A revision of Benedenia Diesing, 1858 including a redescription of B. sciaenae (van Beneden, 1856) Odhner, 1905 and recognition of Menziesia Gibson, 1976 (Monogenea: Capsalidae)
Whittington, I. D.
Deveney, M. R.
Wyborn, S. J.
Journal of Natural History
journal article
Menziesia ovalis
Yamaguti, 1968
) Gibson, 1976
(®gures 38, 39)
Pseudobenedenia ovalis
Yamaguti, 1968
Parabenedenia ovalis
Yamaguti, 1968
) Gibson, 1976
Benedenia ovalis
Yamaguti, 1968
Egorova, 1997
Material studied
. USNPC: 36947 (SY No. 93) (
) (1 slide,
1 specimen
Etelis marshi
E. carbunculus
in Cuvier and Valenciennes, see
Allen, 1985
. This reappraisal of
M. ovalis
is limited because of the poor quality of the type material.
Menziesia ovalis
is a small benedeniine (®gure 3C) at 2.5 mm long. The penis is typically long although less curved close to the accessory gland reservoir (®gures 38A, 39) than in
M. noblei
M. merinthe
. Yamaguti reported that the duct of the accessory gland and the vas deferens unite near the tip of the penis and we con®rm this feature. The accessory gland reservoir lies dorsal to the proximal end of the penis inside the penis canal (®gures 38A, 39). The vagina is long with muscular walls (®gures 38A, 39) and sperm occur in the proximal end of the wide lumen. The vaginal pore is just posterior to the common genital pore and both pores are located marginally and dorsal near the posterior margin of the left anterior attachment organ (®gures 38A, 39). The vitelline reservoir is large and oOEset to the left side of the worm (®gures 38A, 39). We observed an internal fertilization chamber in the germarium. The ®ne duct joining the vitelline reservoir and the oviduct which Yamaguti depicted in his ®gure 7a appears to be a strand of connective tissue and not a duct as suggested in his drawing. The testes are large and widely spaced (®gures 38A, 39). The haptor is longer than wide. The accessory sclerites have an arrowhead-shape d inātion at their distal third, a bi®d proximal end (®gure 38A, B) and protrude through raised tissue on the haptor surface. The anterior hamuli are long, ®ne and have wavy proximal ends (®gure 38A, C). The posterior hamuli are ®ne with wavy proximal ends (®gure 38A, D). The anterior hamuli overlap a third of the proximal ends of the accessory sclerites; the anterior hamuli overlap the proximal two-thirds of the posterior hamuli (®gure 38A). The marginal valve is scalloped and well-preserved in Yamaguti’s
, but we could not determine the relationship between the lobes of the marginal valve and the hooklets. Each lobe, however, is of fairly uniform width, as depicted by Yamagut i (1968).
FIG. 38.
Menziesia ovalis
drawn from holotype USNPC: 36947: (A) Whole animal, ventral view. In holotype, haptor is rotated through 180ss with respect to body. For clarity, we show the haptor in its`usual’ orientation. Dashed lines of marginal valve indicate that we are unsure of arrangement of lobes of marginal valve in area obscured by body in holotype. Hooklets not shown because their relationship with lobes of marginal valve could not be determined. Scale bar 5 600 Mm. (B) Accessory sclerite; (C) anterior hamulus; (D) posterior hamulus. Scale bar 5 100 Mm. gl, gland cells anterior to pharynx.
FIG. 39. Reproductive organs of
Menziesia ovalis
drawn from holotype USNPC: 36947 showing details of penis (pe), penis canal (pc) and associated structures including accessory gland reservoir (agr), duct from accessory gland reservoir (da) and vas deferens (vd). Scale bar 5 300 Mm. cgp, common genital pore; v, vagina; vp, vaginal pore.
Type-host and locality
Etelis marshi
Etelis carbunculus
) (
Published record and description
Yamaguti (1968)
Published host records
Etelis carbunculus
E. marshi
(now synonymous with
Etelis carbunculus
Priacanthus boops
Cookeolus boops
. Body surface.
Menziesia ovalis
can be diOEerentiated from congeners by a combination of features: arrowhead-shape d distal ends of the accessory sclerites;`wavy’ proximal tips of the ®ne anterior and posterior hamuli; widely spaced testes; and position of the common genital and vaginal pores, which are located much more anteriorly than in all other
Menziesia ovalis
was recorded from the same host as
Benedenia elongata
, namely
Cookeolus boops
. Yamaguti used hosts collected from ®sh markets and further study is required to determine whether or not the host records for
B. elongata
M. ovalis
represent the true host range of these parasite species or whether specimens may have`changed hosts’ in the ®sh market.