended from base posteriorly across humeral callus to lateral margin ( Fig. 77 ); venter yellow except meso-, metasternun black. Head punctures apparently absent, not seen in alutaceous sculpture; pronotal punctures small, separated by less than to twice a diameter; elytral punctures as large as on pronotum, separated by less than to 3 times a diameter, becoming larger, denser toward lateral margin; prosternum impunctate; mesosternum with large punctures separated by a diameter or less; metasternum with punctures as large as on mesosternum, separated by less than to twice a diameter in median 2/3, punctures becoming sparse, nearly absent in lateral 1/3; abdominal ventrites 1, 2 impunctate medially; ventrites 3, 4 finely, densely punctured medially; ventrite 5 finely, densely punctured. Head with frons weakly tapered from wide base to antennal insertion, clypeal apex widely emarginate, lateral angle curved ( Fig. 78 ); eye canthus long, about 3/4 width of eye. Prosternum with lateral carina on each side straight, extended from apex of intercoxal process 1/2 distance to apex of prosternum. Epipleuron strongly descending externally. Postcoxal line on basal abdominal ventrite curved, extended to rear margin of ventrite. Genitalia with basal lobe slightly longer than paramere, sides parallel from base nearly to apex, apex diagonally narrowed to narrowly emarginate apex; paramere slender, slightly curved, apex rounded ( Fig.79, 80 ); penis with basal portion lost, apex, apical portion extremely slender ( Fig. 81 ). Female. Similar to male except head black with yellowish brown clypeal apex, pronotum completely black; spermathecal capsule unusual, ramus large, spoon shaped, dark brown, cornu wide basally, narrowed toward apex, apex lost ( Fig. 82 ). Variation. Length 1.9 to 2.2 mm , width 1.8 to 1.9 mm , size of male elytral macula varies slightly from not enclosing humeral callus to completely enclosing it. Type material. Holotype male; Paramaribo, C. Guiana , Sep. 3, ‘37, K A Bartlett, PR 1949, 37-23363. ( USNM ) . Paratypes 24, same data as for holotype . ( USNM ). Remarks. Males of P . lora are identified by the yellow humeral macula, but females can be recognized only by the extremely unusual spermathecal capsule.