Taxonomic study of the genus Tenupalpa Lee et Li, 2021 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae Thiotrichinae) from China, with descriptions of fifteen new species Author Lee, Ga-Eun 0000-0002-5774-5850 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China & The Research Institute for Sciences, Jeju National University, Jeju 63243, Korea & gaeunlee 486 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5774 - 5850 Author Li, Houhun College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China text Zootaxa 2022 2022-01-05 5087 1 75 111 journal article 2765 10.11646/zootaxa.5087.1.4 c5ac2c46-ae52-4f48-8bc1-61f73b4d06f2 1175-5326 5819794 B4061200-FCA1-43A5-811C-0C558043BA46 Tenupalpa angulosa Lee et Li , sp. nov. ( Figs 18 , 32 , 52 , 71 ) 5484D760-FFEF-4F2B-8553-74848EB2B31D Type material. Holotype , CHINA , Hong Kong , Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre ( 22.44°N , 114.13°E ), 210 m , 13.iv.2007 , leg. Houhun Li et al ., genitalia slide no. LGE17270 . Paratypes . Hong Kong : 4 ♂♂ , same data as holotype except 210–455 m , 11–19.iv.2007 , genitalia slide no. LGE18026 . Hainan Province : 1 ♂ , Hongkan ( 19.08°N , 109.50°E ), 540 m , Yinggeling , 15.iii.2016 , leg. Qingyun Wang , Suran Li and Shengnan Zhao , genitalia slide no. LGE 17284m . Diagnosis. The species can be recognized by the faint fuscous median fascia and fine longitudinal lines on the forewing. The apex and tornal area are dark fuscous, but not forming definite shape as a spot. The male genitalia are characterized by a strongly angled base of the valva and the junction between valva and juxta. Description. Adult ( Fig. 52 ). Head : Silvery white. Labial palpus yellowish white; palpomere III as long as II, tinged with dark grey. Antenna with scape silvery white to yellowish white; flagellum fuscous except basal half of dorsal surface mixed with yellowish white, male cilia as long as diameter. Thorax : Dorsum and tegula silvery white to yellowish white. Wingspan 7.5–8.5 mm; forewing ground color creamy white, yellower in distal half; anterior edge of costa black in basal 1/3; near base with a small, fuscous inverted triangular patch extended from costa to fold; a somewhat indistinct fuscous fascia at middle, interrupted by fold; two fuscous lines arising from outer margin of former fascia: upper line running toward apex along anterior 1/3 of wing, lower line running along fold and divided into three branches in distal 2/5 of wing, first two branches reaching dorsum, the other branch running toward costa and meeting former line before apex; from apex to near tornus dark fuscous; fringe scale grey. Hindwing and fringe scale grey. Legs silvery white to creamy white; mid-tibia with a black spot at distal 1/3; hind tibia black at middle and apex on outer surface. Abdomen ( Fig. 18 ): Male coremata nearly as long as sternum VIII; sternum VIII sub-triangular or sub-pentagonal. Male genitalia ( Fig. 71 ) with uncus small, pentagonal, with a medial ridge. Gnathos hook moderately long, blunt at apex. Tegumen approximately 6 times as long as uncus, medially with a bundle of lageniform tubercles: each tubercle with a single seta ( Fig. 32 ). Valva slender, with base strongly curved inward, gradually broadening from middle to apex, rounded at apex. Anellus lobe obovoid, 1/8 length of valva, sparsely setose; apical bristle longer than anellus lobe, curved inward. Joint between valva and juxta strongly angled. Juxta broad, with inner margin setose medially. Vinculum slender and simple. Saccus widely triangular, sinuate bilaterally, rounded at apex. Aedeagus with basal 1/2 globular, distal 1/2 slightly curved downward; a slender projection arising from middle of aedeagus interiorly, slightly exceeding apex. Female unknown. Distribution . China ( Hainan , Hong Kong ). Etymology . The species name is derived from the Latin angulosus (strongly angled), referring to the angled junction between the valva and the juxta.