The Brushed Jumping Spiders (Araneae, Salticidae, Jotus L. Koch, 1881) from Eastern Australia Author Baehr, Barbara C. Author Schubert, Joseph Author Harms, Danilo text Evolutionary Systematics 2019 3 1 53 73 journal article 2535-0730-1-53 FE3AE7FE800941BCAFC9F7D7F77A14EF Jotus minutus L. Koch, 1881 Figs 9 A-E , 12F, 13C, 14 Minute Brushed Jumping Spider Jotus minutus L. Koch, 1881a: pp. 1257-1258, pl. 108, figs 1-1b. Material examined. Holotype male: AUSTRALIA: Queensland: Peak Downs station [ca. 23°07'S , 148°01'E ] (ZMH-A0001636, GODEFFROY Nr. 8629), coll. A. Dietrich. Other material examined. Only known from type specimen. Diagnosis. Males of Jotus minutus differ from congeners by the embolic disc broad at base and nearly circular, prolaterally straight and without incisions; embolus tip broad and straight; and embolus accompanied by a finger-shaped conductor (Fig. 12F arrow). Description. Male (Holotype ZMH-A0001636). Total length 3.7. Prosoma. Length 2.0, width 1.4; carapace lateral margin with white setae (Fig. 9A); sternum length 0.8, width 0.6, pale (Fig. 9B). Eyes (Fig. 9A). Diameter of AME: 0.38; ALE: 0.28; PME: 0.21; PLE: 0.07. Front eyes with fringe of white setae. Eye rows (Fig. 9A). Anterior 1.33 wide, posterior 1.07 wide. Clypeus. Length 0.16. Chelicerae. Pale brown, paturon with 0 prolateral and 1 retrolateral tooth. Labium. Pale, with lighter anterior rim (Fig. 9B) Endites. Pale, with lighter anterior rim (Fig. 9B). Legs. Leg I patella, tibia and metatarsus darker brown, with long dark setae ventrally (Fig. 13C). Leg II-IV pale, tarsi white. Opisthosoma. Length 1.7, width 1.0; with dark median band and lateral bands with white setae (Fig. 9A). Venter and spinnerets pale (Fig. 9B). Pedipalps (Fig. 9 C-E , 12F). Pedipalpal tibia as long as broad with finger-shaped slightly bent retrolateral tibial apophysis; cymbium oval, covered with long setae, tip stout with distal scopula. Embolic disc broad at base, nearly circular with nearly no indention prolaterally, embolus straight tubiform, accompanied by finger-shaped conductor (Fig. 9 D-E , 12F arrow). Female unknown. Distribution. Only known from the type locality (Fig. 14). Remarks. Note that the type locality does not relate to the current mine site of Peak Downs but rather Peak Downs station which was sold in 1948 by the original owners to the Queensland-British Food Corporation and subdivided into smaller farming blocks by the Queensland Government thereafter. A brief history of the station can be found online ( Also note the lapsus in Baehr et al. (2017). Only one specimen is present at ZMH but Koch mentions a second much larger male that Eduard Daemel collected "in grass". This specimen is most likely from near Sydney and is currently lost. We treat the single specimen from Peak Downs as the holotype. Figure 9. Jotus minutus L. Koch, 1881 (holotype male, ZMH-A0001636): A habitus, dorsal view; B habitus, ventral view; C male palp, prolateral view; D same, ventral view; E same, retrolateral view. Scale bars: habitus, leg 1.0 mm, palp 0.1 mm.